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Sandman: Witchcraft re-release

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Is the bonus track on the re-release of Sandman's Witchcraft album any good? Is it worth buying despite owning the original album, yay or nay?


i got it cause i don't have the original and it was a nice adition... the bonus is strange piece of breakbeat, techno kind of a thing with some nice 303-ing...very experimental. Not sure if it's worth buying the whole cd cause of it though. but it it is kind of interesting... point being if your original copy is in shady condition, might as well get it... otherwsie why not spend your money on something completly new instead...


my grain of salt on the matter ;)


From the 4 min sample the bonus tune sounds very good, good enough to warrant a purchase I feel.


What was the other Avatar re-release?


It's Sandman's first album, so it's of course worth getting, especially if there is new, twisted track included...:D


From the 4 min sample the bonus tune sounds very good, good enough to warrant a purchase I feel.


What was the other Avatar re-release?


[/quote think it might be prana " geomankik"?

What was the other Avatar re-release?

http://www.avatar-music.com/releases.htm <- all the releases labeled "ProFile" are the re-releases of long deleted albums. In most cases they're re-mastered too, so it's hard to say what Basilisk had in mind. Anyway, the Avatar guys did a really good job with this series!


This ALBUM is just evil... evil in a good way, :) ..and more spiritual and meaningful than many of us probably think or care to know.


DARK MELODIES??? lol.. It's great! It's just such a cool, under-rated, interesting, melodic (in an adult way) imaginative and overall catchy album!


This one IS unique. This one IS different. This one IS certainly not for everyone, as nothing is, but this one REALLY is unique I say again.


I think this is definitely worth owning, especially now if you didn't get it before... and you like dark GOATRANCE!!! Why does saidosounds say psytrance? :huh: Oh, and the bonus track Faith sounds pretty cool for it being made back then and all.. I don't think it's anything great or worth buying the album again for if you don't already own it. unless you're just THAT hardcore enough.


Actually, I was very impressed back then, and of course this was before I heard some TOP stuff later on which made me become more selective, my standards increased, etc.. The review right below was written YEARS ago in the old reviews section. Keep in mind this was quite some time ago. If I had to rate this album now, having heard almost every album ever in this genra considered good / great / excellent / groundbreaking, amazing, etc... I'd probably give it a B+ or a 9/10 at the very least.. Also keep in mind I was much of many things back then, such as mature.. as you can see I was pretty "vocal" about my opinion. It's kinda funny sometimes lookiing back on how you used to act, write, behave, etc.. I was clearly, well, younger. I'll put it nicely. :)


jon cocco, long time ago review

At first I just didn't "get" it. After listening to this cd "LOUD" and w/ headphones, I have to admitt that this is one of "THE" most EVIL-WICKED-INSAINE-POWERFUL, and AWESOME GOA cds EVER! However, I find it 100% pure BULLSHIT that Izik Levy sold out to some cheapass,dance crap, "Green House Effect." What the hell is up with that?! Can someone PLEASE WAKE THE FUCK UP, (thats you, Izik) because it's never too late to bring back SANDMAN! People absolutly loved your music, so WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU BRING BACK WHAT MAKES PEOPLE SAY "holy shit, thats incredible!) BRING BACK SANDMAN!!! I didn't spend my time writing this to jerk off- I want a reply as to what the hell happened to one of the greatest creaters ever known to Goa, with Sandman. Was it the money? Why would you produce dance trance- what the hell ever music??? Just because your newer stuff can be played in more clubs, unlike your other stuff, doesn't MEAN IT'S RIGHT! So many people are losing respect for you. .......Anyway= 9.8/10 for this CD. I hope you get this message, and more importantly, THE POINT OF THIS MESSAGE, because SANDMAN-WITCHCRAFT was InnnnnnCREDIBLE!



Oops, I spent "insane" wrong. Oh and many other words too. Wow, am I embarrassing myself by posting this? lol.. I don't even consider that a review. It's just terrible, haha! ;)


P.S: That's VERY cool that they re-released this cult-classic. Hopefully many of those people haven't completely given up now that it's available.. and are getting it while it's currently available! Slowly, in pieces, from all over the world. :)


the remastering sounds good, but this is one of the albums I found imo that didn't need to be remasterd...


it already sounded crystalclear back in the days...


crystal clear? haha even with the remaster it doesn't sound crystal clear, but just the way it SHOULD! ...


crystal clear? haha even with the remaster it doesn't sound crystal clear, but just the way it SHOULD! ...


well... maybe visit my place, drink a beer and put on my B&W speakers...


you'll notice ;)


Rain if you have it on mp3 it will not sound clear on your B&W as well.


320 bit my friend :D , crystal clear B)

btw,heard a new sandman track which quite reminds his good old days @ Matsuri amd witchcraft.His latest release on TIP "Taster's choice" wasnt good imo but this new track called NIGHT TRIPPER is a little dose of madness,i think ya'll will dig.


but this new track called NIGHT TRIPPER is a little dose of madness,i think ya'll will dig.


Nice.. is there sample somewhere? I couldn't find at Saiko or Psyshop.


Did he give you any idea how far off until it's out? Damn good to hear of some quality re-releases like this. I actually cracked open this album just the other night and was definitely digging it. Great album although some of the samples suck.

Guest The Journey Man Project

An absolute stunner of an album, a tyle I can only define as a kind of cyber punk sound, definite computer game feel, which I read was a major influence somewhere... love allthe samples, they take a while to get into, but when you 100% click with this album, they are really good... must say nothing compares to "Natural Born Killer" as his best track imo... love the pacman samples in it B)


hey ace-sashy its a killer tune ehy :) glad you liked it man


mr"Jon Cocco long time passed ehy

im happy 2 c your still faking with your head with psysounds


so here's some great news

theres new SandmaN sounds ready for you on the next TIP compilation

"Future Sound Masters"

not 1 but 2 unreleased floor killas


check ze TIP site


see ya soon


so  here's some great  news 

theres new SandmaN sounds ready for you on the next TIP compilation

"Future Sound Masters" 

not 1 but 2 unreleased  floor killas


check ze TIP site



I'm quite looking forward to this, should be good.

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