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I'm so INCREDIBLY tired of psy artists using vocals from sample CDs! Seriously, after hearing the vocals from Ott's Splitting An Atom in more than four other tracks and the stuff from Younger Brother - Magic Monkey Juice in Elysium - Fairytale, I'm at the edge of suicide.


Not to mention Ely's track is great, but those vocals go a long way in ruining it.


If you can't afford new vocals, THEN DON'T FUCKING USE THEM! :angry:



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Word. Although i haven't heard many samples several times.


Even Tiesto uses the vocals that go "aaaahhh manachii" from the beginning of Splitting An Atom. I've heard them in two other tracks too, can't remember which ones though.


Now when you say, i've heard a chant sample that is in the tracks "instability" by shulman (i think, might be some other track by him) and in some track by children of the bong.


also, there is this sample with a girl singing "aiiaaiiiaiiaaaaiaa-haaaa" that i've heard in tracks by the orb and antiloop.


I have the same problem. I can't listen to some of those Entheogenic songs with the same samples I first heard in Shpongle tracks.

Guest Elysium
Posted (edited)



I'm so INCREDIBLY tired of psy artists using vocals from sample CDs! Seriously, after hearing the vocals from Ott's Splitting An Atom in more than four other tracks and the stuff from Younger Brother - Magic Monkey Juice in Elysium - Fairytale, I'm at the edge of suicide.


Not to mention Ely's track is great, but those vocals go a long way in ruining it.


If you can't afford new vocals, THEN DON'T FUCKING USE THEM!  :angry:





Do your own music..ok? I explained before at psynews that I had that sample for years and never got it off a sample CD. And I did not hear the Younger Brother track so I did not know they used it. Is that ok or should I go and hang myself too?

Edited by Elysium
Guest Elysium
Posted (edited)

I have the same problem. I can't listen to some of those Entheogenic songs with the same samples I first heard in Shpongle tracks.



And where did Simon get those samples from? From sample CD's too ;) I get a bit tired of all the bitching against artists and their use of samples.. We can not check out every single track that's been released by other artists just to see if they also use the same sample. It's impossible and yes we use sounds and voices from sample CD's too..... I do not see that as a shame. Not all of us can afford to go to a specific location in whatever country to record a sample. So we use samples CD's...Big deal. Most of us also try to use our own stuff but it does happen that we use stuff used by other artists.... nothing to do about it and life's too short to bitch about it ;)


If you do not like the music dont buy it... Oh wait who buy music anyway? Then dont download it ;)



edited the engrish :)

Edited by Elysium
Guest The Journey Man Project

And where did Simon get those samples from?  From sample CD's too ;)  I get a bit tired of all the bitching against artists and their use of samples..  We can not check out every single track that's been released by other artists just to see if they also use the same sample.  It's impossible and yes we use sounds and voices from sample CD's too.....  I do not see that as a shame.  Not all of us can afford to go to a specific location in whatever country to record a sample. So we use samples CD's...Big deal.  Most of us also try to use our wons tuff but it do happen that we use stuff other artists use....  nothig to do about it and life's too short to bitch about it ;)


If you do not like the music dont buy it... Oh wait who buy music anyway?  Then dont download it ;)





I also find the use of sample CDs chinsy and frustrating. It to me shows a general lack of imagination. I mean, with so many other things an artist can use to induce meaningful sound into music, why use publicly available samples that are specifically made for electronic musicians that other artists are undoubtedly using? It would be far more imaginative, for instance, to look into some old, random records and take samples from there, like some artists do. Or make them yourself.

Guest Elysium

I also find the use of sample CDs chinsy and frustrating. It to me shows a general lack of imagination. I mean, with so many other things an artist can use to induce meaningful sound into music, why use publicly available samples that are specifically made for electronic musicians that other artists are undoubtedly using? It would be far more imaginative, for instance, to look into some old, random records and take samples from there, like some artists do. Or make them yourself.



Now I dont really bother to defend how I do my music or what samples I use. I think it's entirely up to the artists to choose and as I said if people do not like it then just dont buy, download or listen to it.


But if you ever heard my music you would know that 95% of the samples I use and have used over the years do not come from sample CD's but from a lot of sources like own recordings, TV, old records (as you mentioned), nature CD's etc. etc. etc.


I just get tired of all the bitching about one track I released. and to see yet another identical topic here. Next time use the search first Cinos ;)


Sorry that I was not soo cool to listen to the Younger Brother track before using that Spanish singer. And I guess all Simon fans have yet not understood where he get almost all his "cool" samples from ;)

Guest The Journey Man Project

Now I dont really bother to defend how I do my music or what samples I use.  I think it's entirely up to the artists to choose and as I said if people do not like it then just dont buy, download or listen to it. 


But if you ever heard my music you would know that 95% of the samples I use and have used over the years do not come from sample CD's but from a lot of sources like own recordings, TV, old records (as you mentioned), nature CD's etc. etc. etc.


I just get tired of all the bitching about one track I released. and to see yet another identical topic here.  Next time use the search first Cinos ;)


Sorry that I was not soo cool to listen to the Younger Brother track before using that Spanish singer.  And I guess all Simon fans have yet not understood where he get almost all his "cool" samples from ;)



LOL yeah a mate of mine bought a sample cd that sounded like a untweaked veriosn of the first Shpongle cd, was sooo funny...


