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Wanted Advice: Dimension 5 - Transdimensional CD

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  devious said:

I just want a fair value assesssment of this CD.  How much is it worth to the general psynews crew?






You have one available for sale/trade?

  visine said:

You have one available for sale/trade?


No. I just wanted a value target. :) As I want to acquire it and want to see what the range of price might be when I go "looking." Is $40.00 too much? If not, let me know.



  devious said:

No.  I just wanted a value target. :)  As I want to acquire it and want to see what the range of price might be when I go "looking."  Is $40.00 too much?  If not, let me know.




$40 is a steal for that CD.

There are plenty of people, especially collectors willing to pay ton of money for that CD. Once I saw it sold for something like 90 GBP or maybe even more (how much is that in Euro or $US) .....and it was missing the front cover !!??! I can't even imagine how much it would fetch if the front cover was intact, but I know there are quite a few people that are after it. It is one of those releases that is a total milestone in this genre (I'd say probably the best melodic Goa CD ever) AND super rare at the same time. People will pay gold for those.

BTW the vinyl version has all the tracks from the CD and may be little easier to find and is in sligtly less demand. I just tought you'd like to know since I think you're more into vinyl than CD.


I think the current "market" value of the CD is $150-200 while the vinyl can go between $50-$80.



INTACD01 Dimension 5 - Transdimensional (Collector CD) 40.00 1 40


All prices are charged in $

Sub Total $40

Post & Packaging $4.75

Total $44.75


You're saying that's a good deal then? And it's us dollars. Cool! I'll get it :-/ I've been buying CD's lately visine :)



  devious said:


INTACD01  Dimension 5 - Transdimensional (Collector CD)  40.00    1  40 


All prices are charged in $

Sub Total  $40 

Post & Packaging  $4.75 

Total  $44.75 


You're saying that's a good deal then?  And it's us dollars.  Cool!  I'll get it :-/ I've been buying CD's lately visine :)





That is without any doubut a great deal. I have it already but for that kind of price I'd think about buyng the second copy. That is one of the most in demand Psy CD's. If you don't want it let me know and I'll buy me a backup D5 cd for 40 bucks.

Wait until you hear it if you haven't already....pure melodic bliss...Deep Space 5D is one of the best Goa tracks ever made...


Meh, not even the more sought-after CDs sell for that kind of money... How many copies was this printed in anyway? 10?


EDIT: Not even the original MOTY and IFO sell for what, 90£. I think you're grossly overrestimating the price of this one. Not even Lu.ci-ana sells for that! :blink:

  Cinos said:

Meh, not even the more sought-after CDs sell for that kind of money... How many copies was this printed in anyway? 10?


EDIT: Not even the original MOTY and IFO sell for what, 90£. I think you're grossly overrestimating the price of this one. Not even Lu.ci-ana sells for that!  :blink:


Oh it will fetch that kind of money - and it has before...


Maybe these owned/wanted ratios can give you an idea, of how rare this CD is:


Transdimensional 26/37

MOTY: 84/31

Lu.ci-ana: 52/38

I.F.O. 96/40


^ Supply and demand dude!



  'Death said:

Oh it will fetch that kind of money - and it has before...


Maybe these owned/wanted ratios can give you an idea, of how rare this CD is:


Transdimensional 26/37

MOTY: 84/31

Lu.ci-ana: 52/38

I.F.O. 96/40


^ Supply and demand dude!




Nah, the amount of people who have has nothing to do with it how much money it goes for. The ones on the wantlist want it just as badly no matter how many have it. Keep in mind not many of them who have it will sell it.


Well, it's all done and bought. And yes, I see in the "cached" websites from the past it has fetched upwards of 76GBP and the vinyl version, 29GBP, those are the highest I've found so I'm happy =]



  devious said:

Well, it's all done and bought.  And yes, I see in the "cached" websites from the past it has fetched upwards of 76GBP and the vinyl version, 29GBP, those are the highest I've found so I'm happy =]




No - that can't be true! No-one will pay that amount for it! Not even IFO or Luciana sells for that much! :rolleyes:

  'Death said:

No - that can't be true! No-one will pay that amount for it! Not even IFO or Luciana sells for that much!  :rolleyes:


Conclusion: People who like Transdimensional are idiots with no real sense of business. :unsure:


Besides, 76 is not 90.

  Cinos said:

Conclusion: People who like Transdimensional are idiots with no real sense of business.  :unsure:


Finally you're talking some sense...


On second thought - discard my statement above...


  Cinos said:

Besides, 76 is not 90.



  'Death said:

Finally you're talking some sense...


On second thought - discard my statement above...




