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My partner and l went to a great weekend dance party(Earthcore In Victoria Australia)and we took still pics and video of the event over the 3 days.


What are your feelings about people taking pics and video?


Do you agree or disagree with people taking pic and video?


We got some great video footage,we would never want to offend anyone,we will use the video for future reference to show people how enjoyable the events are,and to prove there drug crazed evil events.


The Caveman :ph34r:


Personally, I have nothing negative towards people taking pix or making videos during anything unless they disturb me or are really annoying with flashes or sticking cameras in my face. Also filming drugged people isn't a good thing to do.


I always enjoy watching pix (especially taken by a proffecional) from different festivals/parties :) My favourite photographs were here - pierrefoto.se but it's not working for a couple of months now :(


So when you're ready - post a link to the pix here B)


don't like it... mostly. pretty annoying with the flashes and all, sometimes you look really stupid on a picture so people make fun of it... (see moshgirl etc..) , ive always hated camera's, i think they should be forbidden on every party :)


I think if there is a video camera involved, well, fuck off, unless you have my permission. This particularly applies for those relating to journalists and for-profit money hungry morons :)


Otherwise, if you're a local doing it for some fun, I don't mind.


Flashing still cameras, I can't stand the flash. If there's enough lighting, leave the flash off. If there's not enough light, don't bother. Then there's the reason as posted above. Some people just look stupid at certain moments. Facial expressions, etc. Some things just were never meant for camera. Again it boils down to permission. If you get the express verbal consent face to face from the people involved in the photo, sure, go ahead. But why waste the effort? We're at the events to enjoy our time, not to become the next big psynews.org/index.html main photo :-P to be made fun of.


I personally do take pictures. Away from other folks though. It's always among the group I am there with or those I've known for awhile and have seen a few times or more at parties. I don't take many, just a few to capture that event! DJs SHOULD NOT HAVE FLASHES DURING MIXES! The end! :)




well well.


pictures are good. pictures are fun. everybody knows i love pictures.

i am all for pictures, but it depends what you're going for. if you use pictures as a weapon, you won't be welcomed in my area next time.


but if you're going for the positive part, magic, of the party .. go on! show the world the beautiful people dancing, show the decos, show the cute djs, show the atmosphere, show anything you want.


Well first thing .....l am so sorry for the mix up in words concerning the last phrase it should have said


and to prove they are *NOT* drug crazed evil events.(l know l am a dam foooool).


Ok l am very pleased with all the responces so far,you all have very good points,and l have learnt from them.


l agree camera flashers are annoying too!


One thing l would never do is make fun of anyone in my video and l have no intentions of making any money out of my pics and video l have of the Earthcore Festival 2005.


It is a great scene,and l am very lucky to have found something in my life l truely enjoy besides my partner!




The Caveman :ph34r:




i'll tell you one thing.

in every event where there is dancing, drinking, "drugging", good mood and energy, you will find occasions to take shots.

some of them will contain people moving or talking or yawning or making funny faces while dancing.

generally, artists and djs' image can be harmed by people that post pics of them in a funny, ridiculous pose.

also, people dancing mad at the music they love may be interpreted as "oh, what a druggie event".

so in the end, it matters HOW you do the pics, HOW you use them later, WHOM you show the pictures.



Sungirl, known russian dj and producer. never heard her spinning. but there were published some certain pictures that made people use sarcasm and irony when speaking about her. it affected her image.


Posted Image


and then, some people in the scene, who are pretty public, also care about their privacy. let's say maybe party/festivals organisers. especially underground events.

i was in this festival last summer, one of the security guys fell in love with the location, the river, the colorful decos, etc and asked me if he could bring his camera and make a short video. i said yeah, why not (i knew it was just for himself). but other people from the crew were against that because they did not trust that security guy. everything was fine though.


Hey, Caveman, how was Earthcore? A friend and I were going to go but decided we were too busy and that we'd hold out for Rainbow Serpent in January.


I like pictures too. Especially the ones where people look goofy or completely stupified. Actually, I enjoy looking as stupid as possible myself. I think my avatar is a pretty good example.


