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Astral Projection - Another World

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Guest goamind[at]ravefan[dot]com

Who are those to criticise A.P.-they are the best ever.It's true the sound

kindda repeats on this album, but who doesn't want a great thing to repeat

again and again?????Searching for UFOs really kicks asssss!!!!

  • 2 months later...
Guest Empoescobar

Another world, trance dance, mahadeva 99, aqualine spirit and still on mars -

all mixes or remixes...

Same case as with "astral files".

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sunconscious

youll all knock this album... but what trance will you be listening to in 5

years? answer: AP. because they are the best. so what they didnt make a

"revolutionary" song with "wierder" sounds than anyone else. those songs are

fun to listen to but dont last.


AP lasts because they have the skill to put layer upon layer of melodies into a

single track, while most trance artists have half a melody that they repeat

over and over.


my favorite track is Aqua Line Spirit

Guest [Anonymous]

if any of these songs appeared by another Trance Artist... you'd love them...

what a shame! great music is great music, doesnt matter if you have a chip on

your shoulder for AP

Guest Quetzalgoatl

Nilaya is the best track ever written!!!!! I'm even scared of it, because it's

a bit too psychedelic (love it though). It's like surfing on those beautiful

waves of that track. Once you're on that wave, it doesn't let you go and you

can't think or do anything, you're pinned to your chair and you're totally

delivered up to the magic world of this track.I can't imagine anyone can think

this is a bad track. It's a real masterpiece, a gem, a work of art!!!!!!

Nilaya get's an infinite out of ten. The rest of the tracks are all a bit

similar, but it's great stuff to trip on. When you listen to it sober, it's a

bit repetitive.(this is no problem for Nilaya,cause the melodies are so

gorgeous, you'd want them to go on forever).


When I first got this cd, I pretty much thought it was the least best of the

four Astral Projection cds. The only 2 tracks that caught my attension was

Nilaya and Trance Dance. After not listening to this cd for almost a year, I

just put it my sterio a couple weeks ago and the brilliance of this cd hit

me!!! Nilaya isn't great, it's beautiful genious. Another World is really

great. Visions of Nasca is Excellent. Searching For U.F.O.'s is reeeally

awesome! Tryptomine Dream is super cool. Trance Dance is banging, and I do

mean BANGING! Mahadeva '99 is...well, still one great dance track, as is most

of the tracks on this album. Aqua Line Spirit is pretty cool, but you already

know that the best on this album has come and gone. The last track is soft and

unique. In the end, I do like AP's Dancing Galaxy over over this. Dancing

Galaxy is deeper and more visual. But some people will agree that there is

more of a varity in the types of tracks on this album. Dancing Galaxy is more

like a 79:58 minute trip through the Cosmos. You don't have to listen to this

album straight through to really love it. Actually, some people don't listen

to Dancing Galaxy straight through, but you know what I mean. Regardless =9

out of 10 for this album! I truly hope that Astral Projection makes a fifth

complete album, with all NEW tracks. TO ASTRAL PROJECTION: "Please STOP

re-releasing stuff, such as, In the Mix, which only had 4 new tracks on it?!

Thats all for now. Peace, solong, and good night."

Guest warnoggin[at]hotmail[dot]com

you cant go wrong with this quality album. i will say this though,a lot of

people were put off by mahedeva which was released with a lot of hype and

bummed up to the high heavens, dont worry cause in my opinion this song is

shit and there is no other track on the album that is similar to this.buy it


  • 1 month later...
Guest Goa Spirit

Was just looking through these reviews, and chuckling to myself... I guess that

the in the mix release was a very bad idea in the case of goa fans... anyway

since i haven't reviewed this great album, let me add my 2 cents worth. There

are 4-5 tracks here that still blow my mind, and these are Nilaya, Searching

For UFO's (specially this one), Trance Dance, Visions of Nasca and The title

track Another World, (even if the melody was ripped from T2)... well all i can

say is, that compared to most of the new releases this year.. this is like a

phd and those are more like 10th grade high school papers... no one made music

like avi nissim till 1999.. now well the new astral releases seem to be on

their own frequency and not nearly as good as tit, dg or aw... well i guess

they are scoring with the nu nrg, club underground kind of sound now.. which

is a shame.. i am reffering to update, their new mix of burning up etc.. guys

get back to your studio and get back to your roots... that is all i can say...


