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Total Eclipse - Access Denied

Guest mikrozomme[at]bgvirtual[dot]zzn[

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Guest mikrozomme[at]bgvirtual[dot]zzn[

Total Eclipse - Access Denied


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Artist: Total Eclipse

Title: Access Denied

Label: Blue Room

Date: 1999


Track listing:


01. 07'07" Harbinger

02. 07'17" Quandary

03. 06'41" One Size Fits All

04. 07'04" None Of Your Business

05. 06'11" Midnight Suspects

06. 05'02" Piece Of Cherry Cake

07. 07'00" Screenager (Error 404)

08. 06'44" XXL Files




Well,this album was supposed to be spacejazz,but I think it is shitjazz.Forget


about our good old goa.Here there is not even a hint.The things are not


psychedelic too.That is a mish-mash of drum and bass,breakbeats and jazzy


tunes.I must say that the album is a totally bad work.If a track must be


appreciated-that is "Harbinger",but the others are shits and nothing


else.Everybody who has bought this album will say so.I am sorry,Total


Eclipse,but the direction is wrong,isn't it?


mmmh yes and no.


I remember I was shown the review that was written by some sucker of Coda

Magazine. The article was begining by: "it seems the Bordeaux guys have

listened to lots of Dub-stuff in these days..."


Indeed there are bad tracks in this album, but some are well done. Personnally

I like Harbinger, Screenager, and XXL Files.


It's nice to listen to it when you're working by night and you're really



Anyway we were used to listening to something else with the

Saint-Médard-en-Jalles guys. Don't buy it if you have a rigid idea of what

they can do. It's not so bad in its style, but don't expect a psy album.


Guest Infected Max

Hardbinger/Quandary are good...I still think this album is a lame because they

produced far far better drum'n bass tracks less jazzy And more psychedelic. If

you want to listen those just go to a Loic warm-up mix...you'll be mindblowed.

Guest Psylent Buddhi

Well, I must say that I do not agree with you guys at all!! And to Mikrozomme,

please don't expect others to agree with you, so don't write that everybody

that has bought this album will think that it's shit! It's not!! I think this

is indeed very good. Maybe it's due to the fact that I'm also into more dubby,

funky And jazzy music. So this suits me perfect! I can't really pick my

favorite track on this album, I think I'm just totally in love with the

atmosphere of this album! So Total Eclipse, congratulations, this is yummy...


Hmmm, and to the people that seems to dislike this album, give it some time or

some "openmindness", 'coz this isn't bad at all, it's just not psytrance! And

my god, there's plenty of good music outthere that isn't psytrance, and this

is one fine example!! Plur - Psylent Buddhi


Too jazzy for me... That's why I sold it. If it has been some "real" drum'n

bass,I would have kept it... 3/10 for the 1 or 2 tracks Ok.

Guest adp028[at]mail[dot]usask[dot]ca

I think this album is healthy for the trance scene. I felt that it hit one of

the vibes I was feeling in 1999...something I can listen to five years from

now which will take me right back. Really, nothing more than a beautiful

album, the last track is very cool no matter what kind of music you listen to.


This record is great, if only to give record store managers fits as to where to

file it. It's by Total Eclipse, whome only Goa-Heads will have heard of, yet

it's by no means any kind of Trance. As Acid Jazz, it's a pleasant spin, good

for summer or entertaining non-fans of electronic music. My guess is that the

Total Eclipse crew got bored of Trance and wanted to do something else - so if

you're looking for a sequel to Violent Relaxation or Delta Aquarids, you will

be disappointed. Screenager and XXL Files are lovely. I just like to say


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Vystril[at]aol[dot]com

well, i got it, listened to it, thought it was total 100% ass, put it away for

a week, because i know sometimes albums need some time, listened to it

again... ASS, brought it out a month afterwards... ASS... 3 months.. still

100% ASS... but now 6 months after buying this cd, >>I LIKE IT<<, in fact

>>I LIKE IT A LOT<<, its definately not trance, its some kind of weird acid

jazz, but its good, its music, if your into dancefloor stompers yea it does

indeed suck, but if your into expanding your horizons this cd has some

excellent funk, and excellent melodies and is worth a few listens til you hit

the right spot for it

6/10 -because it took me 6 months of thinking it was total ass... if it wasnt

for that 9/10

keep makin music total eclipse!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Pit-UFO

Ok, this album is probably a good one if you like drum and bass and acid jazz,

but not for trance people . Its a bad joke to do this to the fans without

warning them. Although Track 1 is cool, and Total eclipse is a great band, but

for this album they deserve a 1/10 and a punch in their asses.

