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listen to this?





and then listen to this?( The one called Lost Temple)





and please please telll me what you think or wich one is better? :P


I am trying to gather new perspectives over ermh...seetings and i need new advices, and techinical advices ;)

What i really want is you to tell me what version is "cleaner"....and them tell me if that "cleaning" is need it... or if is it destructive.


I would be gratefull if you will




The second one, by far. At least that's why my five-o'clock-in-the-morning-can't-sleep-so-i-got-up voice is telling me.




Do you think that the first one is lacking of power?


Yeah, the sound is weak. Not much bass, dull mid and high and it lacks the punch that the second one has.

Are you fiddeling with some mastering here? And yes, my name is Sherlock.


Yes :unsure:


Its an experiment...i will have to explain it later -_-


Ok, good. Fill me in when you feel the time is right, judging from the sound there you did something right :)

Hey, I got your pm when you sent it, I just needed to find more time to listen and I see you made this thread so I'll give you my comments here...


I prefer the 2nd one because you weakened the bass too much in the first one.


There is still some "mud" that I was telling you about in the 2nd one...whats happening is the frequencies in your bass are overlapping the frequencies that your background sounds are using. This is really notable around 4:30. What you can do is lower 200hz on the bass or the sounds, since you're aiming for a deeper bass sound I think try it on the sounds first. You can choose to lower 200hz or the other option is to raise the midband frequencies abit, like around 500-1000, expirament somewhere around that.


Also overall your sounds could use a boost around 3,000-5,000 hz, that may sharpen the sound abit, although I'm unsure since they sound like they are samples and don't sound very clear themselves.


Your percussions are fine though, they fit well.

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