Children Posted January 18, 2000 Posted January 18, 2000 Astral Projection - Another World Artist: Astral Projection Title: Another World Label: Trust In Trance Date: 1999 Track listing: 01. 09'25" Nilaya 02. 06'54" Another World 03. 08'57" Visions Of Nasca 04. 10'26" Searching For UFO's 05. 09'51" Tryptomine Dream 06. 09'33" Trance Dance 07. 08'21" Mahadeva 99 08. 08'35" Aqua Line Spirit 09. 07'31" Still On Mars Review: GREAT album, as usual :-) It's not better than Dancing Galaxy, but not so far ! Best Tracks are 1,4,6,8 and 9 (particularly Track 1 and Track 4 : Searching For UFO's) If you LOVE Astral Projection's music, you'll LOVE this album :-) Rating : 8.5/10 1 Quote
Guest Infected Max Posted January 25, 2000 Posted January 25, 2000 What to say?? This album is 100% Astral Projection style And for people it's cool...for me it's not really. There must be 1% of innovation in this album... I'd like to criticize more but i can't...They gave me such happiness 3 years ago that i can't... I'd like to get again the crazy feelings i had when i first heard "Trust In Trance". Quote
Guest Ubik Posted January 26, 2000 Posted January 26, 2000 I was really disappointed, when I heard it for the first time. It sounds very old and I think AP didn't evolve at all. Melodies are less good than in previous albums and very simple, so it's pretty boring. The worse of all AP albums. Quote
Guest Tequila Posted January 29, 2000 Posted January 29, 2000 The melodies are a little bit boring. This CD is probably the worse one of Astral Projection and except the tracks 1 and 4, the rest is not really enjoyable.5 out of 10 Quote
Guest goatrancer Posted February 4, 2000 Posted February 4, 2000 no this cd really aint the best what astral projection has released butt anyway there is many traxs that are good best traxs are:nilaya,searching for ufos, still on mars,my rating is 6/10 Quote
Guest Kvin2000 Posted February 4, 2000 Posted February 4, 2000 I was dissapointed by this one. I find it boring. Nilaya and Searching For UFOs are execellent. The others are average at the most. Where are the days of Dancing Galaxy and the Astral Files? Quote
Guest vm[at]alphatrance[dot]org Posted February 8, 2000 Posted February 8, 2000 This album is nothing but a long-ass remix of "Dancing Galaxy". Better production, fewer stupid sci-fi samples, but still the same Astra-cheese we've all come to know and hate. And what's with ANOTHER "Mahadeva" remix? Astral Projection needs a new sound. Quote
Guest ChrisdeeACiD Posted February 9, 2000 Posted February 9, 2000 Good album. Not as good as their previous productions though. Best tracks are "Another World", "Trance Dance" and "Aqua Line Spirit". Nilaya sounds like a remix of "Dancing Galaxy". The remix of Mahadeva sux big time! How can they turn such good track into this shit. 7.5/10 Quote
Guest Deku81 Posted February 24, 2000 Posted February 24, 2000 Sorry but Astral Projection is crap. They haven't evolved the slightest bit during their four albums. Same sounds on all albums. Are they afraid of losing their audience or what is the problem? No imagine? Afraid of losing all their income maybe. I heard AP take more than £10.000 to play for one hour. They're definetely not that good. You're going way to mainstream guys!! Quote
Guest Pit-UFO Posted March 3, 2000 Posted March 3, 2000 I really don't get it, most guys get really hard, almost mathematical when reviewing new artists or experimental projects like Quirk and Deedrah, but when it comes to this guys you turn softer and always praise them. What's to love? OK they really rocked 5 years AGO!!!!!! But now every song sounds the same, they haven't evolved since they made KABALAH and their music has turn too repetitive. Hey! Avi and Lior PLEASE close your studio. Its the remix from Mahadeva a tribute for MWNN? It should have been titled SAME WORLD by AP. Quote
implant Posted March 15, 2000 Posted March 15, 2000 Hey people have you noticed that every previous album from AP is better then the next one... The TiT is something that i would call perfect in every way...and the rest are just modifications of TiT...Like someone said, this album has a minimum part of inovation. And inovation is what Goa trance is all about. Ok. not all, but it has great significence in Goa music...not like in other genres Quote