  'Death said:

No - that can't be true! No-one will pay that amount for it! Not even IFO or Luciana sells for that much!  :rolleyes:


Okay, here's the proof. I'm no moron when it comes to doing research on these prices and the fact of the matter is, it did go that high on ebay:


First the record:




There's the 29GBP


Now the CD:


Well, there's a posting on psynews for it @ 77GBP!


I cannot find the actual ebay auction link (it's a stale link but it's in google cache) anywhere. But that's good enough for evidence.


Need not prove anything more and visine is right when he says that's the going rate for it, or at least pretty damn close :)



  Cinos said:

EDIT: Not even the original MOTY and IFO sell for what, 90£. I think you're grossly overrestimating the price of this one. Not even Lu.ci-ana sells for that!  :blink:


Luciana has no value whatsoever. It's garbage. It was so garbage like in fact, I gave my copy to a friend who actually enjoyed it. I didn't ask for anything in return. But yeah, maybe not 90gbp, but try 77 as posted above :-P. I don't think visine is overestimating it. I offered people $60 for it everytime I had the chance with someone and always got turned down. Fortunately I've finally found a copy even though I'd prefer the vinyl version :(



  devious said:

Luciana has no value whatsoever.  It's garbage.  It was so garbage like in fact, I gave my copy to a friend who actually enjoyed it.  I didn't ask for anything in return. 


Congratulations, not only did you lose an all-time classic but also at least 45 pounds. :P

  Cinos said:

Congratulations, not only did you lose an all-time classic but also at least 45 pounds.  :P


See, that I do not care for. I received it in a trade and it wasn't even what I wanted in a trade, it just happened to be in there. I listened to it and I disliked it and my friend liked it and being that was moretheless a "gift" I handed it over to a buddy. I'd rather give away music than try and profit off it -- only if he/she's a really good friend. Unfortunately, I don't know many people who like this genre of music who have been close enough friends for me to freely distribute what i don't care for. =]


Anyways! If you've read a post before, a CD to me has no more value than $10.00 because I prefer vinyl, but if something comes up that people pay more for then I buy it in hopes to make a trade later on for the same copy but in vinyl along with another title or two!


By the way Cinos.... :) Your posts are funny. How much Hypnorhythm sucks and how it's only worth having to collect then your recent posts on how you really want it back!!! =]]]]] It gave me a chuckle. I hope you have some luck. Everything's getting more and more scarce.


P.S. I even recently cut a space pussy record in half making there one less in the world (it was in mint condition too, and i need another copy, damn women!!)


=] Aaron

  devious said:

See, that I do  not care for.  I received it in a trade and it wasn't even what I wanted in a trade, it just happened to be in there.  I listened to it and I disliked it and my friend liked it and being that was moretheless a "gift" I handed it over to a buddy.  I'd rather give away music than try and profit off it -- only if he/she's a really good friend.  Unfortunately, I don't know many people who like this genre of music who have been close enough friends for me to freely distribute what i don't care for. =]


Anyways!  If you've read a post before, a CD to me has no more value than $10.00 because I prefer vinyl, but if something comes up that people pay more for then I buy it in hopes to make a trade later on for the same copy but in vinyl along with another title or two!


By the way Cinos.... :)  Your posts are funny.  How much Hypnorhythm sucks and how it's only worth having to collect then your recent posts on how you really want it back!!! =]]]]] It gave me a chuckle.  I hope you have some luck.  Everything's getting more and more scarce.


P.S. I even recently cut a space pussy record in half making there one less in the world (it was in mint condition too, and i need another copy, damn women!!)


=] Aaron


I just want it because it has ATTM on it. But anyway, I got both IFO and Mystic Cigarettes in trade for it, so...

  qa2pir said:



I'll give you some cyber, but be sure to put on that firewall first! =]]]]]]]]]


31337 HAX0R!!!


=]]]]] Aaron

  Cinos said:

Meh, not even the more sought-after CDs sell for that kind of money... How many copies was this printed in anyway? 10?


EDIT: Not even the original MOTY and IFO sell for what, 90£. I think you're grossly overrestimating the price of this one. Not even Lu.ci-ana sells for that!  :blink:



:) Mistery of the Yeti, IFO and Luciana are classics...and rare. But not as rare as Transdimensional CD. I've only seen it once pop up on e bay..without the front cover and it still sold for a ridiculously high price...besides it is possible the 77 BGPauction that guy was talking about was not even over yet. Imagine how much it would sell for it it did have all the covers? I personally know of tripple digit offers for this CD.

Here's my estimate of the titles:


MOTY up to 30 to 50 Euros max

IFO 70 Euro although it flactuates

Hypnorhythm 80-100 Euro

Transdimentional already discussed

Accidental Occidentalism CD anywhere from 150 to 250 Euro


these are price estimates for CD..vinyl versions are in different demand..hence a different price.

This is like a little Psy antique road show :)

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