Guest Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 Hi people, let me ask u sometin."if u got an idea , knowledge or a realization(about music makin or anything) wat will u do?" would u like to keep it as a secret or share with ur buddies. I hav an idea; how it will be if we post it under one will be easy 4 every one to prefer n u can post it even if no one have asked 4 that. so my request is- feel free n open ur mids n post ur brains here Quote
Shaft Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 Don't buy an Apple G5 with 16GB of RAM. There are better things to blow £8K on. Instead, buy one with 1 or 2 gigs. Quote
Guest Posted November 4, 2005 Posted November 4, 2005 Why Reincarnation occures? our body is made up of panjaboothas(5 elaments).Agni=fire,Vayu=air,Jal=water,Prudvi=soil,Loha=Metals. What ever it is, its just a part of this earth . it will merge back to the earth again after ur death.its just a physical body.then wat about ur thoughts, ur mind ,ur feelings where all this things goes .thay are made up of wat. will it just disappear when u die.Thats why we hav the idea of soul. "for every action there will be an equal n opposit reaction" this law is applicable to all the physical bodies. then what about our thoughts are they indipendand from this law?. Soul is the cosmic body.then i would like to say; "for every cosmic action there will be an equal n opposit cosmic reaction" Now i will explain why reincarnation occures. consider a swingin pendulam .it will swing left n right until all the energy becomes nutral.consider the left as negative n right as positive now consider humanbeing . in our life we do lots of negative n positive things.what ever u do ,it will be stored as positive n negative enargy in ur soul. in ur life time u r actually trying to make that enargy nutral.(This nutral State of ur soul is called MOKSHA . When u accur this state u will become free from the birth cycles ,u will be escaped from this world) . but its not normally possible in one life. eg: if u hav done only negative things in one life u has to take bearth again to do lots of positive things inorder to make ur soul nutral. If u want to achive moksha all u hav to do is follow the steps of saints of india.the reason of y thay r saint is that their aim of life is MOKSHA (All this writings r my conclusions .Beliving or not is depend on u.but u do think about it.if u can say mor than that.lets post way currently i cant think beyond this) Quote
Qualium Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 Kalki said: Why Reincarnation occures? our body is made up of panjaboothas(5 elaments).Agni=fire,Vayu=air,Jal=water,Prudvi=soil,Loha=Metals. What ever it is, its just a part of this earth . it will merge back to the earth again after ur death.its just a physical body.then wat about ur thoughts, ur mind ,ur feelings where all this things goes .thay are made up of wat. will it just disappear when u die.Thats why we hav the idea of soul. "for every action there will be an equal n opposit reaction" this law is applicable to all the physical bodies. then what about our thoughts are they indipendand from this law?. Soul is the cosmic body.then i would like to say; "for every cosmic action there will be an equal n opposit cosmic reaction" Now i will explain why reincarnation occures. consider a swingin pendulam .it will swing left n right until all the energy becomes nutral.consider the left as negative n right as positive now consider humanbeing . in our life we do lots of negative n positive things.what ever u do ,it will be stored as positive n negative enargy in ur soul. in ur life time u r actually trying to make that enargy nutral.(This nutral State of ur soul is called MOKSHA . When u accur this state u will become free from the birth cycles ,u will be escaped from this world) . but its not normally possible in one life. eg: if u hav done only negative things in one life u has to take bearth again to do lots of positive things inorder to make ur soul nutral. If u want to achive moksha all u hav to do is follow the steps of saints of india.the reason of y thay r saint is that their aim of life is MOKSHA (All this writings r my conclusions .Beliving or not is depend on u.but u do think about it.if u can say mor than that.lets post way currently i cant think beyond this) 373474[/snapback] Pay no heed to these simple peasants ( ), Kalki - mysticize away to your heart's content. I can see how it relates to the topic in question, even as it flies over their heads. Quote
Guest Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 Qualium said: Pay no heed to these simple peasants ( ), Kalki - mysticize away to your heart's content. I can see how it relates to the topic in question, even as it flies over their heads. 374730[/snapback] hay let it be there dude. it wont hert u anyway. i agree that its music makin forum. and in my view my music (psyTrance) is an another side of spiritualism. i thought u guys have the sense to understand that. and i have mentioned there "idea about music makin or anything". why i decided to post this thread here rather than in general forum is to give impotance to music makin ideas rather than any other subject.but u guys messed up this thread Quote
Ov3rdos3 Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 Dont ever sneeze while taking a piss. You will piss everywhere. Quote
Guest Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 eliminating overload problem in flstudio using automation? its a common problem for the bigginners .once u start makin a track everythin will be cool n fine . sounds looks good after addin lots of FX.but when u reach the middile of the track ur flstudio starts want to omit some fx. this problem can be effectively controlled by mutin some effects using automation. ie. keep the automation on. when ur track starts keep ON only the effect u wanted for the intro. when the intro is over mute the unwanted effects. do the same as the track progress gol Quote
