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V/A - Anima

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Guest Syre

V/A - Anima


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Artist: Various

Title: Anima

Label: Iboga

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. Phony Orphants : Chocolate Icetea

02. Lurifax : Lobo (Rmx)

03. Zerotonine : Dark Entries

04. Spy Vs Spy : Fladflupper

05. Reefer Decree : Metal Spring

06. Beat Bizarre : Monocrome

07. Mino : Animated

08. Tegma : Satanic Wars




The new compilation from Iboga is worth all the wait and more. It remains in

the minimal style we all know and love from their previous compilations (Go

away melodic lover). My favorite tracks are "Chocolate Icetea" from Phony

Orphants and are by far one of their best tracks available on CD... It has a

nice baseline, some very wicked sounds and a very sweet groove to it. It

develops in a very cool way to the end. Beat Bizarre delivers a track even

better then what we have from Phony, their are truly masters at what they do

with the minimal sound. Their track is called "Monocrome" and has one the

sweetest grooves I have yet heard. It makes my day anytime and it indeed kicks

ass at parties. It develops in the very best way, and makes your body kick. It

has nice breaks and some really hard and wicked sounds to it. "Dark Entries"

from Zerotonine has been on vinyl for quite some time now, but their track is

now on CD, and it still rocks as much as it did when it was released. Very

hard and very dark :)) Reefer Decree delivers a slamming sweet track while the

rest remain of great quality. So if you like the minimal sound and the

previous Iboga compilations, buy this. 8/10. I advise melodic lovers to go

away and comment on Astral Projection reviews, instead of this.

Guest dMan

Syre is correct, this album is a master-piece.. The Lurifax, Reefer Decree and

Beat Bizarre tracks are my favorites, definitely buy this bad boy, the best

I've heard in years, but it is from Iboga, could you expect any less?

  • 1 month later...

Booooring compilation.... will Iboga ever change thier sound??? No really good

tracks on this record...


Great Compilation. ANDY, if you think this is booring, try playing it outdoors

with some huge speakers,

you ain't gonna enjoy it if your hear it on your discman.

Anyway, some great basslines, twisted sound and funky tunes. This music

satisfies the little trippy-elf in my head. 10/10


  • 2 weeks later...

Its nothing compared with Tryptamin and Ethnobotany

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest iboga-fan

Hands-down, without question, the best comp of the year. Nothing else even

comes close. Hats off to Iboga!!

  • 3 weeks later...

not as good as ethnobotany or triptamine.... but still good with 'me firsts'

being SpyvSpy, Reefer, Beat B, and definitely Tegma with a wicked haunted

building epic... almost a gothic MOS.

Guest Wicked Wizard

8/10 , Favorites are : "Beat Bizarre - Monochrome" got a killer groove that

can't let you sit still , with a pumping bass that will hit you like a hammer

on a big party with good stereo system and BIG speakers , then comes a bunch

of synthetic sounds on top of the groove , real twisted ! :)

and that lovely sample from the movie "Cube" - This room is green , I wanne go

back to the blue room... real cube-like atmosphere in this track I must add.

But it gets pretty boring towords the end of the track.

"Mino - Animated" starts off with some haunting voices , then suddenly slaps

you in the face with a nasty bass , then it builds up and hits you with some

whipping sounds , you cannot resist all these energy that's hitting your head

then suddenly comes a twisted scream that get faded away slowly... then it

continues with those strange noises and killer bass of master Mino , and

slowly disappear into an echoing voice.

"Tegma - Satenic Wars" fits his name very good , it starts off with a chorus &

some bells ringing , graveyard's kind of atmosphere , some woman are screaming

on top of a rolling bass that builds slowly into a break , that kicks you

right back to the rythem of haunting voices & screams.

Very dark and doesn't change much until it all suddenly been taking away by an

impressing Tuba ! :) , and the chorus that appeared in the begging is ending

this great track...

Iboga fans and minimal-psy only!

  • 2 weeks later...

Great, great and great... My absolutely favorite tracks: 1,2,4 and of course 8.

So far the best compilation this year.




I haven't heard this yet but I know it is better than tryptamin because i've

heard Lurifax, Beat Bizarre, Zerotonine, & Reefer Decree tracks on vinyl &


I will buy this ASAP

  • 1 month later...

One word: BORING.

(I'm usually very fond of this type of music).

  • 2 weeks later...

Iboga is one of my fav labels, but i have to say that i was somewhat

dissapointed. Tryptamine was better. The only track that saves this is

Monochrome(10/10), but youb can get that on the "Lewd" Album. there other good

tracks, too, like 8, 3 and 1, but not up to ibogas mormal standards. 6,5/10

Sorry, Iboga, but you have done much better

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Syre (top above) is right, except for one f**** thing; why can't you love Beat

B. , Reefer decree, POTS, Ticon,Sonnenvakuum,;;;;and also love his much

despised ISRAELI style ?!? People like you make me sick......by the way,

ISRAELY style is just that much ....hehe....

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest psytrance_goa[at]housemusic[dot]

Helllloooo....Iboga is a great label of Full On / Progressive Trance...but this

compilations it's a very boring...Phony Orphants it's a great band with great

songs...Sorry , i'm not speak english...

Brazil's Trance Rules !

Guest spacecowboy[at]electrorave[dot]c

Thank God we have a variety of sounds and styles of Trance; personally I don't

enjoy Israeli style, very monotonous, but that don't mean that it is a bad

style, but Iboga style is one of my favorites. This Cd is on of this year's

best compils, no doubt about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Acidhive

Great comp here from Iboga...!! They haven't disappointed me yet and probably

never will either!! Hahaha, I just love this dark, progressive sound of the

Iboga artists... let's run by this track from track...

Track1: Excellently mixed... dark intro, great bassline, smoochy woman's

voice... Rolls along greatly and pretty long also at 10:42!! track2: machine

like noises, really dark atmosphere also... Pumps on and on till your eardums

seem to pulsate... Great! track3: excellent zerotonine track, one of their

best so far IMO. Has that dark edge and the machine like percussions...


Track4: progressive, dark & funky, but still one of the less tracks on offer

here. But not bad at all...! Track5: pure reefer sound here, so if you didn't

like their album you sure as hell won't like this...! I do like this, but I'm

also a huge reefer fan so ... :-)

track6: listening to it as I type this, excellent track... Progressive, dark,

pumping but still a psy-edge. One of the best tracks here, it even has samples

from that horror film : Cube, which everyone should just rent and go see...!

(excellent film) Track7: dark, dark here... weird voices, but a good listen.

Also sounds a little more like regular goa than the rest. Track8: and Tegma

end this one just in the same line as it began... Dark, pulsating.... Moody...

Great!! Overall: 9/10 here because this simply kicks away all the time! I can

listen to this one again and again and be blown away every time!!

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest Santissima°!!

...Good,but this no is a spiritual trance.........It's a plastik trance......

Guest Aqua Mental

Great compilation! Takes a lot of times to listen until it reveals it's full

glory, but after that you can't help wondering what has been opened in your

brain and why does this music sound so good... Mind-expanding music for

already open minded people. I love you Iboga guys!

Guest seansnius[at]hotmail[dot]com

By far the most impressive sounds to travel through my brain.

tracks 1 and 2 are amazing, especially 2, listen very carefully towards the

end with the repeating high tweets, there is a whole world of sound structure

just breathing beneath the tweets and you'll simply be captivated for life

after this dark experience.

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