Guest Vystril[at]aol[dot]com Posted April 5, 2000 Posted April 5, 2000 This album is beautiful, when most of the CDs coming out are all about dark nite trance and squeaky noises, AP are staying true to theyre superb sound... Nilaya could very well be one of the best tracks i have ever heard, i mean it gave me a funny feeling inside, like i was on a first date or something, you HAVE to be good to inspire feelings in people... another world is an amazing dance track, and damn everything on here is good, searching for UFOs, trance dance, tryptomime dream, aqua line spirit, still on mars, theyre all some of my favorite songs, keep up the great work astral projection! Quote
Guest fray_bentos1[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted April 14, 2000 Posted April 14, 2000 Actually the first AP album I bought, (I bought them all in the reverse order due to availabilty). Listening as I did I thought the album by itself was excellent with all of the tracks being good to excellent in quality. After listening to the earlier albums I have to agree that the sounds are a little TOO repetitive. However this does not stop AP from being one of my all-time favourite trance acts. For the next album hopefully some new sounds.....please. 1996 has passed. Quote
rabauk Posted May 19, 2000 Posted May 19, 2000 This album is better than Dancing Galaxy. Nilaya gave me at least the same happiness as Kabalah and Mahadeva did! In my opinion not a lot of innovation is needed if the the sound is good already. I would like to have a lot more of this stuff. Well, I'm a bit worried about their next album as I've heard that it will contain a lot of remixes, it's maybe not a good step. Quote
Guest AlexG Posted June 8, 2000 Posted June 8, 2000 i dont know what people here are talking about when they're saying ap hasn't evloved?! damn guys are you really that deaf? listen to "tit 1-3" and "astral files": the sound is much more immature, ethnic-oriented and not so well produced. now take "dancing galaxy" and "another world": its a whole different level! ok so its true that "another world" is "dancing galaxy" part 2; but so what?! compared to their older stuff, this is much better: just listen (i mean really listen) to this album: this is what trance is all about! pulsating bass, beautiful melodies weaving on top of it like cosmic butterflies, and the kick: damn ap has the best kick ever! listening to this brings back the feelings of real trance that i have almost forgot with all these new bands: the intense rush created by the bass-waves massaging your brain is amazing! while it's true that new acts like x-dream, infected mushroom, m.o.s., semsis or hux flux are all breaking new grounds and finding new sounds, and i love them for that. but a classic sound like this can't be forgotten or overlooked: this is what trance in its essence is really about! this gets 5 stars from me; "nilaya" is one of the best tracks ever made Quote
Guest Anapurna project Posted July 27, 2000 Posted July 27, 2000 Those who think that's Astral sounds old are the new inhuman readers of the dark and heartless electronic music. Without soul, without emotion. The beat doesn't make the music, for sure. Make new sound only for make new sound, it's rubbish... Astral make me shiver, that's the only good answers to give!!!, you make me laugh... The acid sounds yet destroyed your brain and your ears... I love you ASTRAL PROJECTION 9,5/10 Quote
Guest F-AcTivE Posted July 30, 2000 Posted July 30, 2000 Naaaa...i like Astral Projection , but it all sounds the same , Searching For UFO's is great !! the only really good track on this album .. i give it 5/10 , sorry guys ..but u don't impress me Quote
Guest Dead74 Posted August 21, 2000 Posted August 21, 2000 Even though many people were disappointed with this album, I thought it was rather enjoyable. I can definatly see why because they lost their "full on"-ness a little bit with this album. Instead, their sound is more atmospheric and rich. They are still on point with their melodies and there are still really good tracks, though. "Nilaya" is a great opener. "Searching for UFO's" is really good. But my personal favorite is "Aqua Line Spirit." This track is just sooo sick! It just has a really bad-ass melody that takes off into another world! 8/10 Quote
