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  mars said:

Forget Psynews as you knew it.

What happened on the OffTopic, during the hack and then on IRC or Isratrance was far enough to close it forever.


Now members have to apply the rules or leave.

This is not so restrictive after all.



no more off topic? :blink::(


oohh, but talking about trance all the time is überboring imo.

psynews is my sparetime, I don't want to be too serious in my sparetime.

I have to be serious all day long.


I can't help it some people are insane, just make a off topic section for sane people. me, and er....... someone ....... ok never mind.


EDIT: can we have an art section then? :)

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  Daniël said:

no more off topic?  :blink:  :(


oohh, but talking about trance all the time is überboring imo. 

psynews is my sparetime, I don't want to be too serious in my sparetime.

I have to be serious  all day long.


I can't help it some people are insane, just make a off topic section for sane people.  me, and er....... someone ....... ok never mind.


EDIT: can we have an art section then?  :)


I think he meant that it was enough to close Psynews all together. But he didn't.
  Insejn said:

I think he meant that it was enough to close Psynews all together. But he didn't.


I second that :)
  vitali said:

Im glad that psynews is back  :)


Me too.... :) why dont just accept the rules...i dont see the big problem here?

about ot...sure i like it,but it wasnt the reason i joined this forum.

  Maxx said:

Me too.... :) why dont just accept the rules...i dont see the big problem here?

about ot...sure i like it,but it wasnt the reason i joined this forum.


I like what you just said, that it was not the reason why you joined. SO SPOT ON! :)

One: Topic of drugs-


Site owners can be held responsible depending on legislation and laws specified per country. In the United States, allowing open drug discussions on here where users are actively mentioning them can be pushed back onto Mars for harboring a drug user or dealer. This is: True. It's unfortunate, and I am sure other countries have their own measures into this. HOWEVER, I know of not one case where "conspiracy to harbor" a "criminal" where the "criminal justice system" of any country has brought down a website and prosecuted the owner. I just wanted this to be mentioned


Two: Fighting-


I see a lot of fighting happening everywhere. It's not too much to ask of people to get along and stay ontopic with the scene. In fact, it's justified for Mars to impose such rules. I feel if I was to be interested in my very own site and I was MATURE (unlike many here and sometimes including myself) I would dislike shifting through all the bullshit posts relating to personal egos, who's bigger and more badass than who, etc. It's not applied to what Mars initially had started this site for. This is a communities. In communities, they try to eliminate the criminals, unjust, and unruly. If you think you want whores working outside your place, sobeit. This is just a saying, but here is a community that isn't necessarily utopian and never will be, but relax and enjoy. Share more about the music and the communities in which you partake (if you even do!)


If you're here for drama, get a life. There are far better things to do. I see people with 3000 posts plus who apparently don't get out much =]]] I don't understand the reasoning behind this but nor will I question their lifestyle. However, I find it pretty pathetic to see 10 posts by the same person in 2 hours in one thread. I know bandwidth is on the rise and nobody pays any attention to it, but if you're unable to sum up what you have to say for awhile in one post then you need to get rid of that writers block immediately or stay off the computer and think a little harder. =]


Three: Personalities-


We sit here and post "what separates a person from the next" posts and quite frankly, I could care less. It's not about how people are different, it's about how we can learn to deal with each others' differences. I'm from the United States. I get a lot of shit because the first thing out of some peoples' mouths is, "Your country is a pile of rubbish." I get sickened by that. It's as Saddam Hussein even said it himself. "I am not against the American People themselves, but the American Government itself." His point is, he knows we're individuals here, we make different choices. Our entire country does not suck because of the 1000 people running this country. I could say the same about England with Blair, etc. My personality is pretty laid back, reserved and quite so the "guy in the corner" who sees a lot of bad in this world through analysis. I look for a lot of negative things because I enjoy it, but only in reality =].


Learn to respect and accept the way foreigners speak. Our accents are different, our communication styles differ. This psy scene is in no way limited to your place of existence. So get over yourself! =]


Four: Mars-


You think he's a dick? What? Why? He pays for the bandwidth here. He owns the server that he also pays for. From an IS perspective, he is: Owner, Operator, SysOp (System Operator), Network Admin, Senior Network Admin, and politely, YOUR GOD @ PSYNEWS! Some people seem to be disrespectful of his authority. He's giving this as a resource, not a playground. It was used as a resource many years ago. I've lurked in the shadows since this site emerged. I've enjoyed it. I've bought a bunch of music based on reviews here. I also avoided buying music because of Psynews. Use it as a tool, a resource. Mars obviously doesn't want to pay for something that's being used as a child's playground. I for one would not and would had pulled the plug ages ago. He deserves credit, props and much due respect since he's continuing with Psynews and perhaps dealing with our potent behavior unrelated to this site.


