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:: Prog as a Frog - 4/12/2005, Am*dam ::

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:: Prog As A Frog - 04 December 2005 - Amsterdam ::


Presenting a progression in psychedelic perception,

a fusion of sounds and visions from our future past -

Prog As A Frog plans to expose the myriad phases & faces

of psychedelic trance culture, to create and share with you

a common and growing perspective of our mutual present


* Lined up for your Aural Pleasure are:

- Live acts:

White Wind (I am I Productions)

ArcTone (www.arctone.nl)


- Deejays:

Betty (Ajuca Records)

Fluoelf (Prog as a Frog)

Marcia (9Lives, Prog as a Frog)


* Chosen to perform Optical Intrusions:

Analogue Projections by : Rorschach & Rorschach

Decoration by : D-Core

Vizuals by : Artivizuals


* Besides lining up the finest progressive & psychedelic artists, we serve:

- the partypics gallery

- an instant message board

- the history of psychedelic flyer art

- an introduction to Cubase by Zebra-N & Liftshift

- CD presentation of the latest album of Arctone

- atmospheric sounds by White Wind of I Am I productions

- culinary intermezzo hosted by PowPow


* Furthermore:

- the first 50 visitors will receive a free CD!

- the first 5 visitors to correctly answer the following pop quiz, will get free entrance:

1. name the latest album by Sensient;

2. Twisted (1995) is the first album from which producer ?

3. name the track by dutch artist Zen Mechanics on "State of Awareness" (Ajuca rec);

4. on which label did Protoculture release his album "Refractions" (2003) ?


* Stardate: SunDay December 4, 2005

* Missiontime: 15.00 - 01.00


* Location: Wilhelminapakhuis

* Address: Veemkade 576, Amsterdam


* Entrance: 5 neuro


* Contact: centipedeprod@yahoo.com



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