slyman604 Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 well as the great musician, 20th century classical composer Frank Zappa once put it... dont eat yellow snow Quote
Shaft Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 Kalki said: eliminating overload problem in flstudio? 376465[/snapback] Bounce some parts to WAV files then reimport. Quote
Guest Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 sobredoseado said: Dont ever sneeze while taking a piss. You will piss everywhere. 376443[/snapback] thank u 4 postin ur realization. but it is easy to hold pissing but not the sneezing Quote
Guest Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 Program your own Kicks - Use the root note of your track - try Odo's RythmsBD at KVR Dont bother when your tired, your ears and creative brain suck then unless you are purposefully exhausting yourself for lucid inspiration Try not to be to critical - self criticsm is worthless, rather ask the opinion of someone you trust No software program is better than the other - the differences between Logic & Cubase are on a level that shouldn't concern or hamper you as a musician. You haven't even touched the surface of what your sequencer can do. bells and whistles can really fuck you around most times. i hate synths with huge GUI's 10 000 knobs etc. Quote
mikelogic303 Posted November 15, 2005 Posted November 15, 2005 Here´s an idea: While programming bass lines, use the velocity of the midi notes to add movement to your sound. Beats the hell out of trying to find melodic progressions for bass lines! Simply route the velocity to the cutoff in your sequencer, and then make the velocity of a couple of notes higher than the others. Especially at the end of a bar or two bars. laterz, miKe Quote
Amygdala Posted November 19, 2005 Posted November 19, 2005 insaneacyde said: Dont bother when your tired, your ears and creative brain suck then unless you are purposefully exhausting yourself for lucid inspiration Word! insaneacyde said: No software program is better than the other - the differences between Logic & Cubase are on a level that shouldn't concern or hamper you as a musician. You haven't even touched the surface of what your sequencer can do. That's partly right... The sequencers and interfaces are different, and this difference results in different outcomes. Neither of these outcomes can be considered "better" - but - the audio engines of the programmes may have profound effect on the music. Better audio engines create better sound objectively. And here a little trippy tip: Do you know about shepherd tones? The idea is, that you have a sweep increasing in frequency - if you have more of these (completely the same), and fade them in and out in the edges, overlap them about half/third/fourth/... of their length, you can create a sound that seems as if it's increasing in frequency to infinity - going ever upwards... This can be done with bandpass filter sweeps too -A Quote
Guest Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 ohhhhhh, so thats what happens with mda's ShepardTone Generator VST! always wondered how that worked thanx for the infos Quote
Amygdala Posted November 30, 2005 Posted November 30, 2005 I love bandpass filters... Here's another one, good for drones and pads: You need a synthesizer with two oscilators, and a seperate filter for each of'em. The filters should be bandpass. The one have initial cutoff at a little less than 1/3, and the other at a little more than 2/3's. Now hook them both up to the same controller - the brightest should decrease in cutoff, as the lowest INcrease. They should not change at exactly the same rate - only just En-joyoyoyoyoyoy (that's the sound you will hear when modulating ) Quote
teatako Posted December 20, 2005 Posted December 20, 2005 how bout a plead: push things forward. the world doesn´t need yet another gms-wannabe. a fact: the 303 is almost 30 years old. and a tip: you can simulate the pain caused by a gunshot in the stomach by eating rotten meat. Quote
Charlie Posted December 20, 2005 Posted December 20, 2005 teatako said: and a tip: you can simulate the pain caused by a gunshot in the stomach by eating rotten meat. 400966[/snapback] I'll have to remember that. Quote
Amygdala Posted December 20, 2005 Posted December 20, 2005 teatako said: a fact: the 303 is almost 30 years old. 400966[/snapback] 25, but who's counting? Anywho, the whole principle of subtractive synthesis that all major synths build on is as old as the first sunrise. In fact - no new major synthesis methods have been developed the last 30 years or so...? If we don't count that Neuron thingy at least... My point is - old dogs can still do nifty tricks - it's not the gear, it's the idea. The TB-303 has changed music for a good reason - it's a damn fine machine, so use and abuse it well! -A Quote
Frenetikka Posted December 20, 2005 Posted December 20, 2005 Amygdala said: My point is - old dogs can still do nifty tricks - it's not the gear, it's the idea. The TB-303 has changed music for a good reason - it's a damn fine machine, so use and abuse it well! -A 401025[/snapback] that's so TRUE!!!!...i still don't understand this fever of "what's new is better"!!!....please somebody try to explain me something: how can you USE a Synth (hard or software) completely if you never FULLY explore it's capacitys?!? can take months or even years!!! Quote
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