End: A Beginning to an End-


So, I hope we all can play well. And share! And be delightful of each others' company and perspectives. And enjoy the music scene together and not from afar. =]


The End!




well said..

  djnemo said:

I like what you just said, that it was not the reason why you joined. SO SPOT ON! :)


but a lot of the members come here first for the off-topic.. I know i registered here for the info but the off-topic is why im here every day.

there is no life without the off-topic.


i never got it. off topic just brings more people here. there were never problems in the general section by off topic dwellers. only contributions in deferring degrees.

enough with bashing the off-topic please..(not directed to anyone in particular)

this community is about to be shattered now.. and this is the last thing needed.


and to those who critisize the guys in the off topic:

what do u do with your friends IRL? what do u discuss about? kickdrums and basslines? all the time? dont u ever kick back and "talk shit".. even bond with each other, share personal thoughts on whatever happened that day? why should this be banned in the off-topic?

i ve been here since the start and i ve seen a LOT of shit go around. many discussions on drugs prOn and everything have been on the agenda from the beginning. people only started bitching recently. aparently there s not much going on music-wise anymore, thats how i see it ; )


I don't have anything against the new rules. Sure it's a bit of an unusual situaton for Psynews didn't have many of them before and many people will not like it indeed ... but I believe they can only do us some good. This place shall not serve as playground for spammers or as fight zone for anybody anymore...


And forgive me for sounding a bit rude, but I think a sort of "cleanout" by locking OT and therefore forcing notorious spammers to move to other forums is absolutely not a bad thing. Once when everything has found a new routine (yes, I too have to skip the OT button and yes, it's not easy for I also am psynews (OT-)addicted, but I also will find other things to do than always browsing around in OT - it was nice, but it has to stop now, wasted too much time anyway...) I believe this will become a nice and cosy place again :wub:


And well, if many long time members also leave the place because they don't want to accept the new rules, I can't change it. It's a pity that they leave, but so be it, I wish them farewell and good luck :)


thanx we missed it ;)


and I have no problem with the rules at all...


have to read them again more then once :lol: , to know them by head ;)


I'm glad psynews is back. Thinking that it was gone forever, I realised how much i liked this forum and its members. I think i'll post more often from now on :)


To people who are leaving the forum : we all respect your choice but please wait before coming here to say "bye bye psynews, i found a better forum" because there are still important decision to be made (plus that could influence some people still unsure about what to do).


I guess there's not much reason to be here anymore if it's only the general forum + reviews forum.

That's pretty much cause there isn't any good music made in this scene anymore. Why bother to make reviews/discuss about some pretty generic non-innovative non-emotional "psytrance"? that's what is released nowadays.


I really digged the way things were before. There was something for anyone! Freestyle section was such a nice invention; You could talk irrational bullshit there all the time. What a bliss! That's what I do irl, why should it be different here?


I guess it's pie-pie from the gaylord-kinda-guy now if it's gonna stay like this.

  unikos said:

what do u do with your friends IRL? ..  even bond with each other, share personal thoughts on whatever happened that day?  why should this be banned in the off-topic?


Yes, that's what the off-toppic should be about.

  unikos said:

dont u ever kick back and "talk shit


No :huh: Or maybe yes. It all depends on what you mean by "talk shit". If it's childish humour or discussion about life's routine then yes, it happens to everyone I think. And I don't see why those rules prevent you from doing that if you're respectful towards others. I you read Devious'post again, you should agree that those rules are necessary.

  RTP said:

And well, if many long time members also leave the place because they don't want to accept the new rules, I can't change it. It's a pity that they leave, but so be it, I wish them farewell and good luck :)


I'm sure they'll come back once they realize how much they miss "their" forum. :D

Off Topic is only closed for a short period. maybe a few hours, maybe a day, maybe 2 days.

i think i mentioned before.


mars told me that the 3000+ block has been canceled.


i see some of you guys figured it out by yourselves. cool.


i'm happy to see you guys posting.


