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Infected@Helsinki: sold out)=)

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Guest mmm...

NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!=( WHYYY???=(


If anyone knows of tickets to the evening´s party growing in trees somewhere near my venue or smt, then please tell me!!!=)


No one to blame but myself, of not having the ticket. For weeks telling myself "it´s not such an important thing for me, let´s just see how I feel about it on 5.7." ...And I´m feeling quite down now, to tell ya...


But it´s nice to see that at least some good parties sell out here. Psy seems to be the only genre alive and kickin´ at the moment...


HAVE FUN for me too, anyways!!!


Btw, is there smt happening in Alppipuisto? It´s raining outside... Should I hang a poster "want-a-ticket" ´round my neck, pick an umbrella and get there wandering around, eh...?

Guest ~Tietäjä~

same situation here.. :(

and i´m in joensuu right now.. so i dont have ANY chances to see IM..


oh well, but when logic bomb comes to HKI, i´ll be there..



Guest reno

WTF? It's not sold out? My friend bought a ticket yesterday

Guest reno

Fortunately I bought mine about 2 months ago :)

Guest mmm...

Sold out today. They sold the last tickets (the ones supposed to be sold at the door "if any left") in Recreational by afternoon or smt.

Guest mmm...

Never had a ticket... But I went to another party, which was nice enough to make me forget my grief=) And after all, having seen Hallucinogen live this spring, I´d be quite comfortable with partying only humppa for the rest of the year:D I´m not disappointed, I´m not...


Now, tell us, you who were @ Makasiinit: how Infected it all was???-)


The SKY GODS visited us!! IMHO it was like 10 times better than Hallucinogen. The vibe, The People, The Soundsystem, Well actually pretty much everything. It's Inexpressible.

Guest WoodWormateriX

the party was great, after 5 houers waiting outside we got our tickets at last, damn the rock that shit totaly right!

we went from stockholm and when we arived we heard at the Recreational record store that there was no tickets left, but like i said; it took us 5houer outside from 19.00 till about 24.00 and we where in =))

so fokkin good!

INFECTED SWAMPS im comin to Denmark to see u again for sure!

see ya'll 3 August!!!


Guest @g@in

Heh..I think I'm going to Sweden next week to see them live again

Guest minä

...Very nice party, definetly a "sauna" vibe... the heat didn`t bother me, but too many people crammed into the makasiiniklubi, which seems to be on the brink of destruction (physically speaking, with the "flooding and everything)

Guest ollie

Yep, the IM gig was very nice ! It was one of those unforgettable events you like to cherish later on.. Didn't quite beat the feeling of Hallucinogen earlier this spring, but still magnificent ! Can't wait for Logic Bomb and Tristan next month ! peace out..

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