Guest Baboon

Now This is some reeeeaal good stuff... Total Eclipse has really surprised

everyone in this album and changed style totaly (eclipsed) :)

This is realy good drum n´ bass downtempo stuff... really nice to chill to. If

you don´t have this !? BUY IT !!! 10/10

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Dr Rhythm

OK so it was a bit of a surprise but I really like this CD. It's very well put

together and is indeed excellent for chilling - certainly an interesting amd

mainly successful experiment.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest goa_2000[at]mail[dot]ru

This album really sucks. It's not goa or psy, but a kinda of jazz with d'n'b.

The worst album from Total Eclipse. The style is very differ from Eclipse's

old albums. Thanks God i d/l it and not buy :-)

  • 2 weeks later...

they should maybe have changed their name for this release, as it implies they

are cashing in on their previous success... 'cos in this techno world where

there are so many different artists, one kinda goes and buys something based

on the artist name or/and label. Many producers realise this and change their

name based on the style of release. ANyways, its a really good chill/home


  • 1 month later...
Guest Ehsanur

Good music is good music whether you name it

psy-trance,techno,house,dub,drum'bass,acid-jazz,breakbeat or

pure electronica. I get pissed off when people are saying that this is

disappointing or bad just because

one can not label this goa. So fucking what? 50% of all goa made today is

crap,and thats the same story with every genre.Access denied is a very good

album,no its not goa and its not like early T.E' work. Its technoish and I

have to give this french guys credit for daring to

making something else that psy-trance. And hopefully they will be back with

more mindbending full-on goa in the future.7.5/10

Bom Shankar Eshanti Brahman

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest kickflip4[at]hotmail[dot]com

if you only like dnb, you'll hate it. if you only like psytrance, you'll hate

it. got an open mind, its great to chill to.

Guest Kindgok

I'm a fan of jazzy d'n'b/hip hop (Hospital, Ninja Tune, etc.)and my greatest

lament with 'Access Denied' is that Total Eclipse stooped to using artificial

horn, string and piano noises. They'd have been better off recording someone

who actually plays these instruments and throwing that into the mix --

sampling jazz records, even. This just sounds canned.

  • 2 months later...

Well, many ppl meant it above, but it must be clear that:

-if you expect a dance-floor album, you'll be disappointed (or surprised)

-if you don't expect anything, you'll probably be astonished first, then

charmed (even if you're not into drum&bass)


By the way, cool alternative to Boom-Boom...

  • 5 months later...
Guest wonderboy[at]pandora[dot]be

I was disappointed hearing this album after the outstanding job they did with

their first two albums. Don't change to DrumNBase guys if you are one of the

greatest goa performers!

  • 4 months later...
Guest ron[at]hotmail[dot]com

This Is a Great Album I think total eclipse are a genious band whatever style

they play !!

i define this album "PsyJazz"!!

and it rocks go buy it fast

Guest reflekshun[at]mail[dot]com

This is one of the most extreme tangents a psytrance has gone off without

changing names, it's like an outrage to most of the Goa community, luckily i

bloody love this stuff TE has come up with this time... But it's just bad that

people will be expecting psytrance, and getting something so fucking

different.. this is such an agressive thing to do, it may convert some which

is great :D.. No beef towards TE, just to say that they have a shitload of

courage for pulling this off, and well done because it's actually a fucking

pleasant album to listen to...

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest my e mail is some where

well of corse it's not psychedelic goa, it's electronic music, just open minded

dudz, the XXL file is so to be mixed out into chill out time... :)

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest ashonacid[at]shpongle[dot]com

I've never heard this but i intend to find it. i can't believe people would

want creative artists of any genre to keep pumping out the same style of

music; how fucking boring would that be!!! I'm glad there are artists who

aren't afraid to experiment with sound; isn't that one of the wonderful things

that psychedelic music is about??? and how can it be psychedelic if you've

heard it all before?!?!?! The only person who gets any sort of acclaim for his

non-trance music is Simon Posford, and although he deserves every bit of his

praise, I think a lot of people are just enthusiastic of his other artistic

pursuits only because of his trance music... Congratulations to Total Eclipse

for providing something thats different!!!!!!

  • 1 month later...

Of course it is different than their's previous releases cause they progressed

and deliberately changed their style...I don't like 3 songs only but the rest

is pretty good...7.5/10

  • 3 months later...
Guest chocosand[at]hotmail[dot]com

This Album is great...(beautifull) excelent Music , I am Lover of

trance , but in this time there are two types of music the bad and the good ,

Please open your mind , Psychedelic is this "open mind" no Closed Mind" ,

Listen de great music of eat static, of simon porsford, of sistem 7....

chokosand from Mexico..

  • 2 months later...
Guest Diepeveen

I really like this album... I believe it to be a very psychedelic experience

that should be enjoyed in whole... I guess my mark will be 8.5/10

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