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Best psychaos track

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KEYBOARD WIDOW ... GREAT SONG! This may be my most favorite song by them!


SOUNDBEAMS ... Yeeaaah. I really like those melodies and rhythm (!)


INTELLECT ... Another very good/great goatrance song by them. Nice melodies, cool sample, etc..


SCIENCE FICTION ... Good intro. Another very cool, energetic, and melodic song with interesting samples and kickass goatrance feel and melodies!


CHAOS TO ORDER ... One of their harder, more aggressive, chaotic (hence the name) tracks. It start great with the beat and all. Catchy! I find this track gets a bit repetitive after the first 2-3 minutes. This is good, yes, and many people seem to favor it the most on this thread. I feel there are several tracks as good if not better by them. This song definitely stands out though. It's badass. I like it.


PERCEPTION OF REALITY ... Very cool. Maybe not their best, but certainly one of their better if not best tracks. This ones more goatrance than psytrance. Damn them for always having a good sample! ;)


Others worth mentioning:






I have not yet heard:




Future Rocks

They Tried to Grab Us


Trying to download them so I can finally listen to them and see if they're worth posting.


Hmmm...Psychaos has always been a group best known for their singles. They seem to make almost every one of their singles really count and kickass... it's too bad that their Cause and Effect (only main album??!) was not much more than several good/great songs because their older style was very good. There was something very CATCHY and COOL about their dark, aggressive style and psytrance. While some of their music seems to be psytrance, some of their songs definitely sound like goatrance, well, because they fucking are I presume!


Samples to most if not tall PSYCHAOS songs: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/show_ar...p?artist_id=184

Guest Cosmogenesis

It would be a fantastic thing if Psychaos can make a compilation with his old killaaaaar hits, like Asia 2001 or Elysium with their reissue albums. Personnaly, I think that "Dense Dawn" is the Best track from Joti Sidhu, but I haven't heard "future rocks" or "they tried to grab us". So I can't be 100% objective about this. Has someone listened one time "future rocks"?


New Joti is too full on for me.. But Flexual will allways warm my hearth though the album is nothing really that special (to me).

ps. hangovers rule

  • 7 years later...

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