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Mystica - Age Of Innocence

Guest cloeken[at]hotmail[dot]com

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Guest psy N

when you say cheesy you mean easy to make commercial music? Just try to make

something like this. In my opinion this is a good album very melodic and soft

but still psychedelic... morning, during and after sunrise music can't think a

lot of artists who could make so melodic psy without being "cheesy". Learn to

listen music,to switch your brain... After all I listen Goa or psychedelic

trance music and not psy - noise. evolution is good I can't hear noises all


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest claustrophobia[at]shpongle[dot]c

Ashes to ashes = MINDBLOWING!

  • 1 month later...
Guest misticboy[at]misticboy[dot]com

The Greatest CD ever made and I've ever heard!!!

Those who has something against MYSTICA have problem...

FORCA MYSTYCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ashes to Chyna :))) Verry Good Ambiently xpirience!

  • 1 month later...

I have to add one more review...My opinion hasn't changed, I like this album as

much as before , just my grade went up... Only if they missed 5 AM, CHINA and

RONI'S GUITAR the grade would be 10/10...But, those songs somehow don't work

that well, especially for concept like this...Still, AGE OF INNOCENCE 1 and


songs I have ever heard...7.5/10

Guest APlusC

The only track I listened to was China and I think it was very nice. I'm not a

huge fan of ambient trance but I still liked it.

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest PzionIc[at]postmark[dot]net

I love melodic trance and this album is a good one. As a reference I like

Hallucinogen alot but I don't like Hux Flux very much. 8/10

  • 3 years later...

Mystica : Age Of Innocence



Posted Image



09'33" Age Of Innocence Part 1

07'36" 5AM

06'17" China

07'15" Mama Kallu

07'19" Narnya

08'04" Ashes To Ashes

07'49" Jamiroquay Remix

07'56" Age Of Innocence Part 2

06'49" Roni's Guitar

08'08" Back To Eden



Release Date : 1999



General…This has been for a long time (and still a little bit) one of my favourites… I remember it well, when mystica for the first time cracks true my speakers, that i justify and thank the goagods for this gift… The euphoria is in the meanwhile a little bit less ;) but still keeps this release my respect…

Wich style is mystica? Some call it nitzhonot, others call it goatrance, morning trance, you name it… One thing is for sure mystica is unique and unequalled… I call it myself a pure difenition of morning trance placed in the concept of goatrance offcourse…

This is a pure melody from the first untill the last minute… From the on happy morning goasound untill the other non stop travelling, dizzy, rolling, up rolling, speaking, etc… who loves morning melody can’t get enough of this and will get pure satisfy on the end of ‘age or innocence’… Mystica used verry typical waves that nobody else ever used… The goasound is pure emotion en made for catching you somewhere where nobody ever has been to… the basslines are hard stamping and directly motivation... The sphere is verry mystique, the name comes from somewhere, and Indies… The intro’s and outro’s that are been accomplished by every song created the perfect intro


Age Of Innocence part 1 is just the slower bmp version of Age Of Innocence part 2… The first time that you listen to this album you will catch yourself on it but afterwards you will always skip this number… hereby i’m not going to talk about it, i will do that in Age Of Innocence Part 2… Age Of Innoncencce Part 1 shows us wich choice of goa sounds mystica mades and which direction he will take…


5am is dominated by a beauty of a gitarsolo… The announcement of the song is super and the psychedelic sounds are playing with your train of thoughts… Mystica is using here no full waves because the gitarsolo is finally a long soft driving melody… The bassline is verry stimulating and goes up and down, and lightly forwards… The dubbel kicks are super goa and not standard but mystica plays loads with them… He doesn’t frighten for taking a dubble kick in the middle of the bassline, for creating more power after a psychedelic sound…


China is an ambient tinted number that just touch you… The gitar intro and the chinese womansinging sets your teeth on edge… This is heavy stuff, the chinese concept is reproducing himself beautifull by goa sounds and is a fact how good goa can show your feelings and emotions… The bassline is from a lower bmp in comparison met the last one…


