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  Frontier Psychiatrist said:

If you'd hear his last album you wouldn't be surprised. I think he lost it. Unfortunatelly.


He's been involved in some good collaborations (mostly with Posford), but as far as stand alone production is conserned I've never heard anything made by him that was above average. Any suggestions? I guess his importance is as the label manger of Dragonfly and as a producer? Any other offers?


While on the subject of Youth and collaborations, who is the third member of Celtic Cross, S. Davies? Is it an actual person or a pseudonym?


Youth is one of the best creator of our music...

He had made some masterpiece albums like "youth in dub", "east of the river gange" and much others.

His last album " Calibrate your intuition" is great...


About "Suicide" it's not an album but a compilation... so you can understand why it sounds strange

Guest The Journey Man Project

Killing joke says it all, a mastermind of musik

  Frontier Psychiatrist said:

I think he lost it. Unfortunatelly.


I think the hidden psychological meaning being:

FPsychiatrist lost Youth. Unfortunatelly B)


...err, Whatever that means.


PD, Though I would agree with above that for some reason; whenever I've did attempt to, I've could never DJ with Youth's Trance tracks... his other style tracks being other thing altogether.


:::I´ve always felt that "Atoms" was just a ticket to a deep deep innersphere in its concept and particularly in its exquisite and strangely evocative melody...however the simplistic Hihat(in all its available versions) spoiled that possibility by clouding the High frequencies(in the audio spectrum sense) and hence disturbing the otherwise suggested delicate perception.


I've also always had the vague intuition that I've already heard this track in a clearer and deeper version somewhere, somewhen... it might be possible.

I've just dont know if it was in dreams, in some remote dimension, at some hidden past... or as a close friend says: "It migh be a memory of the future".


In today's words, in here I would say: I just hope such a track is released sometime ¡¡¡. :wub:

  Trolsk said:

While on the subject of Youth and collaborations, who is the third member of Celtic Cross, S. Davies? Is it an actual person or a pseudonym?


That is Saul Davies - guitarist and violinist from a band called James. He played guitar on all the Celtic Cross stuff.

  Ott^ said:

That is Saul Davies - guitarist and violinist from a band called James. He played guitar on all the Celtic Cross stuff.


I remember James, they had that Sit Down song. They were pretty good.
  Charlie said:

I remember James, they had that Sit Down song. They were pretty good.


My friend used to looooooooooove James. Her first day at uni one of the guitartists walked in (Larry Gott). He was on the same course as her...she couldn't talk with him for about 3 months....she was too like 'it's Larry, from James...waaaaaaaaaa'.


She mustered up the ability to talk to him after a few months *snigger*


Sorry, off topic. As you were....

  Trolsk said:

Are any of their (James) releases worth looking for?


Depends what you like.


They're not an electronic band and they're quite difficult to categorise. They kinda fuse folk with rock and pop. Best to download some samples and see what you think.

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