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Heh, you mean between their 3 albums ?


I only have 2 : GEOGADDI and MUSIC HAS THE RIGHT FOR CHILDREN...both highly recommended...;)


All of them are great i haven't heard the new one, but i would recomend:


A beautiful place in the country (either the ep or the full thing) - is my favourite


Geodaddi - definatelly great


Music has the right to children -has a number of highlights...


Twoism -has a few good songs personally


pretty much everything you go with is quality stuff and thats great thing about them :)


The new one is also great.More relaxed,really beautiful :)


Oh they also have a lot of unreleased tracks,i found them from torrent search,awesome stuff!Tracks like Forest Moon,Mansel and more.....find them!


http://www.discogs.com/release/541614 I found this baby at a pretty cheap price, so I would like to hear peoples opinion about it..


More of the same. It's a big disappointment really, they haven't developed their sound at all. Boards of Canada are the Astral Projection of IDM. Get Music Has The Right To Children and Geogaddi.


More of the same. It's a big disappointment really, they haven't developed their sound at all. Boards of Canada are the Astral Projection of IDM. Get Music Has The Right To Children and Geogaddi.


Are you telling me you can't tell the difference from Astral Projection now and 7 years ago?? :blink::blink::blink::blink:


More of the same. It's a big disappointment really, they haven't developed their sound at all. Boards of Canada are the Astral Projection of IDM. Get Music Has The Right To Children and Geogaddi.


The Campfire Headphase is a big disappointment??.....Are you sure you listened to it?

Oh and BTW,they DID change their style and sound,its much much much different that Children.....

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