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  Nightmare Trancer said:

I would throw rotten eggs and tomatoes if someone would play Tiesto at a psy party!


Haha, well I have played with the thought. It would be cool to hear it. :D

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  reger said:

no, im against playing non psy stuff at parties, theire not weird and psychedelic and trippy enough, no story imo, its like playing britney spears in korn concert as a warp-up :)!


this is why many psy parties are very boring...because they only play that typical psy sound. it's supposed to be about finding the weird trippy sounds from all different places and melding them together.

  tekk said:

I never underestimate, but I am talking out of experience. Many times I have played Underworld, Eye-Q records, Harthouse Records etc etc, and everyone always asks me "When did this come out?", "Is this the new Dragonfly?" "Awsome promos you have!"


Im not saying that people on the dancefloor or here are narrow minded, Im mearly saying that people in general get stuck on Genres...


a lot of those eye-q / harthouse tracks have some great releases and were always apart of that psy/trance sound but i guess today most people will mistake labels like for releasing only club trance...shame on their ignorance.


some of the trippiest stuff like Black Labs on Trope i love and beats the shit out of a lot of so called Psy trance...same goes for stuff on Nova Zembla


  AdzOm said:

this is why many psy parties are very boring...because they only play that typical psy sound. it's supposed to be about finding the weird trippy sounds from all different places and melding them together.


well, it used to be trippy, u know ;)! the psytrance...

its boring only when there is crappy music played, if u personally feel bored at psy party then why cant u then go to another one :)?! so simple, my opinion is this - i wouldnt feel too good if i would hear some non psy stuff <_< ...

  reger said:

well, it used to be trippy, u know ;)! the psytrance...

its boring only when there is crappy music played, if u personally feel bored at psy party then why cant u then go to another one :)?! so simple, my opinion is this - i wouldnt feel  too good if i would hear some non psy stuff  <_< ...


what i am saying my friend..and yes it used to be more trippy...is that there is no problem to hear a track from another genre like acid, techno etc...because there can be and have been many trippy psy tracks from other genres that dont have that specific psy/goa sound and once upon a time those tracks would have been accepted at a 'psy' party but maybe these days people only want that 'psy' sound and things get boring.


dont worry im not agreeing with all these commercial tracks they should not be played at all!:) and yes if i like some other music that isnt played at a psy party i will go to that party but usually i spend all my money on music and none left for all the parties haha... :P



  AdzOm said:

what i am saying my friend..and yes it used to be more trippy...is that there is no problem to hear a track from another genre like acid, techno etc...because there can be and have been many trippy psy tracks from other genres that dont have that specific psy/goa sound and once upon a time those tracks would have been accepted at a 'psy' party but maybe these days people only want that 'psy' sound and things get boring.


dont worry im not agreeing with all these commercial tracks they should not be played at all!:) and yes if i like some other music that isnt played at a psy party i will go to that party but usually i spend all my money on music and none left for all the parties haha... :P




yes i get your point and agree :)

about non psy - well, yes, just because track dont have a typicall sound of goa/psy doesnt mean that it cant be played, its just that it has to fit that party set 1000%! and as for some bit commercial music-it might be so so just for fun but no way for tripping :).

agree or disagree with commercial tracks its up to, and up to me, everyone for themselves, as long as u are not a dj making tracklist for some event :P!

  seraph said:

Fluke - Absurd


Underworld - Rez


Prodigy - Narayan


Chemical Brothers - Elektrobank


FSOL - We Have Explosive


Fluke - Atom Bomb


Prodigy - Breathe


Narayan rocks!



I think all Plastikman would work just fine. Also some good microhouse/techno tracks here and there would be cool...


what should be played?


hmmm.. most of what I would say would be in the border community (penton, subsky, chable, absolut, beckers etc)


but, some that are obviously not normal psy trance and that I would play (and who knows, maybe even WILL play in the gathering if I learn to play good till then: )


martin h - sounds reviving

martin h - leia

chable and the dirty fours - tokyo (nubreed rmx)

inkfish vs martin h - eye am (david west rmx)

don ramon - freak frogs

some tiefschwarz tracks

some martinez tracks






  GaySatanicHippie said:

Well, I have been thinking about this subject matter a lot lately, and the conclusion I reached is that i would like a psytrance party without any music from the regular psygenre.


