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the most common type of enhancer slightly distorts hi frequency harmonics thus making the signal put through it sound brighter.


a bus is a route a signal can take, for example a "channel" can be routed to the "stereo master bus". the auxilary effect send is also a bus to which a "channel" can be routed to. a group channel can also be termed as a bus.


mixers are often described as 8bus or 16bus mixers, these mixers can be used with multitrack-(tape)-machines.


when in a recording situation the relevant channels on the mixer can be routed to busses wich are then assigned to the different tracks of the multitrack-(tape)-machine. for example channel 1 (guitar) is routed to bus 1 wich is assigned to track 1, channel 2 (bass) is routed to bus 2 wich is routed to track 2. both channels are also routed to the master bus. this enabels you to hear guitar and bass in the mix while being able to record them on separate tracks.


A de-esser is a thingy that removes essing... If you have a signal with some electronic noise that goes "shhshsshshsh" (or "ess"), then this noise can be removed with a de-esser.


There are several ways of doing this. The easiest, is to analyze the sound for constant frequency content, and remove this by some sort of EQing. If the noise is constant, then this is fine, but you can accidently remove some of the actual signal too. Therefore, with some other techniques, you can input a sample of the noise you want removed, and then have the de-esser subtract or EQ this from the signal. As with everything else, it comes down to your ears ;)



  Stalker said:

What excatly "Thereshold" means? 

And what about 'Flanger'?


And what is "Dither" definition?


Here Threshold*


se here for FLANGER: web


(in the same site u can find other means of effects and many things. :D )


*im not sure about Thereshold :P


i hope this help u :D:D


Thanks Darma :)


I still need to know what exactly Thereshold does in terms of mastering.

But this had give an idea



Flanger definition was very precise imo

  Stalker said:

Thanks Darma :)


I still need to know what exactly does in terms of mastering.

But this had give an idea


mmm, im searching again hehehe... :P


imo i think is the min level of the volume,

that can be in ur sample

(in the compress)


(sry my bad english) :P


thereshold is the "sound level" at which the sound processor strats processing ie: when the signal reaches this level the compressor or whatever kiks in...


dither is a bit harder to explain: a dither is a bit like a float on the water which moves up and down with the waves. in terms of digital signal processing this meas that the dither smothes out unwanted "squareness" in the signal. so when a sound processor has an internal resolution of 32 bits but the signal only a 16 bit resolution a dither can be used to make up for the quality loss. at this point it is important to remember that 32 bit is NOT double the resolution of 16 bit, double the resolution of 16 bit is 17 bit..

  Philter said:

thereshold is the "sound level" at which the sound processor strats processing ie: when the signal reaches this level the compressor or whatever kiks in...


dither is a bit harder to explain: a dither is a bit like a float on the water which moves up and down with the waves. in terms of digital signal processing this meas that the dither smothes out unwanted "squareness" in the signal. so when a sound processor has an internal resolution of 32 bits but the signal only a 16 bit resolution a dither can be used to make up for the quality loss. at this point it is important to remember that 32 bit is NOT double the resolution of 16 bit, double the resolution of 16 bit is 17 bit..



wow...thanks Philter


Nice said


I finaly get what thereshold means

and as for the dither explanation is very well done. Coincidently, i found a dither definition at a site yesterday


Look what is said:


"A system of adding low level noise to a digitized audio signal in such a way as to extend to the low level resolution at the expense of a slight deterioration in noise performance"


So, its basically what you said, but more in thechnical terms


This means that the dither "way" to smothes out unwanted squareness or to extand the resolution for ex is by adding low level noise?

  Stalker said:

wow...thanks Philter


Nice said


I finaly get what thereshold means

and as for the dither explanation is very well done. Coincidently, i found a dither definition at a site yesterday


Look what is said:


"A system of adding low level noise to a digitized audio signal in such a way as to extend to the low level resolution at the expense of a slight deterioration in noise performance"


So, its basically what you said, but more in thechnical terms


This means that the dither "way" to smothes out unwanted squareness or to extand the resolution for ex is by adding low level noise?


which web satlker? :P

(thanks philter :) , now i know what is thereshold!!)

  Visnu Dharma said:

which web satlker? :P

(thanks philter  :) , now i know what is thereshold!!)




How rude of me..... :rolleyes:



The site is a music production forum, a quite massive one.


Future Producers


There is a section about everything, and people there loves Hip-hop, wich is very funny......





The terms are on the "Dictionary" part, on the uper menu

There is a list of 444 terms there

Wich is great, but there isnt thereshold for ex......

You could put it there Philter :P


good thought, but maybe i should work on my spelling first, or simply stop adding "Es" where they dont belong.. :blink: off course it should have been "threshold" instead of "thereshold" ;)....

  Philter said:

good thought, but maybe i should work on my spelling first, or simply stop adding "Es" where they dont belong.. :blink:  off course it should have been "threshold" instead of "thereshold" ;)....


loooooool :lol:


me too :P

  Philter said:

good thought, but maybe i should work on my spelling first, or simply stop adding "Es" where they dont belong.. :blink:  off course it should have been "threshold" instead of "thereshold" ;)....


Thereshold is when you want a delay.. you add some thereshold triggered by a marker on a track. It makes the track you picked for this effect to go out of the original sync depending on how you adjust the effect.... "There(s)! Hold!!!"... voila!


So much knowledge.. I had to share! :lol:

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