I don't mind people taking pictures of me in weird situations. There are quite a few of those in the campus magazine, that depicts me as a great target for the psychologists who will eventually graduate here :D


About artist's reputation and career and such - as an "artist" myself (not very accomplished, but time will tell), I couldn't care less. An exclusive select few can make a living by performing in this scene anyway, so I don't really think there's anything to ruin. To me, this scene (the music, the parties, the people...) is about anything but stuck-up image-control anyway, so if I look stupid, and entertain people in the process - great :)

But then again, some people might think otherwise, and people with cameras should respect that. I don't have a camera (but I still respect people's vanity ;))




I like to see pictures from parties I've visited so I can't be against cameras at parties. But I don't mind when there are no pictures of me... ;) People can look rather strange when they dance (even when they are sober) but it's also cool to see the party crowd on pictures going nuts together. On one of Yahel's CD singles is a music video with scenes from different parties he has played. Best thing is that movie scenes form a party in Switerland were included where I've been to so I can watch the movie and see the party again.


Cameras at parties should be forbidden (long time ago it was more or less a rule that you didn't take pic at parties)...

these parties are all about getting wasted to some really freaky music and the last thing you wanna see when you're lost is some sober 15 year old bloke wih his new camera in your face. Fuck that.


We've been taking pic's at parties & festivals for a long time now.

Check it out: http://www.psychedelic.be/coppermine/index.php



1) I can take a picture of anything I want

2) Wheather it will be put online is a totally different matter. There's a huge pile that doesn't get used, about 2/3 actually. We try to balance the line between funny, beautiful, mocking & stupid. Self-censorship is very important

3) The best pictures are always taken with consent OR without the subject knowing it :P therefor harrassing ppl is never a good idea.

Actually, in most cases it's better to just smile & have the pic taken, cause the result will always be better, really!

4) The person in the picture ALWAYS get's the last word. If they want a pic offline, we take it offline.

5) Most vieuwed pictures are always either crowd-shots ("Am I in there?Am I in there?Am I in there?") or close-ups of girls. Very few ppl actually care to see DJ's or live-acts or deco. We ourselves don't really care about that & still take pictures of all that stuff too...




I don´t mind it all, normally i record in camera the partys and festivals i went and some times i publish my videos in my website...when i record dj´s i always ask for their permission to publish the video...but normally it´s only for me and my friends amuse.


But in boom festival i´ve seen some local portuguese channels taping the festival and they wanted to interview me...afcourse i gave them the finger.When i saw the cover of the festival in television, it was a very negative aproach of the festival.So when it comes to public channels recording partys im totally against it.


Ordinarily I don't mind cameras and video cameras at festivals. If I'm tripping or rolling though the flash has a habbit of searing my brain, freaks me out somewhat. I become a cave creature on acid and really can't handle bright lights.


i also dont like having my pic taken without permission.

but considering my face gets recorded on tape around 1,000 times/day in london i dont really give a shit ; )


i never carried a camera with me in parties/festivals.. but now i feel stupid for not having some pics from my best moments in this scene!!


e.g. i got 0 pics from glade this summer.. i got something like 2-3 pics from samothraki, where i ve been in the first 3 festivals. lame!


cyborganik-the centre of the cyclone  ;)


yeah its cameras everywere these days,its the same in stockholm...so when i go to a party i dont want it there also....but like you say what the fuck can you do about it.... :angry:

it all depends if it's for personal use or to put on line...


Hey Qualium


Eathcore Festival 2005 at Undera to me was great,everyone was cool,even the cops were cool.


The weather was great on the main night,and the ants undergound never got any sleep......even 1 km away :D man it was loud.


depends on who's filming

Cameracrew from televisonstation = BIG NONO


hmmm cameras, the never ending debate in the party scene.


When I first started out going to parties, everyone pretty much hated cameras and videocameras. I mean, we were people doing stuff that we shouldnt do, right?


So, i became a real hater of cameras at parties, because I did stuff that I shouldnt do, and became paranoid that every single person that had a camera was a cop or a snitch haha.


Then a couple of years ago, I got to see a film of a party that I had been on (and boy, I remember I was wasted like hell) and I thought, there is NO way, this could be used as evidence against me, not then, and not now. We all just look happy on that video. And it brought back good memories :)


Nowadays, Well, I dont do drugs whatsoever, and I do not care about cameras, but I CAN relate to what people are saying, when they dont want their face on a video or picture.


And, its worse now to be honest, because you get to be on the internet.


like the PRICELESS pictures... LOL they are funny! :)


Anyways. Im pro photo. But I am also PRO asking if its OK to take a picture, and PRO respect for the participants of the party! :)

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