How many jokes must a man have to do, before they call it a spammer?

Really, what makes us a bad user at all?


Look at me for ex. I never ever posted a review, i dont talk too much on the general section. I have made many threads in the freestyle section and most of my time i spend on the off-topic section.

I truely think that i have not caused any problems beacuse of that, not either in the OT or the others.


In my point of view, the general section was always very usefull and respectfull. There is always some interisting discussions hapenning with out any of us getting too much off-topic or starting flame wars.

Yes, there was some artist bashing (but they were asking for, j/k)

i know that, althou nothing really special about that. We still have the most colecction of real classic music discussion and the way psytrance involves towards his news trends and so on. The reviews section, music making, labels anouncement and travel party, well, they are all fine


That leave us with the off-topic and its sub sections.

It looks like that the "off-topic" users are ruining this forum with endless fights and spaming. Not so true

There WAS some shameless fights on the last two weeks before the forum got hacked. This fights evolved a few topic only and every one involved was not trollers that is always fighting and looking for trouble. Its the excatly opossite, things somehow just got tense those days because of some issues that were brought, and they have a big argument about it. Just like the same way it happens in real life. Its not like the case we are facing with some real trouble makers like the very well knows Bruce and Jacob that was here all for the fights and insults


One other thing, is the way its labelled as "bullshit" the all so famous psynews humour. Like a stupid playground for the idiotic users.

Thats a heavy untrue and unliberal statement.

If we look into a visitors eye and a "mature" perspective and take as an example you stumble a Feathers or Gaylord freestyle post that is truely all about nonsense

You may think with all your mature authorithy " ahh that is bullshit".

But is not!

We all know their personalites and aceppetd for their nonsense and humorous pretension. As long it keeps respectfull, there is no problem whatsoever

We were always glad to the fact that we could talk about minors "useless" things and also the "serious" things.

Thats what always kept a perfect balance in this site



Please, this just my point of view. I still respect yours( Mars) choice in order to keep your site running. I merely pointing that this site was in a good balance even thou had its problems. Thats perfectily normal. We just have to be fair enough to take extreme actions only against extreme situations. Peforming heavy moderation does only makes the place more tense, lets us try to be as much fair as possible


But hey, i am all peace :)


first of all... to everyone involved, obviously mars, very nice job on putting this up as quick, i have only recently learned what a real pain in the ass it can be to fiddle with things on the background, so mad props...


i think the rest has already been said, it's your house your rules your rules i don't completly agree with them... but that's besides the point ;)

  devious said:

One: Topic of drugs-


Site owners can be held responsible depending on legislation and laws specified per country.  In the United States, allowing open drug discussions on here where users are actively mentioning them can be pushed back onto Mars for harboring a drug user or dealer.  This is: True.  It's unfortunate, and I am sure other countries have their own measures into this.  HOWEVER, I know of not one case where "conspiracy to harbor" a "criminal" where the "criminal justice system" of any country has brought down a website and prosecuted the owner.  I just wanted this to be mentioned


Two: Fighting-


I see a lot of fighting happening everywhere.  It's not too much to ask of people to get along and stay ontopic with the scene.  In fact, it's justified for Mars to impose such rules.  I feel if I was to be interested in my very own site and I was MATURE (unlike many here and sometimes including myself) I would dislike shifting through all the bullshit posts relating to personal egos, who's bigger and more badass than who, etc.  It's not applied to what Mars initially had started this site for.  This is a communities.  In communities, they try to eliminate the criminals, unjust, and unruly.  If you think you want whores working outside your place, sobeit.  This is just a saying, but here is a community that isn't necessarily utopian and never will be, but relax and enjoy.  Share more about the music and the communities in which you partake (if you even do!)


If you're here for drama, get a life.  There are far better things to do.  I see people with 3000 posts plus who apparently don't get out much =]]]  I don't understand the reasoning behind this but nor will I question their lifestyle.  However, I find it pretty pathetic to see 10 posts by the same person in 2 hours in one thread.  I know bandwidth is on the rise and nobody pays any attention to it, but if you're unable to sum up what you have to say for awhile in one post then you need to get rid of that writers block immediately or stay off the computer and think a little harder. =]


Three: Personalities-


We sit here and post "what separates a person from the next" posts and quite frankly, I could care less.  It's not about how people are different, it's about how we can learn to deal with each others' differences.  I'm from the United States.  I get a lot of shit because the first thing out of some peoples' mouths is, "Your country is a pile of rubbish."  I get sickened by that.  It's as Saddam Hussein even said it himself.  "I am not against the American People themselves, but the American Government itself."  His point is, he knows we're individuals here, we make different choices.  Our entire country does not suck because of the 1000 people running this country.  I could say the same about England with Blair, etc.  My personality is pretty laid back, reserved and quite so the "guy in the corner" who sees a lot of bad in this world through analysis.  I look for a lot of negative things because I enjoy it, but only in reality =]. 


