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Hmmm.. a waterfall without consistency.


As a first mix I understand. :)


It's okay, doesn't bother me.. but I'd rather listen to the coming mixes ;)




to"The bad trip": It isn't waterfall dude, it's rain. :)


Sorry to be the bad dude, but it's my honest opinion:

First I thought it was a chill out track for it's long ambient intro.

too lon of a break at 4.00 ish. Melody is too cheesy.

Kick is weak. Bass line key change at 2.20 is a turn off. Bass and Kick are MUSHED. Too many instr are in the midrange or clashing. Overall level is not too bad.

You definitly have the talent, just keep working hard.


Firstly, it is a mix between what and what ? And have you only mixed it ?


I like the development, that beginns at 01:05, around 02:30 also great atmosphere, then at the end nice again, getting a way more dynamic .. Altogether I really like it, as it lets the mind represent a picture relating to the music, the riff flowing after the first minute reminds of some darkish surroundings .. my language is a bit poor :) I think it`s perfect, if we judge it in this aspect, that I`m talking about - having a psychedelic effect .. an essential issue for the genre... As for the mixing, I like the motives that are combined...


p.s Hope you understand my spagetthi thoughts....




Yea man i understood it all.. I also speak ENGRISH ahha! Thanks! By mix i mean the levels of the sounds/effects/stuff.. =) I made the whole tune. =) thanks for the kind words. It is indeed dark minimal.


This is a little too far from the kind of music I make for me to give you any useful advice.

The mastering is almost perfect I think. It managed to surprise me several time : if it was your goal then congratulation, you succeed. :D

The only thing I didn't really liked is the melody that you used all along the track, but it's more a matter of taste.


This is a little too far from the kind of music I make for me to give you any useful advice.

The mastering is almost perfect I think. It managed to surprise me several time : if it was your goal then congratulation, you succeed. :D

The only thing I didn't really liked is the melody that you used all along the track, but it's more a matter of taste.

I wish I had as much imagination as you.


I like it!


I think that the mastering is quite decent imo. There was some small frequencies crash, althou this is a minor thing.

Some of the effect use is very nice indeed. I also like the style( dark minimal)


Keep up with the good work


And btw Icarus

In wich program did you make this song?


Yea man i understood it all.. I also speak ENGRISH ahha! Thanks! By mix i mean the levels of the sounds/effects/stuff.. =) I made the whole tune. =) thanks for the kind words. It is indeed dark minimal.


I`m not so competent about levels/stuff.. but when you have made it yourself : very good. I listen to it every day :) But is it only "dark minimal" ?

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