  • 1 month later...
Guest neohelix0[at]hotmail[dot]com

Another World by Astral Projection is far more the best ablum of Astral

Projection. The only reason for this is because of the number one Psy/Goa

Trance song of the universe...Searching For UFOs. Seaching For UFOs is the

fourth track on Astral Projection's Another World album. It is one of their

longest songs which is a good thing. This song is very psychedelic. It is

obviously my favorite Psy/Goa Trance song. I have studied it to figure out

why this song is so great. Astral Projection uses a filtered kick drum

through out their albums, but in this song, the filtered kick is pounding

behind a deep bass line. Just by the introduction, you can tell that the song

is going to be great with its psychedelic high noise decay sound. A few more

small basses are added. This song contains a bunch of LFO and Filter Cut psy

sounds. The count for main sounds are amazingly about five. But with a few

backgrounds melodies, it makes the song very psychedelic. Added with hats,

shakers, tamborines, snares, claps, synths, 404's, basses, and more, Astral

Projection puts the meaning on how much the believe that there is life on

distant universes. Astral Projection has a way of not making their long songs

boring (especially this one). Thats is for this song. Other great songs on

this album are Nilaya, which is track one, Trance Dance, which is track six,

and possibly Mahadeva 99, which is track seven. I am proud to say that i, in

inspiration with my girlfriend Corinne Timpano, Astral Projection, MGF,

Psygone, California Sunshine, Man With No Name, Hallucinogen, Oforia, and many

other Psy/Goa Trance atrists out there that i have been creating my own

Psy/Goa Trance music of my own. I am called Neohelix (NeOHeliX). If you have

any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me at

neohelix0@hotmail.com. Just for note, i am 17 years old and live in the Milky

Way Galaxy, on a planet called Earth and on the country USA in thte state of

Pennsylvania. Im out!

  • 3 months later...
Guest psychurch[at]hotmail[dot]com

These guys are so successful, they deserve a little critism: it all sounds the

same. It's very well produced and rich in sound(-s), but it's a formula. But

then again...I bought it too when it came out in 1999 and loved it then. Shame

about the Mahadeva remix, though.

  • 2 months later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Following Dancing Galaxy, Another World is the next great Astral Projection

album.Actually - the next masterpiece!

Opening track - Nilaya - a little bit dark and deep song,Nilaya is one of the

greatest astral songs ever made.

The second track is Another World - that song os older work of Ap,that's why it

maybe sounds "dated" but I really like it (even more than the remixes made of


Visions of Nasca also great piece.The next track - Searching for UFO's is

sensational track.really kicks ass.Searching for UFO's is an absolute mind

drug and just shows you the another,the astral world :)

Tryptomine dream is more cheerful track and is perfect after the little dark

searching for UFO's (btw there is track called "Unbelievable Technology" which

is the ambient rework of Tryptomine dream and is much better than the original

one ;) ).

Next song is Trance Dance - a rework of the Trilithon's Trance Dance.Awesome

work by Astral Projection and Trance Dance is perhaps the best rework I've

ever heard.

The 1999 remix of the Absolute N1 Astral song Mahadeva is quality enough for

me.perfect remix of the great classic and a lot of great moments with that CD.

The 8th track - Aqua line spirit is softer than the others and more

melodic.Pretty nice one which I really appreciate.The final is Still on Mars -

Not real ambient,but slower one,it will remind you for Life on Mars ;)

Great CD - 10/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest Antonomasia

hen I first bought Another World, I was quite sceptic. But now, I really think

it is the best album from Astral Projection !!! For people who can't see any

evolution in AP style, first listen to Kabalah or Maian Dream, then Liquid Sun

and finally Searching for UFO's. Can't you see the evolution of their sounds ?

AP albums have better and better works on them, more varied too (yes, I really

think that), but still with the same emotion and energy on their tracks.

