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Guest stringtheory

Figured Id throw up a topic to spark a fun debate that for once has nothing to do with global politics!


Astral Projection: Yuk!! I mean talk about boring!! I see people yapping all the time about all the boring minimal stuff out there. Well, AP is minimal in my mind. Same damn style to every song. It is nothing but dance music with a few wacky sounds in the background to trick you into thinking it is actually interesting!!!!! Boring Boring Boring!! I would not even accept another AP album if someone gave it to me!!! Boring dancy slap happy crap!! These guys can't even compare to X-Dream, Infected Mushroom, Hallucinogen, Pleiadians, and a slew of other great artists!!


Hehehe, and let the debate begin!!!!!


same debate every month with new people. now that's boring metinques.


Now I notice I confused you to Etherdesign... How exactly did that happen since your names are none too similar, is beyond me, but anyway. Ok, continue being you now, although I guess you would do that even if I wasn't here to tell you to.


Oh, and this is a pretty stupid way of starting a discussion on Astral Projection.

Guest Gorgonator

Jeez stringtheory chill out m8 !


Astral Projection are pioneers in trance and there new material is simply awesome !!


You are on the wrong forum mate !


Please goto WWW.BRITNEYSPEARS.COM and go play with yourself !!


Peace !!!!

Guest chong

i think AP are more than boring.....in fact just mind-waste


but i dont like to be negative!

Guest stringtheory

Relax people, there is no negativity. I am not blasting people who are into AP, or anything like so. I was attempting to start a humorous, joking debate about a group everyone knows. Because I am sick of every debate at this forum having something to do with Americans or global politics. It was meant in a lighthearted, joking manner. Chill out. And to Gorgonator, that has got to be one of the lamest responses I have ever seen, What in the hell does Britney Spears have to do with not liking Astral Projection. And the playing with yourself thing was beyond lame. No better than these fools who have been posting horrible, intentionally hurtful and hateful stuff on the Off Topic section. Grow Up please.

Guest stringtheory

I am sorry though if I did offend any AP fans. It was not my intention. While I feel that there was an overreaction to my post, It was not my intention to offend anyone. If my post and my approach to this AP debate was misconstrued, or thought offensive, than I do apologize.

Guest Mike D

hehe. Yes, I must say that right now with the last few exciting years of trance AP have been out done in a number of ways, mainly in progression of style eh?? BUT I do enjoy a listen every now and then, especially trax such as:


Mahadeve, Powergen, Butterfly Trip (SFX) and some others. I am a boig fan and own all albums and the 'in the mix' compilation and am looking forwatd 2 their new album, "amen". Respects to the pioneers!!

Guest Gorgonator

Hey stringtheory, sorry dude !!


Just joking with you m8.



Guest APlusC

Most of their older and SFX stuff is very good.


yakitty yak yak,.,,, enjoy the god damn silence..... please.... politics and music do not mix.... laterz.///// and grow up a bit..... if AP is boring to you, well good for you.. btw.. all trance tracks are the same if you use the definition used above////

Guest rocko

stringtheory: if as you say someone gaves you an AP album, could you ship it to me?

that would make us both very happy :)

Guest brain

Astral used to be the pioneers of trance , the Masterpiece , the Number oNE!


But now their last album and the in the mix cd are not too special like the old days. I mean they are not bad, but they are not PSYmasters anymore , they just producing some nice tracks.


So AP are not gods like they used to be . Buuut massive respect to them because they produced several MASTERPIECES all these years and have done so much good to the psy-scene.


I remember when i first listened to them 6-7 years ago my head exploded with theiR Enlightened Evolution track ... And what we can say for people can fly , kabalah , mahadeva , time began with the universe, utopia,free tibet, and their dancing galaxy album which was good too... soundform,dancing galaxy ,nilaya....


There are many tracks in the top list, and not many groups in the psy-scene had succeeded that.


Imo they are still masters of melodic trance !


Now if somebody is new to the scene then he/she should check how the whole thing started , in order to know where and how to give credit to artists. Anyway stringtheory , i guess you are dont know much from old goa tracks , so if u are not certain for something then dont say cruel and flaming words because the answer to that may be devastating ...


keep it cool...

Guest platigreg

Brain said :

"Now if somebody is new to the scene then he/she should check how the whole thing started , in order to know where and how to give credit to artists. "

Can't agree more to these words...

Read them again, and again, and again...

Guest sekoya Eco6Tem FR

LOL ! ap minimal MMouahhahahaa ;o

HEy String , come on guy ... are u serious ?? :P)

Astral Projection Rulezzzzz for ever ... those guy are masters , pleaze respect them even if u dont like.

Just listen UTTER VOICE , astral will show u the right way ;o



Guest sekoya Eco6Tem FR

LOL ! ap minimal MMouahhahahaa ;o

HEy String , come on guy ... are u serious ?? :P)

Astral Projection Rulezzzzz for ever ... those guy are masters , pleaze respect them even if u dont like.

Just listen UTTER VOICE , astral will show u the right way ;o



Guest stringtheory

*laughs* Okay people, like I said, there was never an attempt to disrespect anyone, or to offend any AP fans. I meant to start a fun debate to see what other people thought about AP and their style in general. It was meant in a light hearted way. I am sure Astral Projection has done alot for the psytrance music, ,and I respect their contribution to the progression of the genre. Moreover, I was also commenting on how they almost seem minimal to me because every song I have heard from them sounds almost the same. Not much creativity. I know their type of music is not considered minimal by genre standards, but I was putting out the idea that it actually was minimal in a way by the nature of how the tracks were constructed. Yes I think they are boring. But I can see how the usage of the word crap, may have been viewed as negative. So I admit, maybe that was not the correct word to use. None the less, I stand by my opinion of AP, but I respect all of the opinions posted here.

Guest stringtheory

Gorgonator: Apology accepted my friend :-) And I apologize if I offended you. I still wont listen to Britney Spears though hehe !

Guest sekoya Eco6Tem FR

hey string dont apologize ... np ;pp

We just talk .

a rescent song from Ap is Utter Voice ;p do u know it ?

Which artists do u prefer ?


Guest Urbanalien

I agree with stringtheory, i would even say that astral projection sucks!! So boring music that even my grand-mother would say that it's old fashioned, always the same since their very beginning, even worse than GMS!!


How can someone say that it's great psytrance?? They can't be compared to artists like Logic Bomb, X-dream, Hallucinogen, Bamboo forest, The good, the bad and the ugly and so many others...


The one who tells Stringtheory to go to Britney spears site should stop listening to psytrance and go back to this old good rock and roll!!Almost same spirit.


I'm fade up with Astral projection and all those kinds of band, just so boring!!If you hear them you always know when the music will explosed or when it will go slow down, you see it coming from miles and miles,no surprise and no subtlety at all!!


One thing is to respect the artists, one another is to know a little bit about music. I respect Astral projection because of their sincerity but they should stop making music because of their lack of creativity!

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