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Glad to see the forum is back. Mars is the site owner, and must be allowed to impose the rules he wants. And I mean, is it really a big loss that people aren't allowed to make drug recommendations any more? I mean, come on now. If you like drugs that's your personal opinion, but you don't have to brag about it to others and push them to do the same. The rules look perfectly ok to me, maybe that "no critizising" thing is a little strict, but I guess that one isn't meant 100% seriously. There must be room for discussion, also about other boards.


And yeah, I would also like to know who's been banned. Give us some names mars..... :D


Regarding post count: I am merely saying, 10 posts in 2 hours, same thread, come on? Obviously they're spending two hours in front of that thread, watching aimlessly, waiting for a response just so they can say something they said 3 posts ago.


Now, I might had been off cue jumping to the statement that you must have no life if all you do is post, thus having 3000+ posts. My apologies, however, I do find it rather unfruitful for a forum that's supposed to have information and whatnot to have posts with faces, "HEHE's" and random other things. If you have nothing to contribute, why bother pressing the reply/quote links?


I'm not going to say that this is my forum now. These are merely my opinions and they can be a bit objectional to a few of you; that is okay. I am not GOD@PSYNEWS and therefore I'm not holding my opinions against anyone personally. What *I* would like to see is more information, parties, get togethers, world wide psynews peace talked about and enjoyed.


Banning people should only occur when things get way out of line, personal threats/harm, stalkers, and other random things as such. Posting limits should be applied to those who think 50 posts a day can be relevant. AND I DOUBT....Any of you will say that those who post a bunch a day always have something worth reading in the post, thus being informative? Right! =] I believe you!


Anyways, again, Mars is our god and we will accept this for he controls the faith of our world here at psynews. If we cannot accept this we shall forfeit our psynews reality and do a hyperdimensional transfer to another realm/world. And I must say, good for those people who say "I'll never be back!" Well, some I'll miss, but the internet has many forms of communication. If you're that infatuated with a person, maybe get a date, or even....E-mail them =] It works!


This is my final post to this thread. It should not last much longer and perhaps should be locked and people resume their normal psynews lifestyles. Enjoy guys, and see ya on the forum.



  Dragonflier said:

Glad to see the forum is back. Mars is the site owner, and must be allowed to impose the rules he wants. And I mean, is it really a big loss that people aren't allowed to make drug recommendations any more? I mean, come on now. If you like drugs that's your personal opinion, but you don't have to brag about it to others and push them to do the same. The rules look perfectly ok to me, maybe that "no critizising" thing is a little strict, but I guess that one isn't meant 100% seriously. There must be room for discussion, also about other boards.


And yeah, I would also like to know who's been banned. Give us some names mars.....  :D


You have been banned for posting more than 10 posts in a two week period. I hope you will learn from this?

Posted (edited)
  Feathers said:

You have been banned for posting more than 10 posts in a two week period.  I hope you will learn from this?


"he he :D "


ok, i think that yes, if you have nothing to say, then you shouldnt press reply button :), im talking about allready mentioned "HEHE's" :), but on the other hand, sometimes its pretty good way how to say what you think or feel atm on that subject, the question is - how many people can understand and respect that. but i see your point devious :).


add : its everyones own choice what to do, sit 2hours and wait for new posts or go out and get drunk in pub ;)! and just because one have lots of posts in one thread doesnt mean that he/she sits there 24/7 waiting for others to reply :).

Edited by reger

Right now I am in this famous situation: I am freacking drunk and don't want to go to sleep and I would - if the OT section would be online - want to read, post, read ... read everysthing on this forum :D

But I won't.

I'll go find another place to spam ... (hey, I can't even be THAT drunk when I realize that :lol: ) ... that's exactly what I was talking about in my last post.


Gosh, I love you all.

I could do it like Moni and go into LUV mode and tell you all how much I like you all ... right now :wub: . It's true, I missed all of you guys even though it was only a short time the forum was offline, I never imagined this has actually been affecting my very private life without me realizing or knowing it! And even although privately I have actually nothing to do with you all, that's the funny thing...


Anyway, anyway, nevermind.

