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Audiogalaxy petiton very important!

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I'll read it.


K I just read it, and just sent the following email to the dude that made it:


. The word "user's" in "more than 2 million AG user's support for the music

. industry" should be "users'" technically.


. -=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

. Sorry I had to point it out.. but you DO want to make the right impression,

. and I'm a grammar-freak.


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

When there is one subject, like a single user, and a posession, in this case "support," refer to it as "the user's support." one user.

When there are multiple subjects, like more than 2 million AG users, and you want to talk about their support, put the apostrophe AFTER the "s."

Guest Gorgonator

The parasites are dying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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