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V/A - Intelligence


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Artist: Various

Title: Intelligence

Label: Shiva Space Japan

Date: 2003


Track listing:


01. Shiva : Good Time

02. Psychonaut : Mohrensaft

03. Wrecked Machines : 1 October

04. Panick : Ultramagnus

05. Drapdrop : Puzzle

06. Pixel : 800 To 400

07. Kuro : Noop

08. Cosmo Chaos : Artificial Influence

09. Shamane : Maniac




I don't know why, but somehow the name "Intelligence" and the mandala on the

cover made me think that this had something to do with oldschool. Well, it

doesn't. It's minimal all the way, like I guess one should expect from Shiva

Space records... And since I'm not a big minimal fan, I won't start

criticizing this and ruin it for minimal fans. That said, there are a few

tracks here that I actually like when I'm my "minimal mood": track 2 which is

"morningish"; it has a nice atmosphere to it. Track 8, Artificial Intelligence

is IMO the best recent minimal release around 5:45 you have these awesome

swirling sounds which are really crazy!! And track 9 isn't bad either, it has

a "spiritual" feeling to it, probably because they use a very known flute

sample which you usually get in movies on native americans and/ or buddhism

(you'll know what I'm talking about when you here the track). So with 3 tracks

I like I guess this makes one of the best minimal compils I have :-)!!

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