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Please recommend me the most emotional psychedelic trance you know. I mean darker tracks like Phreaky new, Astral Projection - Searching for UFOs/ Visions of Nasca and other. Ofcourse i´ma looking for oldschool or newschool that sound like oldschool. I think this kind of emotional trance is rare or missing in the psytrance scene or am i wrong?


I'm not a big psytrance expert, but old Infected Mushroom and Juno Reactor are kinda enjoyable. Some Posford sidesongs (like Long long arms or Beast) are IMO very nice and listenable...


Are the posford songs emotional?


my advise is stop dwelling on 'old goa trance' and experiment with with old platipus releases... who knows they might a spot... :unsure:


You might be looking in the wrong subgenre. Goa and psytrance isn't necessarily what I'd call emotional trance. Uplifting, spiritual and mystical qualities are terms I'd attach to some of it, but for sheer emotional feel good trance, look elsewhere.


You might be looking in the wrong subgenre.  Goa and psytrance isn't necessarily what I'd call emotional trance.  Uplifting, spiritual and mystical qualities are terms I'd attach to some of it, but for sheer emotional feel good trance, look elsewhere.


You´re wrong, i said above that there is stuff out that i like like phreaky over the moon, some mfg tracks and so on that are very emotional, i search such music and it is psychedelic trance.


Try Khetzal: Corolle

Lani: our way to the sun

Synsun: symphonic adventures

Menog: emotions

Vibe tribe: melodrama

Zorba: zorba

Asura: Code eternity


you got different styles in there but all emotionnal in one way..


Try the Benza - Retrofuturism album, some very emotional melodies in the sixth track but also some melodic darker stuff. Track 1, 2 and 6 are the best.


if your're looking for some emotional psychedelic music, goa trance isn't even the right genre :P I recommend some Ozric Tentacles if you're looking for emotional melodies


yahel-last man in the universe


The track is great, i have it but i need more darker stuf, maybe you don´t know what i mean. On Astral Files are some emotional tracks like electronic and the time began with the universe end of universe mix or englithened evolution rmx, i mean such stuff.


Have you allready tried Benza - Retrofuturism as I've said in my first post? I really wonder if you like it.


Have you allready tried Benza - Retrofuturism as I've said in my first post? I really wonder if you like it.


No, i don´t like this because it isn´t hard enough.


Maybe some Sandman stuff?

Guest Cosmogenesis

Maybe, you are searching nostalgic stuffs for example:


X-Dream old stuffs like "psychoactivity"or "eleven"

Dimension 5 - Transdimensional (Deep Space 5D, omega centaurus)

Tandu- Multimoods (especially new aura)

Many power source tracks (granada, goaway)


yahel-last man in the universe


thinking the same thing,

yahel has imo created the most emotional psychedelic trance ever back in the days,

check his older albums, not the new ones,


emuna is emotional too, but it's a bit trancy, but that's the problem with emotional it sounds often more trancy comparing to other goa,


I think the first dimension 5 album has got some emotional tracks, well imo

man with no name - vavoom, that's emotional,


the typical moring trance stuff is mostly emotional like california sunshine (the track rain for example with the crying whales in the beginning)


the third track of the mystica album is very emotional too but it's downtempo not uplifting,


on chi - ad virtual spirit there are some pretty emotional tracks but mostly those are the more slower tracks,


the muses rapt - spiritual healing is filled with emotonial tracks


hilight tribe - free tibet I experencie as an emotional track


infected mushroom has off course created some well done emotional track certainly at the end of BP empire and the first track,


well that popped into my mind right now, hope I helped a bit ;)


I mean darker tracks like Phreaky new, Astral Projection - Searching for UFOs/ Visions of Nasca and other.



We goa lovers, are the only people in the world that classifies this music as dark


We goa lovers, are the only people in the world that classifies this music as dark


I don´t think that at all, play to a non psychedelic listener phreaky over the moon or even hallucinogen - deanger and ask hin if it is not dark. I don´t want start a new thread for this but can someone recommend me good morning trance, too? Ah with emotional trance i mean Cyan - Elf or Cyan - The Eyes of Buddah, that´s really the definiton of emotional trance, i like Cyan even if they make nitzhonod, the Israelian Nitzhonod dón´t sound good but the macedonian sound great, do you know they are from macedonia?

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