Learn to respect and accept the way foreigners speak.  Our accents are different, our communication styles differ.  This psy scene is in no way limited to your place of existence.  So get over yourself! =]


Four: Mars-


You think he's a dick?  What?  Why?  He pays for the bandwidth here.  He owns the server that he also pays for.  From an IS perspective, he is: Owner, Operator, SysOp (System Operator), Network Admin, Senior Network Admin, and politely, YOUR GOD @ PSYNEWS!  Some people seem to be disrespectful of his authority.  He's giving this as a resource, not a playground.  It was used as a resource many years ago.  I've lurked in the shadows since this site emerged.  I've enjoyed it.  I've bought a bunch of music based on reviews here.  I also avoided buying music because of Psynews.  Use it as a tool, a resource.  Mars obviously doesn't want to pay for something that's being used as a child's playground.  I for one would not and would had pulled the plug ages ago.  He deserves credit, props and much due respect since he's continuing with Psynews and perhaps dealing with our potent behavior unrelated to this site.


End: A Beginning to an End-


So, I hope we all can play well.  And share!  And be delightful of each others' company and perspectives.  And enjoy the music scene together and not from afar.  =]


The End!





Thank you and welcome to my respected users list. That post is the voice of reason. It echoes my sentiments exactly.


My attachment to psynews has been its use as a resource and a learning tool. It's always a good feeling to be able to come here and feel the spirit of people around the world who enjoy the same kind of music. Thanks to all the knowledge that has been shared here, I have been able to build a small but uber quality collection of psy.

Posted (edited)

mars, thanks for putting this site online again, we'll see where it gonna lead us ;)!




  devious said:

I see people with 3000 posts plus who apparently don't get out much =]]]  I don't understand the reasoning behind this but nor will I question their lifestyle.  However, I find it pretty pathetic to see 10 posts by the same person in 2 hours in one thread.  I know bandwidth is on the rise and nobody pays any attention to it, but if you're unable to sum up what you have to say for awhile in one post then you need to get rid of that writers block immediately or stay off the computer and think a little harder. =]


not wanting to turn this into fight, but your statement is wrong, who do you think you are to judge those who have lots of posts and spend a lot of time in psynews :blink: ? do you know who they all are and how they all are in real life, how is their life :blink: ? and this :

"..I find it pretty pathetic to see 10 posts by the same person in 2 hours in one thread..." - what is that :blink: ? have you ever thougt about fact that forum is the place where to discuss, that means that everyone can have as much posts in one thread as he feel is neccessary to express his thoughts about subject/theme ;)?! to think that everyone should put his thoughts in one post is imo not 100% accurate - how can you be sure that your opinion is full and unbiased if you havent heard all possible arguments and havent made new conclusions based on freshly received information :blink: ? how can you be so sure then about what youre saying if youre not making any discussion with others, that is - not interacting with others. i hope that i expressed my thoughts clear enough, they mostly get messy when i start to write :). and sorry if some words are used wrongly or spelled wrongly.




edit : added some lost words :), please read again!

Edited by reger

"Unfortunately, in the mean time, some of you were considered as harmful to the forums peace and will not be allowed to return" - I didn't notice any big arguments/flaming. Psynews was full of flamers when I first arrived many years ago.


It wasn't possible to scratch your arse without someone responding with:


"you're an arsehole"

"you type too many words"



Psynews has actually been more peaceful over the past couple of years or at least since the last big change.


Who is on the list of banned people?



first of all why is Cinos banned? He hadnt caused any trouble, at least in the last month :huh:

2nd, i think psynews was like this all the time, since the beginning[ i have read some old posts]... why change it noW? :huh:


anywayz, personally i will see how things are goin here....

also @ devious: Having lots of pasts doesnt mean you dont have a life outside internet.. :blink::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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