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wow alien you got in all that typing trouble for me!!!


thnx man!!!!!!!!!! :wub:


ill copy all this info and keep it for some serious reading :lol:


that growroom is amazing,i can imagine the sweet smell,omg.....


i have to try some mushis though and those parks look great!!! ;);)


The architecture in amsterdam i heard is great,and they have all this interesting museums....if i manage to make it i bet it will be a great trip!!!!


thnx again!!!

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snow-ball, I'm very glad you made this topic :)


This summer I'm planning a Euro trip with my friends, amsterdam being one of the locations, so thnx alien for that info.


:) Hey strifer good luck with your trip! :)



i dont want to be a pain in the a$$ but i was searching the internet for some cheap hotels...

spent three hours,i have a headache and couldnt find something specific that suited me....


can someone reccomend something or at least tell me some prices so i can start having an idea of my expenses??? :huh::)



thnx!!!! :rolleyes:


hmm.. maybe check this link out.. they rate hostels, show prices, and you can even make your reservations through there I think...


I cant really give you any specific tips because I stayed at someone´s house...


It seems that hotel/hostel prices are quite expensive, so that will probably be the biggest part of your budget... search around, and dont leave till too late to make your reservations..





when is fullmoon, btw?


maybe Im going to amsterdam too, with my underage gf, so im also hoping there will be no problem :)


there is no chance you ll have problem getting in coffeeshops. even if you are totally unlucky and someone asks you for id, there are approximately 1000 more coffeeshops you can go to.

the only one i recommend is bluebird (find it on your map). decent prices, decent quality and you get a menu with samples of everything.. so you dont select at random and dont get into a fight with whoever is on the till becasue you keep asking can i see this? can i see that?, etc..


i ve been there 5 times.. stayed in hotels and hostels.. all i know is that accomodation is expensive. i honestly wouldnt mind staying in the street overnight than paying 50 euro a night. (only works in summer though)

i have been there in winter as well (cold winter with snow too) and i ended up spending all my money on an expensive hotel. but i think its worth it. if you gonna pay lets say 25 euro per night for a shitty prison-like hostel and a comfy hotel room is priced at 35, id go for the hotel. also remember that you will probably spend most time in the hotel room (too wasted to go outside), so see it as an investment ; )


apart from all that.. there are 2 things i insist visitors to the dam should do:

1. rent a bicycle. there is a store right inthe centraal station (and others in the city obviously) Gives you a very nice outlook of the city and amsterdaam is THE city for cycling. just stay out of the trams and cars way.. hehe ; )

2. bring a stereo (or portable speakers) with you. its gonna be too late when you realise being stoned with no music playing is boring ! ! !

  unikos said:

there is no chance you ll have problem getting in coffeeshops.  even if you are totally unlucky and someone asks you for id, there are approximately 1000 more coffeeshops you can go to.

the only one i recommend is bluebird (find it on your map). decent prices, decent quality and you get a menu with samples of everything..  so you dont select at random and dont get into a fight with whoever is on the till becasue you keep asking can i see this? can i see that?, etc..


i ve been there 5 times..  stayed in hotels and hostels.. all i know is that accomodation is expensive. i honestly wouldnt mind staying in the street overnight than paying 50 euro a night. (only works in summer though)

i have been there in winter as well (cold winter with snow too) and i ended up spending all my money on an expensive hotel. but i think its worth it. if you gonna pay lets say 25 euro per night for a shitty prison-like hostel and a comfy hotel room is priced at 35, id go for the hotel.  also remember that you will probably spend most time in the hotel room (too wasted to go outside), so see it as an investment  ; )


apart from all that..  there are 2 things i insist visitors to the dam should do:

1. rent a bicycle. there is a store right inthe centraal station (and others in the city obviously)  Gives you a very nice outlook of the city and amsterdaam is THE city for cycling. just stay out of the trams and cars way.. hehe  ; )

2. bring a stereo (or portable speakers) with you. its gonna be too late when you realise being stoned with no music playing is boring  ! ! !



good tips too !


the bluebird, I remember that one! it was the one me, phaeton and otto matta stayed smoking and laughing our asses off with the people passing by :lol:


Indeed recommended coffeeshop!



oh yeah, stereo or smt like that is very good tip indeed




thnx sherlock!!!