Mama Kallu is one of my favourite numbers… The nature tinted intro create directly a sphere and since now goes the release in a higher level… Buckle up cause we’re going into hyperspace J… The bassline is now pure stamping and up the 1minute mystica overteaks you with a typical wave that rolles beautifull… Sublime, continous and till the end they overteak me by various varied intense melody’s…

The intelligence level lights verry high because the feeling of ‘playing with train of thoughts’ will be clearly created… This is not just without a reason a melody after melody but a creation from the sun… On the 4th minute leaves as climax the same wave but fuller and intensif, playfull… This is what i want… Complete cristal-clear sounds that speak to me… All by all is Mama kallu an constructive number for still introducing the cd… imagine what will come…


Narnya’s intro is again subtle and emotional loaded… The bassline is back again that directly pure kick… The number is a pure construction… Every 8 staps we get something more to hear from what will come.. More melodic and intensif… On the 5the minute we get to hear what mystica promised use.. This is pure heaven.. The climax is one mighty wave that brings you in ecstasy… Thousand angels that rise to heaven and descend… onceasing and original


Ashes to ashes is for sure the famous number from mystica… The beginning intro from pulp fiction, speaks volumes…

'Ezekiel 25.17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.'

During the sample we hear on the backgrond the sublime sphere and the rise of the first wave… The bassline is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah… damn this is good… This number is a pure journey, a trip, a disclosure… The first melody that rises on the 1:50 second is beautifull… Is this a wave or not… I have no clue of it and i don’t care ‘this is mystica’ style… Playfull melodic and powerfull in every element… On the 2:40 second leaves the next melody and ends the last one, are newcoming sounds tastier and my neckhears stifs for what will come… This is never made and equallised… variation, power, cheerfull… On the 3:50 sounds on the background again the pulp fiction sample with next a supermelody, completed perfect… This is complaining, begging for more… Who isn’t happy right now… walk to the moon! If you don’t think that this makes you cheerfull, should better move to an other planete ;)

The end of the song is phasing out and equiping after the heavy impact


Jamiroquay Remix ’s intro is like i’m on the sea and again there is that cheerfull tikking bassline that dissapear… a little bit slower in comparise with ashes to ashes what is good.. The level of this song is to compare with Narnya… accept that the constuction don’t take that long and on the 3:20 rises directly a superwave melody that belong on the 6the minute… But for me not resigned… danse with those legs… ‘age of innoncence’ is suprising and does nothing for the 2the time… Except there introducing song… Till the end climax this is a pure morning melody, several waves on 5:30 second brings me totaly out of my concentration… What an inspiration, what a power unceasing!!!


Age Of Innocence part 2 is the slightest number on the cd imho… The same sphere and still different melody’s… But they don’t speak to me that much… This is pure melody and bass kick but the same feeling that mystica plays whit the sounds is less present… This is just an successive of waves… The waves themself are good but mystica has profiled with a sort intelligence level through the releases that i stick myself on it… The climax on 5min is verry tasty and intence… super!


Roni’s Guitar is a little bit 5am style but they bring it completly different… The intro his predicted fun gitar solo and the bassline is more ‘walk on the woods’ and less stamping in comparising of the last ones… The construction is softer and less melodic than before but still good… 2:50sec there is a gitarclimax that not shows himself that much… A little bit to much on the background… Still the little melodics that comes afterwards are so playfull and intelligence that again this song belongs by one of the favourits… Back to mystica and happy dancing like nobody’s watching…


Back To Eden is a pure construction… constantly more melody, more waves at the same time and hard stamping… And i like it… Here they don’t play that much but for the last number i think the concept of ‘still kicking for once’ is pretty pleasant… The spiritual intro is age of style and from than off the first minute is directly overload with greasy melodic… Is this constuctive??? Where do we end J … The bassline is back to ashes to ashes style, stricktly forwards and don’t look back… On the 2:20 is it for a minute a pure bassline something what we are not use to of mystica, still he stays on playing tasty with that 8dubble kicks and keeps use going one… On the 3the minute there is was a silent and we are leaving again… What will come next is a party on mars with 10 sunrises at the same time… Pure bliss… The melody rises and brings use constantly more and more in ecstasy … On the 5the minute there origin again a little break for announcing.. This is a pure kick and indescribable… The gates of heaven opens and show us the ‘garden of eden’… Sweet apples and juicy grapes… Welcome you are in paradise… Enjoy it just last for a few seconds




