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In the devil's name will someone please tell me when to expect a new Orion album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest AtomikElf

yeah, that dude's last album is awesome!!

Guest Elysium Project

I do not think that Brian (Jean Borelli) is planning to start on a new CD before next year but we are doing some remixes of our old Sheyba tracks (Into the 4th Dimension & Trance Africa Express) very soon.

Guest Fiba Optix

I agree with Atomic Elf, I loved his last album & can't wait to hear more! What other names has Jean Borelli made music under or which artists has he collaborated with over the last year or so?





There is a new Orion 12" just come out on TIP World :-)


"but we are doing some remixes of our old Sheyba tracks (Into the 4th Dimension & Trance Africa Express) very soon"


Nicey nice...


Looking forward to that! ;o)


Ha' en topfrisk sommer! [!?]




Damn you Elysium, is that all you got. I know there has to be something (Jean) (Brian) (?) is doing nowadays because that demonic live act I heard in Switzerland is brand NEW material. Whatever I heard, or think I heard, is not old. If Sheyba is all I can get, that's ok.....but someone get him back in the studio promptly, or get his producer off his lazy ass(no pun intended). For hell's sake, psy needs Orion maintenant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sp(still playing) : James is back on the main stage, better, full on almost all the way and conducting the dance. This is going from good to better. Trippy idea ensuing, let's see how deep he is able to take it.....


Bettter and better. this is getting really crazy. minimal, half progressive full on shaking the walls and my drink. not bad for a dj. according to his trend, this is going to lead into full madness any second..... sorry to go on for so long, but this is a pretty decent party


EP now that is a good idea./.. i hope you do justice to trance africa express.. oph yeah feedback wise, you want to work on that kick :-).... and don't lose that main rythmic melody that comes in after those elephant sounds at around the 1:40 min mark... cheers, i will definitely buy that.///

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