Well if its around 40-50 euros a night for a triple room its fine!!!


spending a week there,maybe i will just reserve 3-4 days as i suppose that i will be partying all night some days so it will be ok enoough on my pocket!!!



fullmoon is a psy festival in germany,i think its near berlin this time!

they mostly play full-on at day and dark at night!!!

there are also 2 other stages,a chillout(i hope shpongle! :) ) and an alternative(dont know what yet!)



hey unikos thnx for the tips...well if i am TOO wasted i prefer sitting in a park that in a dull hotel room!!!!! B)




I was born in NL although i'm not from near Amsterdam. When i was there last summer i was somewhat lost WITH a map. I was in trance too though :D my problem was that i walked 3 blocks too far... was not due to weed at all though. Had my discman w/me that time. I suggest DAP (MP3 player) but if you prefer stereo go for it.


There are some FAQs about this subject on the web, i kid you not. You may want to search for it. There are some decent tourist guides too. A map is recommended. Here's one of the many online ones http://www.amsterdam.info/map but i suggest you get a printed one and keep it with you all the time. There's also some really cool art shops and some of them are NOT in any guides (it costs a bunch of money to be included in a guide, small shops can't afford that).


Officially a coffeeshop or smartshop employee has to ask for ID and you have to keep your ID all the time in NL or risk being fined. Online smartshops such as Azarius do not require you to ID so if you have an address that may be a solution. They send it to you by mail, well packaged (ie. you don't see it has drugs although a hotel employee probably knows Azarius). There may be even online coffeeshops, i don't know wether they exist in Amsterdam. Where i lived there was a thing called weed-taxi whom you could phone and 30 min later you got your weed delivered. Not sure if thats (still) legal though. Some mushrooms are really crap. Look at where they stored them. Don't pay too much either. Personally i like the hawaiian. But i woludn't pay more than 10-15 EUR for a portion.


For good parties, try squats and Ruigoord. Some are included at Goabase some are not included ;) there's been a fire at a goa party a year or so ago and that lead to the scene being more closed for a while. Some parties are also more private parties, you may have to know a friend who goes to there, and ask the organisation to be allowed. And frankly, i have never been at a party in NL where the music was good (but i prefer oldschool goa).


A lot if not most coffeeshops, smartshops etc have a website. A friend of mine made a website to search for coffeeshops, smartshops and the like which you can use to search for a certain name or place: Here. Site should be up at Blowlands.nl some time, but he's lazy. Together with a GPS and/or map thats useful. The database is a bit out of date (~ 2002, i entered all the data myself) so you may want to use the name of a shop and look at a search engine, to see what they're about and/or wether they still exist. Don't get yourself ripped off indeed so go for the little streets and such not the centre or big streets. If you feel being a tourist you're in the wrong spot ;)


Oh yeah and a few final notes: roll your own joints (or use a pipe or bring your vaporizer ;) ). Also, the weed may be stronger than what you're used to. There's only 1 place i know of where the weed is better than in NL --especially with regards to taste-- and thats where i'm currently residing ;) Finally (pfff) don't buy it on the street mate, you do not know who you get it from. You'll never see that person again. Buy from trustable sources... ie. coffeeshops or friends who know what they're doing.


Enjoy your stay and be safe!


Just three things.


Dont start smoking too much skunk from the first day you arrive.In 4-5 days you will be like a zombie.Try to smoke when you want to,not every half an hour.


Beware with mushrooms.And when i say it,i mean it.Beware with dried hawaiian.If you are not an experienced user,dont touch them at all.Eat some fresh mexican or colombian.When you go to the smartshop,you better listen to the guy working there and ask for advices.He knows better than you.


Dont miss Vondelpark.