Guest corsica[at]home[dot]com Posted August 27, 2000 Posted August 27, 2000 I personally think that Another World is a continuum of Astral's work and is part of a gradual progression of their music from a more primitive to beautiful synths weaving and interlocking melodies among a beat and a bass... sorry I listen to ambient stuff as well as psytrance. My favourite track has to be #4, but personally I don't like to select 1 individual favorite in psytrance albums, I listen to the whole thing at once, and then I decide on whether or not the album as a whole was good. And I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this album. Some of you say that AP hasn't evolved... obviously you don't own Trust in Trance 1... the old original from Israel's Outmosphere records (1994). Now you put Trust in Trance 1, The Astral Files and Another World and listen to all 3 and I GUARANTEE you will sense a difference, the synths seem to come alive in Another World and they can hold your mind captivated endlessly in a creative swirls of beautiful melody... while the Old stuff is good, but like said, you have to be good to inspire feelings in people and while TiT1 can't Another World can. I praise this album fully and await the next one. Quote
Guest vertical_pig[at]hotmail[dot]com Posted August 30, 2000 Posted August 30, 2000 this was one of the very first psy-trance albums i bought... some of it is very, very strong (first 3 tracks; 'Another World' is simply outstanding in its simplicity), some of it weak (Searching For UFOs: sorry, but i fucking hate that 'X Files' synths, as much as i loathe this TV series), some of it boring (TryptAmine Dream..not really uplifting. i'd stop dancing to that after 3 minutes). the remixes are great, though. nothing wrong with 'Trance Dance'. the 'Mahadeva' remix works well because it IS very different from the original. 'Aqua Line Spirit' is one of AP's best tracks. the 'Life On Mars' version is slightly disappointing as it is 'ambient-ish'. what use is there for such a track??? i don't understand people who accuse AP of having 'sold out'. this is complete bullshit. come on, if they have their booking address printed in all their record sleeves, it's because they do not sell much. and i don't think they can live off being AP. after all, they're not the fucking Chemical Brothers!!! anyway... rating: 7.5/10...sometimes Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted November 16, 2000 Posted November 16, 2000 Searching for UFO's is right up there with Kabalah as one of AP's best tracks! It is FUCKING AWESOME, Astral Projection really make those X Files type synths work VERY WELL, and the song is constantly morphing and changing, never repetitive. If you like Israeli trance, you MUST have this song!!!!! Quote
Guest manicmagicmmushroomman[at]hotmai Posted February 1, 2001 Posted February 1, 2001 This is nowhere as good as Dancing Galaxy, and nowhere near as psychedelic. To happy, too cheesey and too much repetition. Too say that infected mushroom is inferior too this is just wrong!!!!!! Where is the essential twisted element in this?? Bland Bland Bland. Another World and the last track are okay (just) and nice kicks and basses persist all the way through the album, but this just acts as a reminder of how good AP used too be and how uninspired they are now. 2/10 Quote
Guest andrescottin[at]mac[dot]com Posted March 4, 2001 Posted March 4, 2001 AP does not evolve. it has been said time and time again and it's true. they are sonic masters, though. if you like old school goa (and old AP) you'll love this album; if you're looking for innovation, look elsewhere. by the way, track 4 is a masterpiece (in an old shcool way....) Quote
bomble Posted March 12, 2001 Posted March 12, 2001 Change for its own sake is not necessarily good. In my opinion Astral Projection have not released a better album since TiT - I listened to this in total darkness and saw such lights and colour (unaided by chemical stimulant) in this music. Admittedly, there was once a time when AP were setting new boundaries but there's no reason why they should continue to do this if they have such a strong following of people who really enjoy what they produce. They may be more commercial than most - but I think in this case it is deserved - they have worked hard and they make people happy - why shouldn't that have it's financial rewards. I'm not a big fan of AP or Israeli stuff in general, but I think it's better to give these guys credit for what they do so well than to chip at them out of jealousy .....? bomble Quote
Guest Vir2alExp Posted April 2, 2001 Posted April 2, 2001 This Was one of my first cd´s but im not into the astral projection style(Im into twisted, Dark music with SCRATCHY sounds and no melody) but if you are into this kind of music you will like it my favorite track was 01 Nilaya. Album 5/10 Nilaya 7/10 Quote
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