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...pitching track up makes it usually much better?


inscape - atlantis

kuro - plastomer 1 (the compilation release. it's right paced in the single-cd though...)

tomahawk - xingu



and some tracks don't need it:

analog pussy - psychobitch from hell

deedrah - alien dick


well but anyways, my question behind my usual nonsense is:

can you pitch the track up so that it stays that way?

(= when you play the track again, it's pitched the way you wanted it)


EDIT: is the topic written wrong or what?!! :)


The topic is well written :)




  |o|o|p|i said:

well but anyways, my question behind my usual nonsense is:

can you pitch the track up so that it stays that way?

(= when you play the track again, it's pitched the way you wanted it)


EDIT: is the topic written wrong or what?!! :)



No, you cant change the picth permantly, if is that what you are asking :unsure:


I usually like to picth the track down and see how it works

  Stalker said:

The topic is well written :)

No, you cant change the picth permantly, if is that what you are asking :unsure:


I usually like to picth the track down and see how it works


of course you can change the pitch of a track permanently, use soundforge or another wave editor. most wave editors have a pitch funktion.

  Philter said:

of course you can change the pitch of a track permanently, use soundforge or another wave editor. most wave editors have a pitch funktion.



yeah how supid of me :rolleyes::o


I will sound more stupid to the fact i thought he was talking about gj gear only

I dindt considered softwares and such :o


soundforge eh? *imagines how "soundforge eh?" would sound from Sean Connery's mouth*


stalker: "how you noticed how..."


that's like NHJOengrifh almost.

  |o|o|p|i said:

soundforge eh? *imagines how "soundforge eh?" would sound from Sean Connery's mouth*


stalker: "how you noticed how..."


that's like NHJOengrifh almost.



almost! :)


I really never tried pitching up like half a note... But pitching it up to double speed without really pitching it, like you can do in WMP, that pwns :D


Yeah, of course any kind of music is better if it's played FASTER AND LOUDR!! That's why it's a good idea to have compressor for the PA at a party, and some speedhead

should probably set it up TO MAKE THINGS LOUD ENOUGH!! YEAH!


Bllh. But I pretend that the slower BPMs will make a comeback, as well as dynamics...

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