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V/A - Analog Reflections


Artist: Various

Title: Analog Reflections

Label: Agitato

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. Alien Project : High Frequency

02. Mental Orange : Analog Reflections

03. Delirium : Full Moon

04. Mental Orange Vs Luminus : No More Nightmares

05. Luminus : Galaxy To Galaxy

06. Indica : Fly Me Over The Rainbow

07. California Sunshine : Coming Home

08. Power Course : Happy Pappy




Strange compilation... First of all 2 songs from this compilation were already

on the last Agitato-compilation (Alien Nation) and secondly it's split up in 2

different parts... Anyway, about the music, the first track is actually good

from one of those upcoming groups, good for the dancefloor with many cool

sound-effects!! Number 2 & 3 are also rather minimal but something is missing

in those songs... Somehow they sound like "wannabees"!! 4 is a good, uplifting

and rather melodic song with some acid-influences, really jumpy!! Number 5 is

typical (véry good) Luminus style with many melodies altough the first melodie

sounds like it's ripped off from an AP song!! After that there are 2 softer

melodic songs who don't do a shit with me, really flat!! Luckely the last one

is a KILLER!! The same style as the very known "Goaway" but even with a deeper

and more touching melodie... The kind of melodie where you can't hold your

tears...!! Lovely!! All together not so cool compila!

tion altough I must say you really NEED the last song!! 6/10 Bom Shankar

Guest Yaniv

Yes, Anoubis & Triplex are right, the Power Course track is outstanding!

  • 3 months later...
Guest moander[at]media[dot]mit[dot]edu

very very bad, except track 2 which has a very jazzy-psyche baseline... if more

stuff like this exists please tell...

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Good compialtion but nothing spectacular....It is split in 2 parts. First one

is darker and has 2 very good songs : FULL MOON and NO MORE NIGHTMARES and

second part that is more for the morning, uplifting, melodic songs has 3 good

songs : GALAXY TO GALAXY, COMING HOME, HAPPY PAPPY... overall just good


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