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[/b]Thx Cuz i have sarched threw the net and i didnt foudn nuthin....


can anybody explain me how to use some of this programs??

Drumatic 3 | Virtual-analouge drum synthesizer




Drumatic VE | Vintage drum synthesizer




i only know drumatic and drumatic 2.2....


1. adjust a long decay "decay"


2. use the pitch modulating envelope "mod" to select the pitch range of your kik.


3. tune your kik by adjusting "tone".....adjust to the key of your track


4. re-adjust the decay to fit in the spaces of the bass...


5. adjust "hi pitch" and "hit am" to ad a )) click (( to your kik...


6. go to step 1 to 5 until youre satisfied it fits with your bass


Zodiland: useful answer


to others: :-) every time pleasure...




lin plug Octopus

lin plug albino2

ultra analog vsti



for the first time I tried

A1, VB1


can you be a bit more specific, do you mean adding effects to a sound i.e. delay etc.. or do you mean creating a specific sound or sample? if its the first option then i dont know because i dont know f.l. but there are f.l. experts on this board..


emm  bro i ment do lots of sounds....emm how can i explain it

like many different sounds playing together like when the trance is on his highest moment

did u understand?


its all a bit vague! youll have to be more specific.


EVERY synth is suitable for psytrance. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

It's the effects you apply on it, not the synth itself. I sometimes get the most amazing leads with the basic cubase vsti's. jx16 and stuff.

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