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Ho Mo Sexual. And "Super Set"? How is it "super"? Does it give me super tinnitus? Make me run away super fast? Or is it just a double reference to the super bad title?


...I can think of so much photoshopping right now. But I have to get some sleep... perhaps tomorrow.


You have to show me how to paste pictures directly in the post.


->Right-click on desired image


-> Copy properties


->Click the IMG button here on Psynews and paste the URL into the dialog box


->Finished result should look something like:


->Press Add reply




well I liked the first yahel - mixing in action a lot so will check this on 100%


you never know...


the cover sucks indeed but that's nothing new with yahel so :D


How shallow must you live be when best thing is bitching about artists and covers!?


Sorry, I couldn't help myself... ;)


gay cover.


and I heard Nushka, a nice track considering i dont like his style.


p.s does deeply distorted is a type error? cuz i know his deeply disturbed remix








This has got to be the most.. hold on. *breathing*


Okay, now I'm convinced he's gay.


Why would ANYONE make a cover like that? Because they are, hmmm...


Fucking gay.


A NARCISSISTIC homosexual.


Self absorbed QUEER artist (with waaaay to big of an ego)


Pussy hater. (hey, don't hate the pussy Yahel, hate the CD cover)


Not that I have any personal problem with people who swing in left field. Just keep it away from me. Regardless, if wanted to suck cock...I'd ask the universe to bring me back as a straight woman in my next life time... (although I'd rather be a wet hot lesbian) and this cover would make ANY straight or gay artist look, well... like they LOVE it up the butt.


I can't put it more bluntely. The man either has no clue, concept, and awareness of what a cover should look like AND / OR


He is seriously into poop shooting, ass pumping, shit packing, butt slamming, captain crunching!


Is he that NARCISSISTIC that he has to put his face on the front of every cover now, and looking like that?! I remember his last covers was SO GAY, (whatever happened to that thread??? It was hilarious!!!) ...but this cover is even worse... it's like double gay.. or maybe he sucks twice the amount of cock now. I don't wanna know.


This material just begging to be photoshopped. :D


Posted Image


sorry for the crap photoshopping. i couldnt be bothered to spend more than 2 minutes on this.


Doesn't work dude... Perhaps try imageshack.us!?








This has got to be the most.. hold on. *breathing*


Okay, now I'm convinced he's gay.


Why would ANYONE make a cover like that? Because they are, hmmm...


Fucking gay.


A NARCISSISTIC homosexual.


Self absorbed QUEER artist (with waaaay to big of an ego)


Pussy hater. (hey, don't hate the pussy Yahel, hate the CD cover)


Not that I have any personal problem with people who swing in left field. Just keep it away from me. Regardless, if wanted to suck cock...I'd ask the universe to bring me back as a straight woman in my next life time... (although I'd rather be a wet hot lesbian) and this cover would make ANY straight or gay artist look, well... like they LOVE it up the butt.


I can't put it more bluntely. The man either has no clue, concept, and awareness of what a cover should look like AND / OR


He is seriously into poop shooting, ass pumping, shit packing, butt slamming, captain crunching!


Is he that NARCISSISTIC that he has to put his face on the front of every cover now, and looking like that?! I remember his last covers was SO GAY, (whatever happened to that thread??? It was hilarious!!!) ...but this cover is even worse... it's like double gay.. or maybe he sucks twice the amount of cock now. I don't wanna know.


This material just begging to be photoshopped.  :D


Apart from the insults to Gay people i totally agree with you on this one...what an idiot!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


I assure you it doesn't work... Time out error! I tried both Firefox and IE... The reason you can see it, is because it's stored in your cache...


I can see it fine and both links work fine...maybe ur machine or something?






Good work ppl! lol...


Now all we need is his e-mail address so we can send it to him. Don't send it in a stocking though. We don't want him getting any more excited. :P


Now where's the option at photo shop that makes this cover disappear forever so that no one ever see's it again? heh

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