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No way's that film totally justifies being that long...its genius......


yeah, it is. but its like "too much of a good thing". if you know what i mean. that can actually be a bad thing. but still in my top 10 movies of all time.


all hail deja-vu , now fuck off!


pulp fiction is not to long, its length is ok.


what will u say about lord of the rings, titanic and all those 3.5 hours movies.


p.s tarantino directed and played in "my best friend's birthday", havent seen it yet, but sounds crappy.


Without considering the music at all, this is the stupidest album ever. The track names... the idea..... I hate it..... commercial crap.


again: not talking bout the music


Just wait for part 2! Track titles include:


Kill Bill (again)

Killing Bill Softly

Just Kill Fucking Bill Already

Bill is Dead & so is this Concept!


Bill & Kill's Excellent Adventure

"eah, it is. but its like "too much of a good thing". if you know what i mean. that can actually be a bad thing. but still in my top 10 movies of all time."


ever see guy ritchie's movie Snatch? I love pulp fiction, and although Richie has some Terrantino influence obviously in the flick, Snatch is way better. funnier, weirder, more non linear, more coherent, everything comes togather..best villian ever.


Not even going to comment on how stupid this album is, but kill bill is a cool movie in an arthouse kind of way. A hell of alot better than 99% of the shit from hollywood.


hey there...  kill bill is a good movie!! esp. if you compare it to everything else coming from "hollywood" recently ; )


????Kill bill movie suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!Tarandino can work only in a factory wich it creates tomato juice :P

First about the CD cover. It's a sign of desperation to cash in. It's lame. I mean, who the hell thinks of trance when they see a cover to Kill Bill? As soon as I saw the artists on the back I was turned off to the whole cheap rip-off pairing of a martial arts flick with... psytrance? It's almost laughable it's so bad, not the thought of psytrance in martial arts films, the thought of psytrance tracks posing on a cover ripped off to that specific martial arts flick.


Second, Pulp Fiction was never a film fave of mine, but it was one of the most important films of our time. I felt it was unquestionably good, even though I admired it more than I enjoyed it. The movie had these absolutely fantastic moments. The writing, characters, acting, etc.. it helped shape and develop our culture to what it is today. The film did have parts that seemed to drag for many folks, like when the camera just sits there for minutes, like on the bed with Bruce Willis and his girlfriend. Some parts were just more catchy than others and I think with a little trimming and better pacing I would have enjoyed it more. But whatever, that's my feelings. Many friends of mine consider this film good, great, a cult-classic, and one of their movie faves of all time.


Now Kill Bill was different. Vol. 1 was more action/retro/city influenced and Vol. 2 was more western influenced. I was thrown a bit off with Vol. 2 in part because of that. In short, I really enjoyed the first Volume over the Volume 2. The Pai Mei part in Vol. 2 was awesome, but overall I wished it had more action, and where was the fight scene with Bill and The Bride BEFORE she did the 5-finger thing??? I like martial arts very much and so I enjoyed Vol. 1 more. Volume 1 was just more action-oriented. I also enjoyed Vol. 2 but not as much as the first. Both had moments of greatness nonetheless I felt.


For my FULL REVIEW of KiLL BiLL - Vol. 1 go here:




To read my FULL REVIEW of Kill Bill - Vol. 2 go here:




First about the CD cover. It's a sign of desperation to cash in. It's lame. I mean, who the hell thinks of trance when they see a cover to Kill Bill? As soon as I saw the artists on the back I was turned off to the whole cheap rip-off pairing of a martial arts flick with... psytrance? It's almost laughable it's so bad, not the thought of psytrance in martial arts films, the thought of psytrance tracks posing on a cover ripped off to that specific martial arts flick.




Utter bullshit if you ask me, deja-vu rec. is a company that runs fine i think... and only releases QUALITY! have you even heard the compilation? or other deja-vu releases? Quite "underground" and high quality darkpsy... I think it's more of a tribute, or making fun of kill bill than 'cashing in' , there are certain songs on it using funny samples from the movie killbill.. and it works, trust me... the tracks are fun.. some even use samples out of the game "call of duty" click.. reload.. boom! hehe ...you are just a hater. nothing to do with 'selling' just plain fun if you ask me... a very nice and funny concept


btw last song fucking rocks 18+ minutes of evil/depressive darkpsy... all hail psykovsky! can't wait till his album is out!


Utter bullshit if you ask me, deja-vu rec. is a company that runs fine i think... and only releases QUALITY! have you even heard the compilation? or other deja-vu releases? Quite "underground" and high quality darkpsy...  I think it's more of a tribute, or making fun of kill bill than 'cashing in' , there are certain songs on it using funny samples from the movie killbill.. and it works, trust me... the tracks are fun.. some even use samples out of the game "call of duty" click.. reload.. boom! hehe ...you are just a hater. nothing to do with 'selling' just plain fun if you ask me... a very nice and funny concept


Well that was just my first reaction. I didn't wake up and decide to hate anything. I'm commenting on the cover, not the music. I think it's ethical to get permission from those who created and finianced a film before using their material to bring attention to others work. Even if it was done for fun and without intentions of desperation or any of that other crap.

Out of that blasting load of ten Deja Vu CDs that came out at the same time I think they could have made like one good compilation. There is a LOT of filler to wade through just to get to the handful of quality tunes in there.


Out of that blasting load of ten Deja Vu CDs that came out at the same time I think they could have made like one good compilation. There is a LOT of filler to wade through just to get to the handful of quality tunes in there.


I disagree... rather say that ketuh = filler and deja vu = killer! hehe ;) oh well, taste differs lets end this discussion

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