Yes, it's true that maybe people will return one day and post here even though the rules became stricter. It's actually likely, because maybe their relationship to this place is like mine - deeper than they think :)

Anyway, I guess I'll be out of this thread. I made my statement. I don't wanna spam now. I wanna be a good boy :)

So ... thanks again to Mars and everybody involved to having made this forum what it has been in the past. And let's hope it will be a great place in the future too!

Skôl! (if it's written like that)


I'll answer to a few things here :


OffTopic is not closed forever and the 3000+ were not blocked forever.

When i managed to put the forum back in order i didn't know if I had done it well enough so that it's stable. Will you make a hearth transplanted person run a 10000m the next day of its operation ;) ???

Also, I wanted to see the effect on the people.


Now I know what I wanted to know : the forum is stable and those who had something important to say said it.


I'm currently setting up the mods, their rights, mailing list, etc...I'll restart the OffTopic just after. Be patient. Maybe when you wake up it will be open again :rolleyes:


About the rules, I really dont think they're hard. I can understand Sherlock left, but not because of this. Well, lots of other forums are more restrictive. Some rules are just there to prevent anything :blink: from happening, others are here to protect us towards the laws and I did my best to leave you as much freedom as possible. None of these rules prevents you from joking and posting things that have nothing to do with psytrance on the Offtopic ! And about the drugs, for example, you can say you took them and how you felt but you can't incite people to take some. Simple ;)


The main problem with the rules is that you guys aren't used to ANY rules HERE. But at work, at school, you have rules too and accepted them easily, right ? However, i'm sure some of you can't even phone their family from their office :( This is much easier here B)

Or you liked Psynews because it was a free place and you could throw out nightly what you couldn't daily ? Great I perfectly understand, but this has a limit, because there is a community and people deserve respect.

LOOK, when you're at work or in a party and see the guy before you peed all around the toilets and didn't clean it, i'm sure you're the first to say "grrrr he wouldn't behave like this at home !" :o .

COME ON, don't mistake this : Rules are not here to favour or justify moderation acts, we won't play big brother, no way. The rules are here as guidelines too keep the place nice :P


About the banned ones or not...hard topic. The night all was destroyed, I was on IRC and read very unpleasant things. Cinos for example showed how much Psynews was a just playground for him. I'm happy these guys found another place to hang in and wish them a good virtual life.


About most of the 3000+ that had their ass saved because of the wonderful wise people I talked to in the last couple of days, I hope you'll be wise enough now to grant Psynews peace.


To conclude, just behave Transwavely, not Skazily :lol::lol::lol:

  reger said:

ok, i think that yes, if you have nothing to say, then you shouldnt press reply button :)

I second that :)


that was a quite calm and easy going reply mars :)

but your previous posts were merely aggresive/insulting/disrespectful... that was the thing that had irritated me... anyways.. as i said i will keep visiting this site but will become more active in the other one ;)


I have no problem with the rules. Regardless of how and why this happened, I think many people (including myself) took and said things for granted at times. If this change helps eliminate bullshit, fine. No one likes their freedom taken away or restricted. The rules were obviously placed for those who abuse their freedom and bother others [and/or] the site. Those who weren't a problem before shouldn't be a problem now.


I have never felt my freedom was limited here, and I don't know to what extent (if any) the new changes will or will not affect me. This can be a great place to communicate with others and learn and share great info and thoughts. I came here several years ago to learn, contribute thoughts, idea's, and reviews, and talk with others about this music. I enjoy being on the same page as others who also enjoy the music I like.


Although I've imagined Mars as the eye in the sky like in Lord of the Rings, I've also imagined him as this guy who enjoys some of the same music I do. He manages this community for people to share their thoughts. No one likes their community to be trashed, because it ruins it for everyone else who hangs out. Much of what he says is just common sense. It's enforcing respect, which is a good thing.


I can understand certain people being warned or banned if they act with bad intentions. I really dislike spam and people who talk shit to people across the planet who they don't know just because they're having a bad day and want to vent out on someone whom they can hide from after throwing stones. It's like pushing someone when their back is turned or slapping them in their sleep. It's just disrespectful.