And where did Simon get those samples from?  From sample CD's too ;)  I get a bit iktired of all the bitching against artists and their use of samples..  We can not check out every single track that's been released by other artists just to see if they also use the same sample.  It's impossible and yes we use sounds and voices from sample CD's too.....  I do not see that as a shame.  Not all of us can afford to go to a specific location in whatever country to record a sample. So we use samples CD's...Big deal.  Most of us also try to use our own stuff but it does happen that we use stuff used by other artists....  nothing to do about it and life's too short to bitch about it ;)


If you do not like the music dont buy it... Oh wait who buy music anyway?  Then dont download it ;)

edited the engrish  :)


I'm aware most of these known vocal samples are from sample CD's and that many artist can get their hands on them. I'm not bashing any artists who happen to use the same samples after someone has already used them, although knowingly doing this would be pretty lame.


Now in the case of Younger Brother and you, I just happened to hear the Younger Brother tune first and therefore to me it is the "original" source for this particular sample. Whenever that "Younger Brother"-sample kicks in in "Fairytale" I feel irritated. Other than that I like your tune on Quality Relaxation (which I have bought) and wait to hear more material from you. Accidents happen :P.


Do your own music..ok?  I explained before at psynews that I had that sample for years and never got it off a sample CD.  And I did not hear the Younger Brother track so I did not know they used it.  Is that ok or should I go and hang myself too?


true friends of me make goa too, made a track two years agoo will release it soon

the sample is from a movie and already been used 3 times now by other artist

well yeah the track is finished, can't change anymore what is normal, so if you will hear the track some people will say 'oh now that one again' but it's just the way it is sorry


I think it's entirely up to the artists to choose and as I said if people do not like it then just dont buy, download or listen to it. 


ever heard of constructive criticism?

it is completely up to the artists how they create

it is the completely up to the audience to voice their opinions on how to make something even better

consequently, it is again up to the artist to either completely disregard the advice or to use it in some way


Sorry that I was not soo cool to listen to the Younger Brother track before using that Spanish singer.  And I guess all Simon fans have yet not understood where he get almost all his "cool" samples from ;)


i did not get the impression that cinos was bashing someone for using the same samples as simon; i thought he was bashing all artists (simon included) for using sample cd's


i will go further and bash all sample use altogether

where samples with words are concerned, i am totally against that as that narrows down the interpretability of the message in the music


on the other hand, i love pure vocal samples where the human voice is used as an instrument, where the sample is music on its own


so here, there is no problem in using the sample in a creative way, as long as it is creative, and it definitely can be this way (eg. dj shadow whose music is all made up of cut-up old records). if it is creative, the samples will not remind us of anything we have heard in the past as they will be totally woven into the whole


my rant of the day


yesterday I watched "12th monkeys" and was really fun to recon some samples and recall the tracks:


"I don't really come from outer space"


"...or maybe I'm just in your head"

quirk / xenomorph

"I'm not crazy"



and more from xeno (Cassandra's nightmare) and other track i dont remember atm


Not too long ago I watched the entire Twin Peaks series with my girlfriend at the time and it was interesting to hear pretty much all the samples from Biosphere's Substrata album. It was actually kind of disappointing to tell you the truth, because I'd always thought of that album as totally original. I still like it, though.


Yeah, I was bashing sample usage in general. They don't make your tracks better ffs. I've made my own music at times, and while amateurish, I make everything myself. I don't even use movie samples, I record my own little speeches.


Using a basic piano, synthlead, single drum sound etc. from a sample CD in a sampler, is the same thing as using a synthesizer with a lot of ROM samples (a "rompler")... with these samples you can create your own patches in more or less the same way on both a synthesizer and sampler (or you can use/edit the preset patches).

On a lot of sample CD's however, the sounds are much more extensive and very 'premade': complete drumloops, vocal parts, ambient drones, cool FX etc.... all sounds that would require a lot of effort to create them yourselve.

I don't mind if people use a few of those samples to make their tracks complete... but it does irritate me when there's obvious and extensive use of these samples, with little or no editing. That's just too easy. Shpongle - Divine Moments of Truth is full of those samples. The end result is nice but it's still a little too easy IMO.


Not too long ago I watched the entire Twin Peaks series with my girlfriend at the time and it was interesting to hear pretty much all the samples from Biosphere's Substrata album. It was actually kind of disappointing to tell you the truth, because I'd always thought of that album as totally original. I still like it, though.


Huh, I thought it was pretty obvious where those samples came from :P I liked them in that album :)


Bahamut: Yeah, I think it's so weird that Simon used so many samples in the Shpongle project while he proved he could create amazing soundscapes using only his imagination, on the Hallucinogen albums. I agree on that it feels kinda cheap. Still, he made all the excellent melodies, harmonies, synthetic drums and stuff like that by himself. Not to mention that the flute was actually recorded for the project and not stolen. I probably wouldn't be able to listen to it if those flutes were from a random sample cd ;)

Guest djnemo

I think you Cinos started this topic once before, about another Shpongle track.. but hey, whatever. I dont see the problem in using sample cds, and I dont see why that would be less creative. Its what you DO with the sample, not that you are USING a sample that matters.


And what I find funny as well is, that its always the NON musicians that are bitching about it. In general it seems like people bitch a lot, but have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER, how it is to produce a track. How to finalize the whole thing, and how to make a sample fit. And so much more and more and more.


If I am gonna be very bitchy about the whole thing, I am gonna make a list of Sampled beats that all the artists are using, and believe me, some of your favourite artists are using the same breakbeats, same snare, same hihat, same bassdrum, same bass samples, same bassloops, same sampled nordleads (because I know that there are artists using a nord, but dont own one) etc etc, but those are things that you dont consider, DO YOU!?

Guest djnemo

I think some Shpongle flute lines actually _are_ taken from sample CDs, but I'm not sure.

Any confirmation?


No they are not, its Raja Ram

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