Anoebis Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 Hello everybody... i have a question for everybody... What would you choose: -a (small) party with a famous DJ (from abroad) and an entrance of 7,5 euros OR -a (small) party with a live-act (from abroad of course) and an entrance of 10 euros ??? PLEASE, let me know, I have to know this from my upcoming parties........... And anyway, I'm wondering, how high are the prices for goa-parties in other countries? I know it depends... if it is a small party or a big one or a party with famous names..... let us know!! Here in belgium it depends, most parties are around 7-10 euros and even more (15 euros) for a live-act from another country!! We even had 1 party with an entrance of 20 euros, but that's very rare!! Bom Shankar Anoebis Quote
Guest cunny load Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 Hi anoebis, Nice....we've the choise for the once ;-) a (small) party with a famous DJ (from abroad) and an entrance of 7,5 euros Quote
Guest Slidingtrancer Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 I'd want a small party with a small act every week and a big party with a big act once a month or once 2 months.... Quote
ouroboros Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 what does a euro translate to us dollars? anyone know? here in new york a typical party entrance is 25-30 bucks. but those almost always have known dj's / live acts at them. a smaller party with a just a dj is around $15 Quote
Guest Syre Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 DJ's are much cooler then livet acts. Quote
Guest alOAn Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 Anything!!! Please,, ,give me a fuking party in south Florida!!!!!! Cmon you djs and artists,,, theres hot chix and beaches here! please,, sometinhg ,,, , ,, , ,ugh.. Quote
Guest cymoon Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 I would pay 7,5 euros for a party with live-act from abroad here in czech republic the entrance is usually 4,5 euros for party with DJ (from abroad and usually not so "famous"), 3 or less euros for small party with czech DJs Quote
Guest The Evil Dr. Krelm Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 I'd go for the 7,5 Euros party w/ a DJ. I usually much prefer hearing DJs to live sets. Nothing to do with the price....I'd pay 3x that for a good DJ. Naturally, though, it would also depend on the live act or DJ. For psytrance parties in Austin, they are usually about $10-13 for a party with an international act, and $5-8 (or occasionally free) for a party with just local acts. I guess parties here are on par or a bit cheaper than similar parties in other parts of the US, except for NYC where most parties are really expensive (I've seen upwards of $15-20 for a party with all locals). But we've never charged more than $13 for a party in Austin, and usually prefer to keep it to $10-11 at the most. Quote
Guest asshopper Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 Cymoon... your RATRI RITUAL set kicks ass!! i love it ^__^ folks, please check out their website! Quote
Guest JanUa Posted December 11, 2001 Posted December 11, 2001 Anoebis ...think twice before you make any promisses for in the future... when your giving a party it can get very expensive (ofcourse you know already a bunch about giving parties...but!) if you are giving a smaller party (wich i like tourist's (kwim))you get less incomming and you sell less drink's so you have to ask more money at the's need to get to your party(flight cost's/ hotel) a good live need's a good soundsystem!!! cool location nice deco some xtra's for the party people............and that's not all.......... i know you already know all these thing's ...but have you thought about them remember all the @!#$ on the forum about our party(604 crew/psy-sex?) we had little profit wich we devided among the people who had helped ... they got what they worked for ... en toen was het geld op...but it was one of the best belgian parties of 2001! no doubt about it! hope you can make some cool promisses for a great party in the future.... ps ... i choose a small party with a good live-act for 10-15 euro's p.l.u.r. JanUa........ . . . . . ... . . . Quote
mars Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 the minimum to get into a party in paris is ~15 euros even if the DJs are crap..... basically i'd prefer a good live act in the middle of the night to increase the temperature during 1 hour !! and that for anything up to 15 euros, of course Quote
Guest kriz Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 i would go for: --a (small) party with a famous DJ (from abroad) and an entrance of 7,5 euros , because it would have been cheap, and a dj is good )) Quote
tbe Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 I would prefer a live act and pay more... But I have to admit I like big parties with a lot of peoples ! In Paris, small parties with unknown DJs : 15 euros, big parties with live acts : 20/23 euros. (In the rest of France : between 7,5 and 15 euros) Quote
Guest Quasarta Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 A Good mix of both dj's & live acts (Good parties are priceless these day's) plur Quote
Guest wiedewiet Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 It would be nice to see a good live-act once in a while, but not regular. so i prefer the smaller parties with a good dj. But sometimes a live-act can kick ass, and i don't have any problem spending some more money than! btw: Plur2 was great, thnx anoebis ....positive vibes to everyone out there.... Quote
Guest sven Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 hi anoebis!i was at your party two weeks was nice there,but my oppinion is that you should first get a good soudsystem for your party.i like the schlabb-music very much but it was very sad for me that i only could forebode the bass and the middles(dont know if forebode is the right word for german-ahnen??) what i want to say is:it is maybe better to order a good soundsystem than paying money for a dj.but anyway it was funny in belgium!! sven Quote