In conclusion, this place can be better without the bullshit. That stuff only brings down a site that is usually and otherwise positive and cool. Knowing this place can disappear at any second should be a reason to appreciate it more. I'll be posting less for now on because I want to minimize what I say to things more meaningful, constructive, and what I feel passionate about.

  nick_InZoMNiAC said:

that was a quite calm and easy going reply mars :)

but your previous posts were merely aggresive/insulting/disrespectful... that was the thing that had irritated me... anyways.. as i said i will keep visiting this site but will become more active in the other one ;)


First I wrote what I thought was true & what was reported to me day after day. Sorry if it hurts. My mind hasn't changed about that. It's your problem if you felt targetted or if you cared about how i treated your fellows that kept spamming & fighting day after day. For, I was only disrespectful to the assholes that thought they could do anything here. I wrote them the same way they cared about the repeated messages i left. Just a way to show who's who. As the keeper of Psynews I wanted a minimum of good vibes. They wouldn't. Thanx they left.

yes, Off Topic is open.


for any errors you may encounter in accessing or posting, please contact mods: djnemo, Death Posture, Insejn, Anoebis, Tatsu, moni

  Digital Psyence said:

Nice that psynews back up and running!!


But who resized my avatar ??  <_< I liked it big  <_<


We lots a lot of avatars and stuff in the crash... You might want to re-upload your avatar...


Which goes for everyone by the way: If you changed your avatar in the last 3-4 months, chances are that it's streched now... So re-upload, and hit F5! :)




euhm the search doesn't work is that correct ???


I'm just looking for a review somebody translated for me in off topic :unsure:

  Rain said:

euhm the search doesn't work is that correct ???


I'm just looking for a review somebody translated for me in off topic  :unsure:


The search works as before... But some newer users were lost in the hack, so maybe their names aren't active any more... So they'd have to re-register!


Try searching for specific words combined in the text maybe?




great it's back!


good job mars.


and yes, when it was on line again, and i read the temporary banning and rules i too felt:"hey WTF?, thats not right, i might just leave, he toke away the freedom of the place"


calming down i realised that that was BS, your right, some rules need to be here.


some people just immediatly speak their heart, some wait and see that their first reaction were a bit over active.


i too come here for the off topic nonsense, i lost interest i most "modern" trance music a along time ago, but coming here and shooting crap is always nice, talking about trance doesnt interest me, talking with people from around the world (or at least reading their comments) does interest me, i am sure this will continue, we just need time, and through your efforts, the time the forum needs to heal itself is minimal.

i respect the effort you put into this, and i can only hope that people that felt offended with your harsh reactions (ttue or untrue is not important here), realise that the people make the forum, not the rules.


You people need to quit with the kissy-arse stuff. No more lame speeches about how much you love the place whatever rule changes there may be.


My personal view is that this forum is for the people and the rules must be made by the moderator however unreasonable. We must give thanks.


If a few hundred people get banned then so what? Did we need those people?


So long as we have moderators and kissy-arse people then we should be happy.


On a more serious note... The rules listed in the rules section are pretty good actually.


(You may not lick my bottom, I am wearing wooden pants).

  Feathers said:

You people need to quit with the kissy-arse stuff.  No more lame speeches about how much you love the place whatever rule changes there may be.


My personal view is that this forum is for the people and the rules must be made by the moderator however unreasonable.  We must give thanks.


If a few hundred people get banned then so what?  Did we need those people?


So long as we have moderators and kissy-arse people then we should be happy.


On a more serious note...  The rules listed in the rules section are pretty good actually.


(You may not lick my bottom, I am wearing wooden pants).



"wooden pants"

Does Feathers has something like a permission to say those stuffs?



I dont think that is about kissing arses

People is just trowing their views about it, just like you did ;)

  'Death said:

The search works as before... But some newer users were lost in the hack, so maybe their names aren't active any more... So they'd have to re-register!


Try searching for specific words combined in the text maybe?




thanx friend I actually found what I was looking for cause of your reply


super ;)

  mars said:

What happened on the OffTopic, during the hack and then on IRC or Isratrance was far enough to close it forever.


Exactly what happened? Some background information would be nice.

Posted (edited)

eh, what about freestyle, i[and i think many others too] loved that section, all that crazy stuff posted there, perfect place to talk weird nonsense and have a good laugh about it :)?!


btw - in OT last freestyle post showed is "lemon" by fp, when you open freestyle its cinos "boring teacher".

Edited by reger

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