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Guest Elysium

This thread is just going to explode.



why? :huh:

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This thread is just going to explode.


why?  :huh:


Good question. :P


why?  :huh:


Unconfirmed rumours of Twisted's future (non) existence, seems like it good turn into quite a discussion, but hopefully I'm wrong.


Not the worst, but most dissapointing release to me was Penta's Funraiser...


Not the worst, but most dissapointing release to me was Penta's Funraiser...


really? I thought Funraiser was brilliant.. though not quite as accessible as Pentafiles, indeed.


While all the albums I got last year are good, some got way less playing time than others, such as Pedra Branca (I think it is from 2005); also, Autechre's untitled is less interesting imo than a lot of his previous work, sort of recycled as far as i am concerned. Antenna vol. 1 is pretty good, but for some reason it got little time from me too. While I find Puff Dragon to generally be pretty good (except for some moments), I find it far from groundbreaking as it was called in many reviews on the net.

I know that PKS reads this forum, but I respect you enough to be honest, while I loved Quality Relaxation at first, I have not put it on in months, I blame the order of the tracks.

Oh, as far as trance is concerned, I have not bought Benza, but have listened to it almost in its entirety many many times at the record shop in hope that I will find a tiny bit that hooks me as I absolutely love the first, but it was not to be.

Guest The Journey Man Project

2005... I had very little income for 85% of year so I had to be selective and had a good year in this scene... Shponlge dissapointed me, it did have some classy moments in it, but it just didn;t click, but am sure some found it to be amazing... Usual Suspects 2 was very dissapointing, and I really get the feeling that Twisted are battling to find inspiration among any of it's artist's... I cranked up Demented and Dementertainment on the weekend and their stuff after those just went really badly... in reality there is very little in this scene that dissapoint's me, Nissiyani and the Israeli full on is about it, so I just never buy any of it... the dark stuff can get a bit usch, but in small doses I really enjoy it... all in all altho I found it hard to find a lot of music that I foudn worthy of my cash, the stuff I got was generally brilliant.. thanks in particular to:


Tribal Vision Records B)

Chill tribe B)B)

Gravity Plus, Boshke Beats and Horns and Hoof B)B)B)B)


releases i've bought and that were disappointing: probably silent sphere's follow-up album, which is very bland and uninspirational compared to their debut


releases i didn't buy and listened to bits of: wrecked machines' follow up, which didn't seem to have any of the debut's subtility, and damage was also disappointing compared to his previous releases


thinking of it, i think i sort of stopped bothering with fullon after those


Cinos, you will never undesrtand how great Gregh on Earth album is..... manily because you suffer from a........disease

A disease that can not be cured :rolleyes:


personally the only full on albums i got this year


- Vibraspirit vol 11, for a bit there i regained faith in full on


- mr.peculiar - Mind - Dala > nothing out of the ordinary but a few tracks i can diggest well...


- V/A - Evolve (Soular) mostly for one track... Popstream and alt control, which is rare for me to like, but things done well still shine


- E - Jekt... was which alright, but... the feeling didn't last much...


this year i will probably have half on that number spent on full on albums...


Cinos, you will never undesrtand how great Gregh on Earth album is..... manily because you suffer from a........disease

A disease that can not be cured :rolleyes:


:lol: yeah... Ghregh on earth is the real deal! REAL Dark psy, and not 'random effects and hard bassdrum/bassline not really dark at all stuff'


I couldn't even begin to list the bad stuff that came out (keeping in mind there was lots of good too)... luckily there were only a few times where I was bit by the 'gottahavit' bug and ordered something without listening first. The only serious disappointment for me that comes to mind is Navajo's debut... sigh.


Well, I also thought I bought almost no music from this year, but I made a list of all my cds. Following were of this year, and it were 20+, and some will still be bought soon, so it's ok afterall :) My worst... probably Vibraspirit 11 :(




Derango Tumult

Fragile Life

Gaudi Testa

Ghreg On Earth Sigilweaver

Hesius Dome Farewell Waltz

Human Blue Discovery Channel

James Reipas Uwaga

Khetzal Corolle

Magnetrixx Wired

Makyo Swara Mandala

Mandalavandalz Poisonmachine

Nova Natura

Nystagmus The Immaculate Perception

Procs Stuck In The Oven With Me

Radical Distortion vs Mendark Purple Energy

Run Motherfucker Run

Schlabaduerst 007

Sci Forest Fetish Box

Shpongle Nothing Lasts…

Solar Fields Leaving Home

Solar Fields Extended

Squaremeat Astronomical Coffee Break

Vibraspirit 11


what do you think of Procs's album, Anoebis?


on topic, i cannot decide on a "worst of 2005". if i didn't like something, i just didn't listen. btw, i haven't listened to the Shpongle album, except for the first few minutes. i'm bad, i know i know.


Sphongle. i can bare it, untill that dreaded salsa swings in. exit cd.

Midi Miliz. i know. it's a killer 2005-album, but it made me discover their other work - and compared to those... i dunnow. mixed feelings.

Miditec. i expected more from a former Beat Hacker. unbearable full-on prefab.


One Love


I bought a lot of albums this year, some of it great, some of it average some of it dissapointing, some of it awful

I unfortunately bought Bamboo Forest - Revival this was dissapointing and shit

I liked Shpongle's contribution to 2005 even if it was a bit dissapointing it was still top notch.

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