Thnx everybody!! :)


half of you say i need an id(18year+) and the other half say i dont! :unsure:

anw i will find out for sure there!!! :)


yeah i got the point about coffeshops,dont go in the tourist ones!!!! ;)



i havent tried any mushis yet but i tend to repect all the psychedelics so i will be careful(baby steps) ;)


I will absolutely roll my spliffs!!!!

i adore rolling joints!!!! :lol:


parks are hot in my attractions list so i will definetely check them out!!!!


gnome i will be coming from fullmon....dont worry! ;)B)




am looking for hotels right now,and they are insane!


all the rooms,even budget triples,with shared wc,1 star hotels are 90-150euros per night!


the weird thing is that now(in february) they are reasonable50-60euros,but any month after this one they almost double!!!!


is it true???


Click me


click on the dates on the top of the page after "This room is not available from: "


look at all the months,you will be surprised....


this is a description of the room:

Budget Triple

At the moment most room are clean and tidy but have to be renovated. This room does not have a toilet or shower. Your biggest gain from our hotel is the low price, the prime location and most importantly, a friendly staff that will make sure your Amsterdam experience will be an unforgettable one.


LOL i found a 3star hotel for cheaper....wtf is wrong here? :ph34r::blink:


you searching normal hotels? maybe search for hostels

  sherlockalien said:

you searching normal hotels?  maybe search for hostels



i dont really like the idea of sharing a room with 10 other people,its like the army!


i dont really believe there will be no triples for ~60 euros a night in a 1-2 star hotel....


after all i was looking on the internet so its not ALL the hotels that are listed there...the funny thing its that a 1 star triple for 5 days was 445euros and a 3star was 430....i cant trust the results a lot after such a thing.... :lol:


i might sleep in the park if all else fails! :ph34r::)


A hostel doesn't necessarily mean you share a room w/10 people. I've been in a "youth" hostel at Brussels one time for 12,50 EUR a night. My room was small, no accomidations whatsoever and 2 beds so sharing with merely 1 person. I only slept there though, nothing more, since most of the time we were out in town or at the conference. In Budapest it we shared a room with 4 persons and there was no accomidation but i remember it was sortof clean, showers were provided and it was very cheap. I suppose Amsterdam is a bit more expensive than those 2 cities and i don't know any hostels by name or experience over there so i can't help you with that. Maybe get a bit more out of the city and use the metro and/or train?


As for shrooms i take that back. If you've never done that indeed don't try hawaiian on your first time. The instructions of mexicans probly say use 5-10 grams fresh (dried are not legally sold) on your first time. In general, its wise to follow such suggestion. Its wise to read the instructions which come with the drug you buy.


Officially, you really do need to carry an ID all the time in NL and you really do need to be able to ID yourself in a coffeeshop (even when you'd like to buy other drugs in e.g. a liquor store, such as tabaco or alcohol) however you may be lucky and not asked for ID by a coffeeshop employee. If you are asked for by coffeeshop employee and you are not over 18 or cannot provide ID then you're kicked out and then you can just give it a try in one of the many other coffeeshops so don't worry too much about that. The cops randomly ask for ID on street sometimes, sometimes theres a zone where they ask for that and check for weapons. Esp done in areas where youth hang out and places where clubs are near. Sometimes even tools such as a screwdriver is confiscated i kid you not. So don't keep ath unnecessary or potentially "harmful" w/you ditch it at your hostel or keep it home.


If someone on the street wants to sell you something (that can be ath, not necessarily weed; i've been asked wether i wanted to buy cocaine in several major cities in NL) just say "no thanks" and walk away. Don't waste your time, don't get robbed, don't get scammed. No matter how desperate you are for what they have to offer.


Given the prices you stated which i agree are pretty high i'm glad i have family and friends to crush at in Amsterdam. Perhaps it doesn't apply but maybe its a better solution to sleep in a friend's house or their garden using a tent. I don't know the current weather, but with some good sleeping utils and warm clothing it can't be that bad.


PS: I remember some guides include information on cheap ho(s)tels...


thnx flipie! :)


well i will have my id on me thats for sure but i will try to rely on my face to buy smt,i look a lot older that i am! :P


ok so hawain dried i will be careful with that! ;)



actually the 3 star was a bit out of the center so i guess that explains the prices,and i really dont mind taking the metro ,or a bicycle to go somewhere!


i will try to score some guides,i was just hoping to book some hotels on the net cz i heard that in july a lot of the cheap hotels are full,anyway i wont panic am sure we will find somewhere to crush!


i will have a tent with me since am coming from fullmoon and maybe it will help me out if things get hard!(are the parks safe at night?i dont think they are imo)


i need an id to buy alcohol? :lol: insane!!!!


