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Abracadabra - Abracadabra

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Guest --==MileS==--

Very refreshing experimental tribal album with loatsa ideas jammed into the

trax but sometimes a bit lacking in the compositional department as not all

weirdness seems 100% functional. Furthermore, 3 outta 8 trax seem more intros

than anything else. However when Abracadabra opens all musical registers in

the longer trax we're in for a serious treat. The hypnotic tribal of -Jungle

Fever-, the almost Daftpunk-funk of -City Juice and the jazzy -A Cabin...- are

great experimental trax worth a listen if the latest Shpongle is topping your

favorites list...although only the healthy tendency to create far-out stuff is

commonly shared...Heavily recommended... 8/10


Abracadabra - Abracadabra


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Artist: Abracadabra

Title: Abracadabra

Label: Hadshot

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. To Awake

02. Spear Hunt

03. Jungle Fever

04. City Juice

05. Salsalipto

06. A Cabin Near The Swamp

07. Aqua Child

08. Nature Calling




The israeli man Idan Kupferberg has collected some musicians and created a

very etnic album with a lot of organic instruments together with some

electronic sounds. The first track last for under one minut. In this track

you can hear some arabic vokals and a didgeridoo. Track 2 has also got alot

of didgeridoo, and it is pretty fast, but boring. You can also hear some

sounds from the jungle forest. Track 3 is better, with the same speed, but

with more electronic sounds. Some good african drums in it too. Then we jump

over to a complete different landscape, with funky bass guitars and some

sounds from the turntables. A little bit too "samba disco house" too me, but

it is pretty funny anyway. Track 5 consists of only voices and a contrabass!

Idan Kupferberg has sampled his own voice, and put it together as rhythms! A

very weird song. The track title "A Cabin Near The Swamp" describes track 6.

You can hear an owl, some frogs, water and some african drums. Then we hear

some piano and some scary weirdo sounds. A weird but funny track. Track nr.

7 "Aqua Child" starts with some childrens voices, before a real reggae

rhythm comes in. Very caribbean vibe over this track, mixed with saxophone

that gives us a jazzy feeling as well. Far away from everything else I have

got in my record collection! The last track is called Nature Calling. It`s

got some nice didgeridoo sounds. The most chilled track on this album. I

will not recomend this album to everybody. You have to be open for new and

different styles of music to like this album. It`s very etnic, and not very

trancy. It came as a surprise to me, that Hadshot came out with this weird

album. There are some good stuff here, but I missed some more electronic

sounds. 5/10

Guest what???

i happened to like this album. suprisingly, some of the drum sounds, be them

live, electronic, or otherwise, are a bit pedestrian, but none-the-less, a

good disk. recommended to anyone into tribal, semi-ambient, eclectic stuff.


Boring, difficult to listen til the end, skip this release, but if U like

etnical-tribal ambient then try it.

  • 2 weeks later...

An average freestyle album... But I think this should be reviewed at the

"Ambient-section"! Anyway, The first 3 tracks are ok, with nice Ethnic

influences, after those tracks we have some cheesy tracks that remind of a

Safari-movie, with all the happy pappy melodies somewhere in the African bush!

Big exception is the last song... LOVELY!! It was already on heavy machinery,

but this version is longer!! Didgeridoo and tribal drums that go on and go

on...All together 6/10 with a 9,5/10 for the last song!

Guest dovla[at]mail[dot]com

This album ROCKS! it's filled with all sorts of stuff...from etno, ambient,

tribal and even groovy tech house if i'm not mistaken..definitly worth to

download...wouldn't buy it though...my advice is just lay down and listen to

it from the begining to the end :-D


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