Weird you think? Hers my reasoning:


First, of all, i was attracted to this scene because of 1. the music  , and 2. the parties ( that means atmosphere, people, decoration, the "everything can go attitude", the low egos etc...).


Whats happening today:


1: 98% percent of the music released into the psyscene is shit. It is not psychedlic at all, its ravemusic with rolling basslines and digital farting sounds. Its not trance and its not psychedelic, therefore the term "psytrance" is blasphemy, IMHO. Trance in its original sense is hypnotic and not fast at all. Psychedelic means mindexpanding, ethereal and trippy. The current "Psytrance" is as far from that as you can go. Its fast, abrasive, cheesy and  straight hit to the face, theres nothing, absolutely nothing, trippy or minexpanding about it.

However, theres tons of music around that is trancy and psychedelic, it just doesnt come from this scene (with a few exceptions, of course). Just as an example, Dominik Eulbergs recent album "Flora&Fauna" released on the Techno label Traum Schallplatten, or most of the "Border Community" label output, ot the stuff from trentemoller, martinez, the pokerflat label etc.....


2: The Psy parties as such, excluding the music, here in germany are awesome, especially the summer festivals. I like the vibe, the people, the surroundings etc..., the parties are a lot better than techno or house parties

Logical Conclusion: Only real psychedelic trance, mostly stuff  that is from outside this scene, should be played at the parties, the rest of the party can stay as it is.


very well said


Daft punk - Aerodynamic (love those "mushroom-underwater-sounds" (:blink:) in the middle)


There is a remix to Out of space, made by DJ Deekline, and Tim Healey played it in a party here. It was awesome. Great stuff


Oh shit, and I can remember now, going to a party in Hamburg LOADS of years ago, and they played:


Plastikman - Krakpot!!!!


Deffinetly very psychedelic, but classed as Techno.... that acid liner there, is one of the most evil and beutyful ones I have ever heard! :)


Hawtin sure knows how to make a good sound with a 303 and a 101 :)


I went to a festy in CapeTown, in 2001 some time, and they played Hyperlogic - Only Me (Stimulant Dj's rmx) and although its hard trance (like club trance), i think this version was slightly different (slower at least) but it sounded insane on that huge fukkin' sound rig. and somehow it just fit into the set well as well.

  Ov3rdos3 said:

I went to a festy in CapeTown, in 2001 some time, and they played Hyperlogic - Only Me (Stimulant Dj's rmx) and although its hard trance (like club trance), i think this version was slightly different (slower at least) but it sounded insane on that huge fukkin' sound rig. and somehow it just fit into the set well as well.


Yeah, there is one track of Yves Dereuyter (I dont know how to spell his name!). That is very trippy as well, I heard that on a outdoor party, and it totally blew me away :) I had it on a Bonzai compo before, and it wassnt very special when listening at home, but it sure works on a big soundsystem :)

oh yeah, and a very nice track to play in a psy party, considering you can make good transitions from trance to electro, would be


Prodigy - Girls

  tekk said:

Plastikman - Krakpot!!!!



Oh yes, that is perfect track ! Those acid lines could be brilliantly arranged with any trance song...;)


FSOL - Lifeforms is 133 bpm, plenty fast enough for a dancefloor.

Rabbit in the moon - out of body experience

banco de gaia.



Needs More Orb in the chillout.


Starting a set with


2001: A Space Odyssey - Also Sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spake Zarathustra)


(Main Theme)





the jefferson airplane - white rabbit

the pink floyd - any one from animals

jean michel jarre - anything from zoolook


those would be awesome to start a set with...

also... maybe some tribal didjeridoo and/or drums would be pretty cool... that would be out of this world....

anyways, catch you later ;)

  SeaWasp said:

the jefferson airplane - white rabbit

the pink floyd - any one from animals

jean michel jarre - anything from zoolook


those would be awesome to start a set with...

also... maybe some tribal didjeridoo and/or drums would be pretty cool... that would be out of this world....

anyways, catch you later ;)


I once started a a morning set at an indoor party with "Man with the Harmonica" by Ennio Morricone, and the next song was "Brother Louie" by Modern Talking, and then I went into the usual stuff.. needless to say i was xtreremely drunk at that point, but so were the listeners, and so they all wnt crazy and liked it..


Hehe, especially the Modern Talking song will have freaked the audience out. Too bad I haven't been there!!!


Hehe, I like Cherry Cherry Lady better, but I guess it doesn't make much of a difference... ;)

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