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hi everyone,

recently i rewire reason with qubase (have no problem with that) and i dont know how can i record the rewire chanells into qubase audio chanells. idont know also if that is posible.

please, can ayone explain me how??


sorry for my bad english


even though i don`t use rewire, i may have a solution for you.


solo the rewire channel and use the "export audio" function ( file->export->audio mixdown ). then reimport as an audio track...


hope that helps.


this is not possible because the patterns of reason dont appear in qubase in any form(wave or midi form). i can hear only the reason project compile and sunc with my project in qubase.

my question is how the song from reason transfer in any different form in qubases channels, midi or audio.



check the "device menu" to see if the reason channel is active (green), if not then activate it. now reason should apear on the sx mixer.

(device menu->reason...click to activate)


check the "device menu" to see if the reason channel is active (green),  if not then activate it. now reason should apear on the sx mixer.

(device menu->reason...click to activate)


He's already done this I think ("I have no problem with that"), but Philter is right about exporting. If you can hear Reason when playing the track in Cubase, you'll be able to export it as he says.

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