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Viktan - Trillenium

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Viktan - Trillenium


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Artist: Viktan

Title: Trillenium

Label: Sphere

Date: 2003


Track listing:


01. Full Effect

02. Virtual Mind

03. More Music

04. The Truth

05. Pump

06. Dr Nonono

07. Ama Zone

08. Far From Over

09. Life Symphony




It's rare that I list a CD's shortcomings, but there are so many on Vitkam's

"Trillenium" that I feel validated, and in some ways OBLIGATED to do so. The

real audio bytes at Psyshop made it sound promising enough, I'll give it that,

but as soon as I loaded it into my car stereo it began to unravel. Like so...


1. The beat kicks in at just after 2 seconds. No intro ambience. Whispery,

incomprehensible samples and a delayed, hum-drum climax make "Full Effect" an

ineffective opener. There's nothing here we haven't all heard a million times



2. This track's big surprise is a sample about sea turtles and tigers from a

nature show. What that has to do with "Virtual Mind" I haven't yet figured

out. (Honestly, people, put some thought into your track names.)


3. If this is a joke, I'm not laughing. Bad hip-hop/funk samples forcibly

wedged between boring psy? Please. You could have had SO much more fun with

this idea.


4. "The Truth" is that this track doesn't sound like much of a departure from

the first three tracks. (i.e. uninspired)


5. I'm no musician, but "Pump's" synths sound somehow unpolished. Hasty. You

get the feeling by now that Viktan is really cranking these things out.


6. What's with the wibbly, twisty effect applied to that high, whiny synth? I

know they did it intentionally, but why? Oh yeah, I forgot, this is supposed

to be "psychedelic."


7. 'No complaints about the guitar, surprisingly. 'A good wind-down track. If

there's a "second most salvageable" track here, it's this one.


8. "Far From Over" is, admittedly, the track I like best, but even the soaring

melodic bit at the beginning gets eclipsed by that annoying wavering synth

that comes in after the first 20 seconds. As is the case in previous tracks,

the breakdowns in this one come at awkward times, which makes mixing it in a

chore. There's no nice stretch that you can easily bring it in on, otherwise

I'd recommend it as a set closer.


9. Ah, the obligatory "abstract" end track. So many artists do this, and so

many fail miserably. While this, to its credit, is playful and

well-intentioned (in a mid-90s rave kind of way), there's a certain amateurish

air here, and indeed throughout the entire album.


Viktan, please work at forging your own style, as this one is not your own.

  • 7 months later...

Viktan - Trillenium


Posted Image


Format: CD

Artist: Viktan

Title: Trillenium

Label: Sphere Records, U.K.

Cat. #: SPHCD006

Year: 2003


Track listing:


01. 07’03” Full Effect

02. 06’59” Virtual Mind

03. 06’45” More Music

04. 06’44” The Truth

05. 06’07” Pump

06. 06’51” Dr Nonono

07. 05’16” Ama - Zone

08. 06’50” Far From Over

09. 06’26” Life Symphony




First album from Vik Shefi and A-Tan Injection… A couple of well known Israeli producers… I didn’t know much about them though, but who really cares!?... Let me take you thru the tracks…


#01: Yeah well, the title is well chosen. This kicks in immediately… A few horror-movie samples… The good old progressive full on formula… It has some interesting squelching sounds in the middle…Kinda sounds like a pitched up panpipe or something of that sort… Whatever the hell it is, it sounds cool! Also, I like the build-up… The basis of the track is pretty standard – dare I say slightly boring – full on, however all the surrounding effects almost makes it up for that…Average track.


#02: The base of the track is nicer here… More layered with percussion… This has a certain funk feel to it… Oh, and it has this really untimely sample about sea turtles… Odd, but the following acid squelch-a-rama hits you like a fist… Nice track!


#03: Hip-hop, lounge, funk, jazz… What the fug? I like the odd-ball intro to this track… And it continues to be a weird little piece, but highly original…This could easily be Texas Faggot or similar Finnish freak show-acts… Progressive psy, with all kinds of weird shit sprinkled in between… You have to be really open minded to appreciate this, but most of us are I think… Check out the hilarious saxophone at the end… Hehe… Cool track!


#04: So we’re kinda getting back in the saddle now… Heavy, dark, fast-paced psytrance here… But what’s with the samples of cheering crowds? What is this – Scooter? It gets really, really intense for the last couple of minutes though… Nice track!


#05: More percussion in this pumping little thing… [Pun intended]… Badabing, Badaboom, this is straight forward psy… Not too complicated, not too boring… Emphasis is on melodies and hard-hitting acid lines… Decent track!


#06: My name is Doctor Nonono! Argh, those whiney synths in the beginning bugs me! ;o( The rest of the track is much better… Most melodic piece here and you really bob your head to this one… Driving, epic melodies… Nice track!


#07: Floaty start, but soon we are hit by terror-guitars… Yes, they are still fashionable… Actually, they rock! Heavy distorted guitars over heavy distorted melodies – a winning combination! This track was done with Gataka from Sento Sesto, and this is some hardhitting, funky shit… In the best sense of funky shit… Great track!


#08: But it’s far from over… You will nod in recognition when you hear this intro… It has distinctive IM – Bust A Move elements… But it’s ok; it’s not too distinct… Gone are the hard, distorted beats, and happy, joyful sounds are in focus... Also present is the usual mishmash of weird sounds and that whiney synth from #06… And it still bugs me! Decent track!


#09: The usual slower last track here… This is a wobbly piece, that can’t really decide whether is want to be chill or trance… It’s a hybrid… But that’s cool; it’s a quite ok track!


This is a decent album – but nothing more… It has some interesting ideas – but nothing more… Some tracks have potential – but nothing more… There are no amazing tracks, but no outstanding tracks either… It’s not bad at all; it’s just not really good either. I do however like the diversity – all the “chances taken” in #03 for instance is something I really endorse… I can’t however, stretch myself to giving this more than an average score.




Favourites: 3 (!!)7,




External links:

Ajuca Productions: www.ajucaproductions.co.uk

Psyshop: www.psyshop.com (soundclips available)

Chaos Unlimited: www.chaosunlimited.co.uk


Formatting update 08.03.2006

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