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I'm writing an article on Pleiadians for the Swedish Wikipedia community! If you have links to articles covering extensive information on Pleiadians, please give them to me! If you know any information worth mentioning from the top of your head, please mention it! One thing I'm wondering about is between what years Pleiadians were active. Seems like Etnica first used the name Pleiadians back in 1995, but when was the last time they produced something new under the name Pleiadians? Thanx in advance =)


They released Space Odyssey on a comp named Phase 3, 20 Apr 2005.


I would also like to know something about the track 'Inner Space'. It is as a live version on Etnica's 2004 album, Sharp, but i also have it tagged as a Pleiadians song, album Etnicanet... Confusing, right? Maybe someone knows da answer?


I have reviewed there first album again on this forum...


link is in signature ;)


eum, i dont see them <_< .


it changed just check the review section :rolleyes:

remember, pleiadians is not just trance group. Pleiades and mythology of seven sisters should be at least mentioned.




yes, and its also a great material to make money of by writing books about "chanelling" and all that shit :) .

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