I have discribe everything what has to discribe, so not much conclusion, else i should repeat everything…

10/10, original, no bat songs, cheerfull, morning, various, playfull, intelligence, motivate… everything what a goa album needs…



written by rain

translated by purple sun


Don't forget low quality, blatant melodies and complete lack of subtleness.


Perhaps I should review this someday. It's really nitzhonot to the point of Holymenniness. :P


Don't forget low quality, blatant melodies and complete lack of subtleness.


Perhaps I should review this someday. It's really nitzhonot to the point of Holymenniness.  :P


Oh it's? Even the chilled tunes?


Perhaps I should review this someday. It's really nitzhonot to the point of Holymenniness.  :P


don't cause you don't know shit about it :lol::P;)


kidding ;)


sorry moni :unsure:


Oh it's? Even the chilled tunes?


They aren't exactly... sophisticated either.


They aren't exactly... sophisticated either.


well yeah you bashed off mystica like 1000 times on this forum,


we know your vision...


I aks you friendly don't spoil my review... you had your word allready... <_<

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a huuuuge fan of old goa, but this is just mediocre... It sounds very tired and forced. There are good parts here and there, and a few good tracks, but in general this is the psytrance equivalent of ready meals (what do you call them in english anyway? the stuff that you just stick in the oven, radiate it a bit and "enjoy"?).


I tried listening to this over the years, but the bad parts just got worse with time.


There is mostly nothing interesting happening, just these faux-eastern scale melodies going up & down in a vain attempt to sound "mystical" (I guess...)


(Israeli music is anway THE most over appreciated in the history of trance IMO. AP, geh :P Oforia, geh, Tandu, geh, MFG, geh, and so on and on...)


Microwave dinner goa perhaps?




I have this album, and I really enjoyed it for a while... Shame though, that 'while' only lasted a couple of weeks... There's a couple of solid, nostalgic tracks on here though, but nothing that hasn't been done much better by other similiar artists of the time...



  • 4 weeks later...

well yeah you bashed off mystica like 1000 times on this forum,


we know your vision...


I aks you friendly don't spoil my review... you had your word allready...  <_<



Cinos has the right to tell his opinion on this album in the review section, sorry if it spoils your review.

As for the album, it is very simple goa trance, very very melodic, not complex enough and not solid for me. Boring after a few listens. Nevertheless I enjoy China, it makes me smile, it is a cool track, and the ending of Ashes to ashes is just wonderful (i listened to that track too much now though). I find the Age of innocence tracks funny, it sounds really cheesy.

Not a CD to buy (in my humble opinion).

  • 2 months later...

No way!


This is one of the last great goatrance albums of the 90's.


Every track has character, substance, style. Time and work has been put into making every track count. There are NO BAD TRACKS on this album! It's refreshing to my ears and I reccomend it to anyone who loves or really appreciates both old and new skool goatrance.


Beautiful, lush, melodies, tunes, sounds... layers and layers of CATCHY melodies and AMBIENT mixed in also! This has more emotion too which impressed me. There is atmosphere, world (music) influenced elements, lift-off's, and some very nostalgic tracks and moments.


Simply put... MYSTICA: Age of Innocence is a wonderful goatrance album!


MY SCORE ...................... 9/10 = GREAT!

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...



really, this album reflects the golden era of goa-trance (i mean the original goa sound).


I've read all of the posts and i was shocked of how people can tell this album is mediocre :huh: - guys... YOU'RE INSANE


"AGE OF INNOCENCE" IS FANTASTIC :posford: :drama: :clapping:

  • 3 years later...

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