Let me try to clarify some more here and there.


  snow-ball said:

i will try to score some guides,i was just hoping to book some hotels on the net cz i heard that in july a lot of the cheap hotels are full,anyway i wont panic am sure we will find somewhere to crush!

Well, i don't know where such is online. A travellers agency in your country may provide that, and some of those agency are known for quality (expensive hotels) others are for cheapskates (hostels etc). After you got the information for cheap ho(s)tel you don't have to book w/them you can just write down the name ;). If you don't have a guide and are in NL you can get them from the "VVV":



Info is in Dutch. I'm not sure wether they have info available in English in their folders. I'm not sure wether they are free (i got mine from family when i was in Amsterdam). But you can always ask for information by just asking the person who's there in English. They're used to tourism / English in Amsterdam, and try to promote tourism, so they'd gladly help you w/your stay in that regard.



i will have a tent with me since am coming from fullmoon and maybe it will help me out if things get hard!(are the parks safe at night?i dont think they are imo)

I wouldn't do that, BUT if you are not alone some people can stay awake and keep guard. Trainstations are usually closed (b/c of homeless and heroin junkies), some are safe to stay a night, but i bet Amsterdam is not among those. If you got a tent, i suggest getting a backpack and putting the tent together w/the backpack. I've done that when i was travelling through Europe and when you set your backpack well wrt your body (hips and back 30% / 70% weight) then you won't get trouble getting tired or pain b/c the weight!!!



i need an id to buy alcohol? :lol: insane!!!!


Officially, yes. Tabacos 18 too. But law is theory not practice. Here you need to be 21 to buy alcohol and i'm still asked for ID even though i'm over 21, buy from the same store, the same beer, from the same employee. I'm not sure wether you need to be 16 in NL for beer and 18 for "heavy alcoholic beverages". I've seen documentaries on TV where kids of age 13, 14 were able to buy all the breezers they wanted to. In NL ephedra is illegal. I've also seen documentaries of smartshops selling ephedra though. Not sure if that was standardized, bulk or pills. Here its legal, but its hardly sold anyway except in bulk. Afraid for law i guess even though its ruled legal year ago. So law is different that reality, but i still think its wise to know the law just in case. If you go w/friends and one of them is 18 he/she can go inside and buy it for the group.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  snowball said:

just a question:


coffeshops are 24h open right?


Nooooo, especially not in Amsterdam. I think most of em close at 12, or maybe 1 pm, at last. Now, if you come to Groningen, it's all whole different story (but still, coffeeshops aren't open that late generally)
  Snapinho said:

Nooooo, especially not in Amsterdam. I think most of em close at 12, or maybe 1 pm, at last. Now, if you come to Groningen, it's all whole different story (but still, coffeeshops aren't open that late generally)


thanks but i allredy found out,they post their working hours on their sites... :(


Thanks to snowball for this thread, and sherlock,flipie,unikos for all your tips... :wub: love you guyz... I'm planning to go next month but just for 2-3 days short trip.

  snowball said:

well i was looking at some coffeshops today and surprise surprise i found one named Goa! :)


Are you still in A'dam?


If so, then go to ABRAXAS coffe shop (it's in J. Roelensteeg)! And buy a pie! Do it :)

  RTP said:

Are you still in A'dam?


If so, then go to ABRAXAS coffe shop (it's in J. Roelensteeg)! And buy a pie! Do it :)


i am not yet there!


what kind of pie?a ....magic pie? :)


i will work to hagen in a greek restaurant for a month.can you tell me if i can smoke free in hagen everywhere i want?o i will have problem if i do that?can i smoke weed in the restaurant free or is it forbidden ?i heard that marijuana is very cheap in holland and also that in some places you cant drink alchohol free but you can smoke weed free:)a little strange for me!anyone from holland or anyone who knows to answer my questions.i hope that i can smoke at work i mean in the greek restaurant without any problem...

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