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Guest parhelion

I once heard a track with Beavis and Butthead laughing thoughout a whole song...and you could tell it wasn't meant to be comical. I don't remember the name of the tune...not sure I want to..


Haltya and Texas Faggot have some corny samples too....but I love them :)


Parhelion - Yeah, that reminds me - I don't know if it's the track you're thinking of, but Cypher's "Do You Wanna Do It?" is full of Beavis and Butthead. Horrible. The track itself is pretty cool, though.


So with that said, and although many will disagree, I hate tracks with samples from cartoons like The Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead and South Park, though all of these shows have merit in and of themselves.


Not funny. :) EA


Damn I take that back about Space Tribe. There needs to be a very good goa artist that has wacky samples like space tribe. "Out there in the Universe" is a great track to mix in after some crazy green nuns or hallucinogen. It's not good to mix in with something like x-dream. It's just the Goa spirit. I mean this guy behind space tribe is at least trying to preserve the goa spirit. You look at his album covers and cd artwork and everything and it is just amazing. And looks great under blacklights. And the samples are for happy blissful hippies at a goa party. This guy is refreshing and unique. I take back my previous comments! we are all honored to have someone so enthusiastic about goa. Thank You SPACE TRIBE! but.. leave out the electric guitars.. ;)


Repeating samples!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE artists stop repeating the sample over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over!!! And don't try to make a damn rytham out of the sample!!! That has to be THE most annoying thing ever. A sample should be like 4 times in a track at the most. After that WE GET THE POINT. don't do the "healing magic... healing magic... healing magic... healing magic... healing magic, thing chi ad does. Butchers the whole sample. I really like that track too, but after a while i can't help but laugh at that guy saying healing magic to the rytham over and over. Aviod Repetition.

Guest lÿsërgïç

samples can be very good during a build up or outro. but they can also totally ruin a track if used badly i think.


be intelligent


i think Samples are lame,, the second they are said with no real point.


like samples from the matrix has been overused and are no longer original.


the originality of the sample is really important i think.


like, i could say something myself like "LSD RULES" in a track.

that wouldn't be very cool,,, but if i said something iteresting , or used the words with interesting effects and made it a part of the track.


there is a track, dunno the name, but a guy says "What did they give you??" (small break) and a girl says "they gave me ,,,,,,,,,,EEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL ESSSSSSSSSSSSS DDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

and they stretched her voice,, a loooot of reverb and the track is just KILLER moving on.


this is a great sample,, all though it's really lame,


actually in general now that i think of it, i think that samples abuot aliens, drugs and other usual psychedelic things are too used, so they need to be really special not to be 100% stupid!




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