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V/A - 9 Pills

Guest sanpietro2000[at]hotmail[dot]com

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Guest sanpietro2000[at]hotmail[dot]com

V/A - 9 Pills


Artist: Various

Title: 9 Pills

Label: Neurobiotic

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 06'07" Authentik : Data Driven

02. 07'37" Eqked : Off The Record

03. 07'12" Droidlock : Candy Killer

04. 07'05" Paste : Progo

05. 07'11" Spiritual : Go Ahead

06. 08'07" Joti Sidhu : Juice

07. 06'23" Earthling : Dusty Hoffman

08. 07'24" Etnica : Hologram

09. 09'03" Bus : Detonater




This is my first review on this website, and I decided to write down one

because I just noticed there is no review for the best compilation on the

market at the moment. Everything is perfect for me here, the artwork is one

of the best I remember from a long time, very funny and smart, the tracks

featured on this compilation are some of the best in the various directions

trance is taking today and the mastering is amazing, the "Phantom

production" guys did a perfect work on this one (while the last Neurobiotic

compilation "Experience" had very big problems in the mastering... Anyway,

this is another story, nothing to do with that release, maybe 1000 times

better). Authentik open this cd with their best track ever (no doubt,

following their style featured on the album but this one is better than any

other track from them), powerfull techno trance that will make the

dancefloor explode, powerful basslines and impressive kick makes this track

a must for every night set; then Eqked, who released somethign on Hadshot as

well, bring us another night track, not my cup of tea, but someone will like

it; Droidlock presents us a very nice track, quite progressive but powerful

and with very nice rythms; Paste follow their unique progressive

style...this time a little bit boring, but if you like them you will like

this track as well for sure; Spiritual with Go Ahead bring us a full on

track, quite similar to Joti Sidhu's style (but they have to work a lot to

reach his quality!!!), anyway, a good track; Joti Sidhu with Juice is the

second best track of the compilation, and one of his best tracks ever,

following his usual style but more powerfull and storming psychdedelic

sounds, maybe one of the best tracks ever on this style; Earthling - Dusty

Hoffmann (only the title is enough to have this track!! Very nice!!!), as

usual, is a little bit GMS oriented track, showing us the Ibiza trend of the

moment; Etnica - Hologram is a very good track, after their unsuccessfull

album, maybe they're going to make things better; last track is the third

best track, Bus bring us one of his legendary morning tunes that will

delight people on the dancefloor.

Guys, if you haven't got it yet, run to your local shop and buy it (if you

will find it!!!! Here it's sold out everywhere!), you will listen to it for

a very long time. It's simply excelent!!!


I haven't heard this comp yet ... but I find the above review a little

strange....as I interpret, Sanpietro, you did not like track 2 and you

describe track 4 as boring - yet you opened with the comment 'Everything is

perfect for me here' and end with 'simply excellent'. I would love to hear

this, as it has obviously scrambled your mind delightfully !!

Guest sanpietro2000[at]hotmail[dot]com

Hi Bomble, I mean that if I have to calculate an average vote for this

compilation would be something like 9/10 (whre for me 10/10 can be only

Shpongle)...I never found a compilation featuring all 10/10 tracks...a very

good one at the moment is Sub Science, but I don't like at all the droidsect

and the total eclispe tracks there, but it's as well one of the best

compilation on the market at the moment and I would suggest to everyone to buy

it. If you ever found a compilation with all killer tracks (vote 10/10 to

every one), let me know!!!

And 9 pills has got a perfect mastering and a very nice artwork, and when you

have to spend some money to buy a cd is nice also to see that people behind

the label are also thinking about this stuff...

Bom Shankara!!!

Guest Stormbringer

I usually don´t by comps but this one is so good that I´m about to make an

exception. The Etnicatrack "Hologram" is really different... and really good

too! Now the only problem is to find this record here in Sweden. I haven´t

seen it yet.

Guest [Anonymous]

Way To go Eduardo great Compilation!!!

Love it:)

Guest [Anonymous]

good one, but there isn´t any real killer to put on parties...

Guest [Anonymous]

u can definetly play some of the tracks at a party....

and they will take u places

Guest SchizoEffecteD

Very, very nice compilations indeed. authentik has a killer track, the rest are

just average good tracks!

this compilation is more techno oriented, and for those psy techno/minimal

lovers, this is a great one!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice compilation indeed... the cover artwork is also very excellent... I

must say the soundquality is just perfect... 9/10 for the Authentik track

(much better then any track on his latest album) and the Etnica track...

7,5/10 for the rest...

good work by Neurobiotic Records

Guest edoardo[at]neurobiotic[dot]com

Hi guys!

Thanx for the feedback on 9 Pills. We know the first release was not the best

compilation ever, but we make a big effort to have it out, and we admit our

lack of experience at that time. Anyway, from now on, we are putting

everything we can inside the label, trying to give every release something

more. Next compilation will be called "Fast forward" and will be out in


Thanx for your trust and looking forward to meet all of you one day.

  • 2 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

very good release by neurobiotic 1,3,6,7,8 are very good tracks i hope to hear

more like this in nuerobiotic soon.

stormbringer is a perfect idiot who always write stupid things

Guest Rogue Scholar

Wow its cool to actually hear from the guys who made the comp! I really liked

track two, nice covert bass-line. Other than that the whole album has a hard,

minimal feel to it.Is that Etnica sample from "Tron" or something? I find I

can listen to the comp walking around the city at night (Sydney), but never at

home..is the next release going to be hard too, I wonder?

Guest Cesinha

Fucking GOOD compilation! And the artwork is very innovative! Congratuations to


Guest donthaveone[at]hotmail[dot]com

this complication rules actually i got 2 of them

of some caind of reason!!?? mayby i bought two of them idont know.. anyway,

"Drug Therapy" is alittle better...

9/10 drug therapy 11/10... P erfect E ating A ll C aind E 's



exctly what i look in a compil


good for homelistening

great for party!!!!!!!!!!

though track 4

is beat out of place and out of beat.

Guest [Anonymous]

Guys you should get the fast forward compilation too.. It really kicks.. quite

similar to this one, but I like it even better :)

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