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Guest pratik

for some reason everything is getting boring to me. music, everything i do, movies, sports i play......... why is this?????????????????????????

Guest goa tacks

because you need such time to feel the excitment.

everything is relative and you need to maintain balance.



Guest sekoya Eco6tem FR

Maybe drugs ..... or have sex :P u should listen to our traks too ;pp

visit us www.trancers.org

Guest brain

the truth is that you dont know what is going to be tomorow , so there is not such thing of boring..

Maybe you should try and sleep a bit more . Eat also ... and make something ... think that you are going to do something...but Dont think too much , just do things ... Go there and here, buy something , talk with a stranger , go back to your house , play some music , listen a dog barking and then eat something and sleep ... You know do the usual stuff.. Dont drink much coffee .. sleep ... sleep...eat... eat...... and do something man! normalisation first... and then break the monotony..

Guest dam10n

wait for that vibraspirit 23 album to come out, that'll blow you away...


To me it seems, that when I have a period of smoking an eighth of weed a day, after about two weekes everything seems gray. There is no black and no white. No good days and no bad days. If this is your case, then you should slow down on...... (I just cant get my self to say it)

Guest Dr. Cheroot

yup, too much smoke dulls your senses. happened much too often to me.

also, pratik, mebbe get out of NY for a while. get some nice country air or beach breeze for a change.

:). have fun.

Guest auryn

anything that breaks through the set patterns in your life is usually helpful in this kind of situation. (i.e. go out, meet new people, fall in love, listen to some different music, you get the picture!)

Guest pratik

thank you all. yea starting today i start goin to gym.


I would just like to add that this is probably the best forum topic that I have ever come across. It makes me happy to see that there are people out there who will take their time to try and help a stranger.

Guest itast

take speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday funtake speed averyday fun


Yeah Gym is good. I think i will join again next month. Nothing beats the rush from a good workout. Cleans the system too, makes good brain activity and better sleep.


I am thinking the same thing though. Everything is getting boring here too. I am trying to figure out why. The thing is I am losing motivation for some web projects I have. The main problem appears to be an unchanging routine which has a lot to do with work and the job I am doing which I do not like. I agree that movies are getting more boring and I believe that has nothing to do with us, more to do with the quality of directors / companies which finance crap and the fact that very high quality computer graphics / animation is being done so much now that it is not that impressive anymore. Computers have also reached a point where the increases in technology are not so interesting as previous years. Global events are so messed up at the moment with terrorism, bad economies, corporate scandals that the news just brings bad vibes in the morning.


I think the solution is to find something new. Do something crazy like skydiving or take a vacation in a far away place. Go to a party in the desert. Spend more time out of the house with friends. At least find some projects to do like make music, build something, make a web site, much more rewarding than watching tv.


But above all try to figure out what is missing in your life or making you bored and then fix it. I wish it was easy to maintain a positive attitude but it is not. But thinking negatively just becomes a habit and makes things worse. I hope the gym and a vacation fixes me and i hope you have some luck also.


At least there are good tracks coming out at the moment. I am listening to these CDs the past weeks. Anybody have some more recommendations?


Fire (Various) - Turbotrance

Monarchie II (Various) - ZMA

GMS - No Rules

Loopus in Fabula

Guest Tentwins

This topic has hit my nail in the head.


Recently, everything seems so sad and boring. I need to start changing many things in my life and many of the comments here have given me good ideas.


It's good to see that in this forum there's people that care about others, it's uplifting.


i agree with anyone that says to stop doing drugs ..

Guest Zhoro

pratik, sounds like you've entered a depression. Go see a doctor before things get out of hand.


I find that sometimes it's a good idea to take a break from things to really appreciate them. I know it's not a pretty example, but take masturbation (I know you all do it): If you do it every day, it becomes boring. But give it a week or even two, then good jesus will the experience be amazing. Hehe. I'm serious! :)

Guest trancer

I have a small studio..if i am not using the equipment in 4 days and go to my studio and play it's the best feeling...EA: it beats the mastarbuation :)


Guest pratik

hey every one thank you for all of your support. now i am feel normal again started gym again, met some new ppl, and met a cute girl, started workin with record lable by the guys at purpleoz.com. so things running great again. and looking forward to setup my small studio to experiment with music. thank you very much every one.



Guest Mike D

Depression actually goes a lot deeper than what he descirbes, I mean, I do suffer from mild depression and extreme anxiety. It may lead to depression, butit is not very close to that point. And saying go see a doctor is no good, go see a psychologit or a councillor, a doctore will give you drugs and that is not alwasy good for you if it is just mild. Sounds like you have some goals and that is much more important, take those goals and take your dreams and work at them, no matter how unreal. A lot of life is boring and does suck, but there are a few thing s that please you and only you, so workon these things to bring in some pleasure. Focus on good energy, and it will counter the negative feelings you have now.

Guest Deceptihåkon

everything is NOT boring!


it's just about realizing that u can NEVER:


-hear all the good music

-read all the good books

-see all the good movies

-meet all the good people



the World is yours, dude!!



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