Guest DOLPHinTRANCE Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 In Portugal, small parties : 7.5-15 euros, parties with live acts : 15-20 euros. Quote
Anoebis Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 Ok, thanks everyone for the info... i think i will do a party with a dj and a party with a live-act!! ;-)) QUASARTA: check uw post-address!! ;-)) SVEN, I know we didn't had the best soundsystem on PLUR!! it should have been good though because the co-organizer had ordered 4 boxes of a different type, but it seems that there was a misunderstanding.... (((( But I promise, next time it will be better!! ;-))) JANUA, I know how much a party can cost, but I also know that you can keep the entrance-price pretty low, even with a live-act... I mean, when you do a party with about 300 people, an entrance of 10 euros you'll earn enough to pay a live-act for sure!! I know you still have to find a good location... that's thé big problem... (Because Deco is NO problem, I have about 10 people who do it) So if you know anything... let me know!! And also I didn't promise anything huh... ;-)) It was just a poll!! (ok, if I am honest... i have already "booked" a live-act for PLUR 4...) => sorry this is Flemish, but this is personal Ik vind het sjiek dat ge de winst van de cave expidition hebt verdeelt onder de medewerkers, heb dat ook gedaan met de winst van PLUR 2, en de rest heb ik op een rekening gezet voor als er op een feestje eens niét genoeg volk komt opdagen!! En ik begrijp wel dat een feestje duur is, maar toch heb ik het gevoel dat er tegenwoordig teveel Belgische party-organizers zijn die geld willen slagen uit die (té?) hoge inkomst-prijzen!! Voor Sun project bijvoorbeeld, ze verwachten 700 man aan 600 frank inkom... Dat is: 420.000 FRANK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zonder drank of niks hé, reken dat Sun project 100.000 kost, de zaal 30.000, en ge hebt gemakkelijk 200.000 frank winst!! Geef toe, zo'n geld-klopperij was het vroeger niet op de goa hé, en daarom probeer ik zo goedkoop mogelijke feestjes te geven!!! ;-))) Natuurlijk moet ge wel proberen geen verlies te maken, en dus is het niet meer dan normaal dat een festival als Senseblender ticketten had van meer dan 1000 frank, maar ge kreeg héééééél hard waar voor u geld natuurlijk!! ;-)) En ik weet wel dat Psysex duurder zal geweest zijn doordat ge die een hotel moest geven en een vliegtuigticket enzovoort... Dus laten we zand gooien over het verleden en samen een grote toekomst ingaan!! ;-)) Veel succes dus met komende feestjes van jullie!! Zijn er toevallig toekomstige feestjes gepland?? Let me know!! Bom Shankar! Anoebis Quote
Guest PsYoNic Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 Hey Anoebis ben het wel een beetje met je eens dat sun project in verhouding met het aantal bezoekers iets te duur is , maar vergeet ook niet in je rekening dat een goede installatie en professionele back-line even duur al dan niet duurder is dan de live-act. Voor de toekomst kan ik nog niks concreet zeggen behalve dat er wel nog iets gaat volgen voor onze september cave expedition..... Ook 604 wenst plur een vruchtbaar feestjaar toe!! Quote
Guest Goazzz!!! Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 What these guys are talking about!!! I can't understand a thing!! Quote
Guest adrenachrome Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 Personally, except from the mind-blowing live from EU, I don't care much for live-acts... I prefer more variation than just listening to the same artist for hours, so I'd go for a DJ!! Of course, the cheaper the better!! If I made my own parties, I'd put a very low price (100- 150 FB max, or even free entrance) and let a LOT of people come in, but I know that's not your policy, Anoebis 8- ) And thank you, all belgian organisers for doing such great parties in this country!! Quote
Järsimähäiriö Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 All the parties around here during the summertime are free, and the ones held inside at winter are crappy anyways. I remember paying like 14 Euros to see Kox box live in summer '99 (by the way, that was one kick-ass party), but that's the last time any big-name artist/group visited Finland... Except for the Faggotts of course . Quote
Guest JanUa Posted December 12, 2001 Posted December 12, 2001 well Anoebis.....the future look's bright........... full on partying!.!.!.!.!.....!.............!.....................! Quote
Guest Quasarta Posted December 13, 2001 Posted December 13, 2001 Hey Anoebis joske ik denk dat je een iets over het hoofd hebt gezien met sun-project in Brussels. Tour & Taxis is een héééééél duur kot, Zonder de dancefloor (dus tussen de rails) staan dansen kost T&T ongeveer 120.000 /dag zonder BTW. Met de geinstalleerde vloer er in (zoals bij Couleur Café) ligt dat ongeveer rond de 250.000 /dag zonder BTW. daarvoor krijg je een dag opzet, een dag feest, een dag afbraak. Ik heb het dossiertje nog liggen. mocht het u interesseren. ;o))))) ps: een 5tal wc's zijn inbegrepen. hehehehehehehe ps2: wil je zeker zijn dat de stroom niet valt, zet dan een gehuurde stroomgenerator. (staat in het dossiertje) ;o)) ps3: Deze post is zeker niet om u aan te vallen ( maar juiste info is juiste info he) I like small parties, I like big parties. It's the people that makes the party, not only the DJ, Live act, or oganizer.......... just Everybody plur Quasarta Quote
Guest raindancer Posted December 13, 2001 Posted December 13, 2001 sun project is in koningshooit, in zo'n bangelijk nooit afgeraakt gebouw. Kdenk dat nie veel kost omda te hure. en anoebis just goa on, de derde keer moetek erbij zijn, met buitenlandse act of zonder... 604, cave exepdition 2 ofwa??? my dreams come true. maybe gms now??? plur. Quote
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