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Anytime :)


Actually, I did my master thesis on FFT, used for pitch-shifting. Is pretty much the same as time-stretching, since if you can timestretch perfectly, then you can pitch-shift perfectly - and vice versa. I made a realtime algorithm extending the SuperCollider language. Great fun, and I leanred ALOT of math in the process!





cool another math guy :)


I am particularly interested in Orthogonal Series bases in

infinite dimensional vector spaces / function spaces - so I am right

keen on the Fourier stuff :)


I am particularly interested in Orthogonal Series bases in

infinite dimensional vector spaces / function spaces - so I am right

keen on the Fourier stuff :)


hmm, doesn't ring a bell

it has either been too long since a meaningful theoretic algebra course, or i might have not seen that at all, not a huge algebra buff myself, having majored in applied math, it was a choice between going further in analysis or algebra


I know it's possible, I've heard music slow down and stop completely, without quality loss... -A


I have also heard that, and the quality only improved during those moments


hmm, doesn't ring a bell

it has either been too long since a meaningful theoretic algebra course, or i might have not seen that at all, not a huge algebra buff myself, having majored in applied math, it was a choice between going further in analysis or algebra


hehe, and I chose the other route ;)


the orthogonal bases for function spaces are an infinite but countable

set of othogonal or even nicer orthonormal 'function basis vectors'


A very relatable example is: Function Space >>> set of differentiable functions

orthonormal basis >>> {cos(n*Pi*x)} for all integers n. This is the Fourier

basis vector set. The meaning is that any differentiable function say from

R >> R can be represented as an infinite linear combination of the cosine



There are tons of other polynomial sets and other things that can do this as



Man some of the Analysis shit I studied was fascinating.

One interesting result is a topological proof called the banach tarski paradox.


Basically it says that you can cut up a grapefruit into six extremely complicated

pieces and then reassemble the pieces into two grapefruits of the same size!!


One interesting result is a topological proof called the banach tarski paradox.


Basically it says that you can cut up a grapefruit into six extremely complicated

pieces and then reassemble the pieces into two grapefruits of the same size!!


Oh yeah, I heard that too! That's nuts to think about... Who comes up with this kind of stuf?!? Tarski, I guess :P


My math skills aren't very impressive, but I was sort of forced to learn for my thesis. It was fun though, and it got more fun, the deeper I dug into it. It's so cool, that pure number-crushing can be used for aesthetic purposes.




Oh yeah, I heard that too! That's nuts to think about... Who comes up with this kind of stuf?!? Tarski, I guess :P


My math skills aren't very impressive, but I was sort of forced to learn for my thesis. It was fun though, and it got more fun, the deeper I dug into it. It's so cool, that pure number-crushing can be used for aesthetic purposes.






the banach tarski paradom theorem has been refined down to five pieces now.

it does happen to rely on an axiom of set theory that not all mathematicians

are comfortable with.


Another totally mindblowing result in Logic is Godel's 1925 paper of one

page that single handedly destroyed the idea that mathematics was perfect

or 'complete'




the banach tarski paradom theorem has been refined down to five pieces now.

it does happen to rely on an axiom of set theory that not all mathematicians

are comfortable with.


Another totally mindblowing result in Logic is Godel's 1925 paper of one

page that single handedly destroyed the idea that mathematics was perfect

or 'complete'


Aaah yes... Gödel. I still remember the lecture where this result was proven (edit: obviously when it was proven to ME - I'm not that old, hehee). I hadn't really found the interesting core of computer science yet, but I had to sit 5 minuttes after that lecture, and just think - or just - hmm, the verbification of "intuition" ;) That was a cool lecture - and a pretty darn nifty theorem.




Aaah yes... Gödel. I still remember the lecture where this result was proven (edit: obviously when it was proven to ME - I'm not that old, hehee). I hadn't really found the interesting core of computer science yet, but I had to sit 5 minuttes after that lecture, and just think - or just - hmm, the verbification of "intuition" ;)  That was a cool lecture - and a pretty darn nifty theorem.




the man was brilliant.


Paul Erdos had a saying:

God has a thin little book containing all the theorems.


I reckon Godel's proof would be in that book. one page. David Hilbert

was blasted off his ass and HE was no slouch.


Incidentally, Paul Erdos had MAJOR difficulty grasping the

Monty Hall Theorem !!!


Well, that's a start.  But, it is a given more or less that each channel has

a Zx1 vector I assume right?  Each component in the channel vector being

a 'bit' (0 or 1) of course.  Begin conjecturing ramble:




sorry for late response.

yes each channel is a Zx1 vector, but each element in that vector should be a 16 bit or 24 bit (or 8 bit etc.. depends on the quality of your soundfile) number.

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