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Mars,Max,Joske please read


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Guest Guy(Psytrancer)

This is not the ideal way to tell you guys this, but I have lost your icqs.


My gorgeous wife Danielle lost her battle with cancer on thursday night, she had been fighting it for one year but in the end it was just too much of a burden for her to bare. This is the reason I have not been seen in here for so long.


I am obviously totally devastated and can't believe I will never get to dance like a lunatic with her again.


I hope your lives are good at the minute.





icq 67315295

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ooooooooh i'm so sorry Guy. After this sentence my eyes are blurred and the keyb has gone wet...


i knew for Daniele cancer, Max had told me...we did believe she would get out of it.


i'm at Anoebis' right now. he's sleeping. I know he'll feel miserable tomorrow.


it was such a strong moment when we met you two, 2 years ago.


feel free to contact us: 53389435 for me, 74107979 for Joske.


fab mars


for the others : Guy and Danièle came especially to see us for the psynews members meeting that happened in march 2000...not only could they only smile, we also had a big time with them during that night.

Understand the couple Guy and Danièle were part of the story of this site !

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Guest Mike D

I am so sorry, I do feel for you. I will pray for your wife, Danielle, and hope that her soul rests in eternal peace. I wish you all the best in these hard times, though we never have and might never meet, my heart goes out to you, and my prays do as well. May she be resting in eternal peace and love.


R.I.P Danielle.

With all my pray and respect,


Michael Francis Dwyer.

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Like Mars said I wasn't too good when I heard the news!

I heard it today at the airport when we were bringing Michael and Colin away...


I really thought her cancer was better, last time I heard you it was going out the right way again :(((((


RIP Danielle and I hope psy-heaven do exist! :-)


And Guy, speak you soon on ICQ!


Bom Shankar

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she will be allways with u more than before !

think about she but try to built a ggod life without thinking u have to grow ...as evrybody

but keep a litle roome to her in your heart

we does the same :)


rip daniele

she gonna allways take a nice look to u ...like an angel !

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Guest stringtheory

I am trully sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you must be going through. My deepest heartfelt thoughts and condolences go out to you. She will always be a part of you. Never forget that. Keep your head up and peace be with you.

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