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140 bpm proggy fullon thingy, melodic


who releases stuff like this?

seems i found a new style to produce :D


Don't have a clue but the description sounds nice. Any samples available! :D


sorry, but I don't know any labels releasing trancey house :P:)


seriously though, nice music but completely not my style, so I can't help...


Gotta say it overall sounds pretty nice, especially the part from 0:13 to 0:28 - really wonderful floating pads. Some of the leads sound a bit too stressful for me though, and it certainly makes the tune much more full on than progressive. My recommendation is that you go for the usual israeli morning labels like Com.Pact, Utopia and Trancelucent. There are of course lots more labels releasing this style - I guess you know most of them them already :)


but this is not compact uptopia and trancelucent sound

you see


this ain't fullon nor prog, so hard to find a place for it. :unsure:


I never make ground breaking stuff. I make whatever comes out. If by chance it happens to be ground breaking, so be it. But that's not my direction :P


If it sounds like a blend of the latest Silicon Sound,Jaia,Ticon,Prometheus,Allaby artists then just let me know.


That stuff sounds damn nice!!!! I hope you can release something to so I can listen to the full version...

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