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Keeping the Review SpamFree?

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I agree on that and that's why it need to be changed or as suggested another Moderator that will to keep an "eye" on that section. Personally I am with tekk. Just make a system that need zero moderation but where the rules are crystal clear.


I second that big time... that is imo the solution !


with no moderation I mean like 1 post allowed function is no moderation for me....

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So there HAS been complaining about the Reviews section? So what you are saying, things are NOT as perfect as they seem to be, and something NEEDS to be changed?


I never get any emails with reported spam in that section, sorry mate :(


My Email is: tekksupport@hotmail.com for those who want to report spam... :)


hehe. i like your email address.


only thing that needs to be changed is this. run riot on offtopic and freestyle. but only post relevant things in the reviews sections. you should have the right to remove posts from their if they are offtopic too without everyone bitching about it. if you want to talk shit, start a thread in offtopic.


its like giving a child a pen and paper to draw whatever they want, and the little bastard goes and scribbles all over your game guides and livingroom walls.


I agree on that and that's why it need to be changed or as suggested another Moderator that will to keep an "eye" on that section. Personally I am with tekk. Just make a system that need zero moderation but where the rules are crystal clear.


A system that requiers zero moderation, thats of course a great idea.

When you have that coded together there will be 1000's of forums, blogs and comments systems wanting to implement it for sure.

I think your really on to something there ;)


I voted "Yes for a change", BUT I'd like to stress that I didn't know WHAT change it was actually.


I believe the review is for music-review ONLY.

That is, at least, what I wanted it to be like.


I would like to have a forum to read about the music itself ONLY. If I want to discuss if the music is good or not, that's another thing.


I'd like the review section to act as a guide for me to buying new music, finding artists, etc.


For example, reviews which contain comparisons such as "This X's album relates to artists Y and Z style. In case you like this, you might also want to listen to Y and Z" are very welcome.


A system that requiers zero moderation, thats of course a great idea.

When you have that coded together there will be 1000's of forums, blogs and comments systems wanting to implement it for sure.

I think your really on to something there ;)


Of course you can not make it zero moderation, you will still need to moderate the personal attacks etc. But with a commenting system you could actually chose NOT to read the comments or not (I feel like im repeating myself all over again).


You can for instance implement more than one commenting system in the review. One about the record itself, and one for comments about the review...


I know this is all a lot of work.... yes yes, its a looooot of work.


A system that requiers zero moderation, thats of course a great idea.

When you have that coded together there will be 1000's of forums, blogs and comments systems wanting to implement it for sure.

I think your really on to something there ;)



At least I come with suggestions ;)


At least I come with suggestions ;)


I already said, I think the idea tekk have with a folding comment system would be the way to address the problem....if there was a problem.


Considering that 80-90% of the reviews with comments fit on one page i fail to see how anyone could justify putting in the effort into making such a system.

As it is now it would just give the impression that the section is quite dead IMO.

It would for sure be a lot less work to just be strict with moderation if some people cannot be asked to scroll thru the not directly relevant posts.


For me personally when I look at a review also the short "this is crap" or "very nice" comments is just as valuable as the main review.

I usually scroll thru all the track by track descriptions anyway. Even when people been making reviews with my own tracks I can't hardly be asked to read the many times quite nonsensical descriptions of how the track appears to the reviewer.

There is exceptions with people who actually can write long and relevent reviews, but thats rare. So usually the chit-chat and comments is more valuable IMO.


I still don't see how come some people are in such a fucking hurry. I mean basicly you're reading a review cos you might be interested about the album in question, no? Now how come it's so freaking essential that your reading experience must be so uber efficent. Why are you in such a fucking hurry to decide whether to get more interested about the album or not? Is it really that difficult to roll the wheel on your mouse once or twice? I mean *GASP* it takes almost a second!


But yeah if a review becomes just a chat I agree that it should be moderated. But only then...


fak, this thread is too long, i read till p6, so...


There are 4 troublemakers today : You, Kris, Rain and Traveller.

BUT I didn't warn or ban anyone today because Tekk kindly asked me.

I argued online with Rain, wrote to Kris and wrote on this thread I didn't like the fight & spam attitude but YOU attacked again. And i did nothing.


So I guess you're right, "someone is getting prefered treatment here" : YOU.


wasnt that too harsh :)?!


I understand you 100% and you are 100% right , you didn't deserve the warning cause he challenged you...


but in the future just report the post and don't respont... put it into perspective... don't react... report and the mods will handle it...


now that shows that some ppl are really immature here :( , why to report about some small bitching, as long as it doesnt transform into some ultra bashing each-other topic, no need to report. and that " you didn't deserve the warning cause he challenged you..." is not right - both have to be warned if things go too far, if one thinks hes mature then why the fcuk he should reply the same way as opposite person replied to him [ie - arrogant or insulting] :blink: ?!

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