That's only my point of view, and if you are not fond of Astral Projection,

you may find AP still the same. OK, back to the album, which is very very

good. It begins with Nilaya, the most energetic track I've ever heard, a bit

repetitive, but it doesn't matter since the music is extremely good. Then

comes Another World, mmh well, this track is not very impressive, a bit too

clubby I think. Visions of Nasca is a typical Astral track, nothing to add

here, simply good as usual. Searching for UFO's is a bit different from

previous AP tracks, the sci-fi ambience is really trippy and melodies here are

very uplifting. How can't you get up and dance when you hear those incredible

melodies and sounds all over you at 9'25 ? One of the best Astral tracks,

among People Can Fly and so on. Tryptomine Dream is also extremly good, I

don't like the very beginning of the song (it starts too suddenly), but there

are here some fantastic melodies near 7'50, (very high-pitched by the way).

Then is Trance Dance, a really intense track. Very good, that's all. Mahedava

'99 is another remix of the original Mahadeva. I don't like that track, they

have destroyed the whole song, I think. The original version is ten times

better. Aqua Line Spirit : well FANTASTIC !!! it's the best track on this

album. I can't describe, you only have to hear it. I so much love the break at

5'35, and then everything comes, waves sounds, fantastic melodies. For me,

Aqua Line Spirit is in my Astral top 3. The album ends as usual more slowly

with Still on Mars, an ambient track. Nothing exceptional, this is far to be

the best ambient track from AP (Ambient Galaxy, Electronic, or Still Dreaming

for example are better). So, this album may be the best one from Astral

Projection. You only have to buy it if you like them. A big AP fan like me

could give this album 9/10. AP forever !!!

  • 4 years later...

His Story: OK, more or less everything that is to be known about Astral Projection up to the year of 1999 has been said and written, rewritten and retold thousands of times all over the place. Even I've repeated myself on numerous occasions. Prior to this release, A.P. were celebrities of the goa trance scene, and not even newcomers like GMS and Infected Mushroom could diminish their ever lasting presence on the scene. Too bad it was only for a moment though, for not even 6 months after "Another world" dropped, the Israeli magicians took a back seat and passed the Olympic torch to their fellow countrymen. Now, after the immense success of "Dancing galaxy", Astral Projection were the most sought after goa trance live act and had the #1 sales, without losing a single bit of dignity or credibility. A feat successfully pulled off by a chosen few. But for Astral Projection, I cannot remember one thing that seems impossible back in the day. Except maybe producing a bad track. So it was only natural that the arrival of their fourth album was THE thing to watch out for. So without further ado, let's see what are we in for here:


The Album: The album opens up with Nilaya, and we're thrown right into the A.P. soundscape: thumping bass kick, and joyful melodies from the first second. I couldn't call these melodies mind blowing or anything like that; in fact I'd say these are your pretty standard Astral Projection effects, melodies and sounds. But yeah, this is somewhat more up-tempo than "Dancing galaxy"! It'll work on the dance floors, it works for home listening, it's Astral Projection so you know it'll do just fine any time of the day. Nice way to open an album.

Next up we have Another World which is a remix of a very old track by A.P. (but I think it comes from the period when they still were SFX). I find the first half of this track to be really uninspiring, with some effects thrown over a throbbing beat, accompanied by a robotized voice saying: "another world"... But then at around 03:30 the bass kick is gone and this really uplifting melody comes in! Yeah, it's much, but much more mainstream than any other previous A.P. track, but good nonetheless. And it keeps on rising until 04:25 when the beat jumps back in and the last two and something minutes are just "keep your hands in the air" type dance track. I like this track, even though it has huge cross over potential. Nice melody, if not somewhat overly simple and just too easy to like. Yeah I know that Astral Projection somehow have this way of making us like anything they produce, but this is just a lil' too much on the clubby trance side, wouldn't you agree?

Visions Of Nasca, the album's third track has a really groovy bass line which I've just recently noticed when listening to it on my big living room speakers. Tempo wise, this one seems to use the exact same hi hats and kick of the album's opener, but it's much darker. I even like that melody at around 02:20, never minding the fact it's so far from those uplifting and dreamy melodies "Dancing galaxy" was packed with. I like certain parts of this track, but I think that overall it lacks focus and certain direction. Plainly put, it goes nowhere... For example: during that break at around 6 minutes, it just couldn't be more predictable where the track would be going from there. And that is something that sometimes wears me out when listening to "Another world", just that knowledge of where certain tracks lead you. The lack of imagination and courage to take new directions can at times seem like reliving some old classics, but just around 10 notched down.

And yes, I barely finished my lame complaining, and Searching For UFOs makes me blush from embarrassment. Why? Because this track was, is and will be a classic. Plain and simple. From its opening, whistle-like melody, to its not too banging bass kick, the obligatory space age samples and tons of psychedelic sounds- this is the track you really want to hear on an Astral Projection release. And at around 03:50 the first melodic wave hits you like a UFO the track depicts in its title. At certain parts of the track, this wonderful, almost ambientesque melody floats in the background, really setting some mood, until around 07:30 when we are sooooooo kindly thrown into the second melodic climax. The last ninety seconds are very nice too. An amazing journey through some "shapes of sounds" and stuff, until the track is abruptly ended with the sample. Already done? Yup! And who would have said that it actually went on for almost ten and a half minutes?

Now, Tryptomine Dream takes the same path as Another World. But don't draw any wrong conclusions. What I mean is that this one has pretty obvious cross over potential as well, most due to its really happy and baroque melody. And to emphasize its possible appeal to average club trancers, it would be the track's BPM range which is fast to say the least. And the bass kick is, well, pounding almost all the way through (with one break), making this an uninterrupted dance floor journey for almost ten minutes. This is still pretty much your typical Astral Projection sound here, just more filtered and way less challenging. I never had any trouble with these melodies sounding too body engaging, rather than focusing on the mind, what really bothered me here is that this is below the Astral Projection level, but in such a way that I just cannot get rid of the impression it was meant to be. I have a feeling that this track is sub-standard because A.P. were clearly aiming at a certain crowd, and to achieve that goal, they even resorted to some compromises, such as not really doing the best they could! A fine track however!

It is well known that Trilithon is Astral Projection's all time greatest influence, so it's no surprise (I even wonder how come it hasn't been done before) that the album's sixth track, Trance Dance, is a remix of an old tune by that legendary figure in the world of electronic music. And this is one hell of an intense tune!!! It's the most banging and up-tempo track on the album. Good thing is the intro is about 45 seconds long because once the beat is in, I guess it's kind of hard to catch up with this one on the dance floor- it is fast and furious! It really has a speaker poking bass kick, some pretty wild effects, but it's not really until the break at around 05:45, and the royal entrance of the lead melody at 06:12 that the track seems anything other than another dace floor killer. There is no bass kick during the break, but you can sense the blast off is about to come as the melody keeps on risin' 'n' risin'. And your doubts become reality at 06:52 when the beat is back, in the company of this pretty crazy melody, and you have yourself one wicked climax! This one was clearly intended for dancing, as the title implies. And dancing only. God damn it, if I was one of those lazy party breakers, dressed all in black and chewing on my straw peeping out from a Coke bottle, I'd sent everything to hell and get the body in motion to this one!

Another remix. Ant this time it is the third(!!!) of Astral Projection's earth's core breaking classic Mahadeva. Yes, this is Mahadeva ('99 mix), and if I recollect correctly, this is the newest one since the '96 version, which appeared on some Transient Records compilation. It doesn't depart too much from the original, but it's still more than interesting. At least twice as good as the '96 mix was. Well, I think so. I stated many times that I always felt disgruntled with alternate mixes or remixes of A.P.'s classics. But I guess you could take that as a general statement and conclude that I don't favor remixes too much. And that is true. I always thought how remixes can never recapture the magic and the energy of the original. Of course there are exceptions, and the master of remixes, Man With No Name often comes to mind, but in Mahadeva's case, no matter how much I like this one, it just doesn't come close to matching the original. The original version of Mahadeva is like the national anthem of goa trance. The tune we all listen to while we "raise the flag". So this one, I guess, comes in as a nice little bonus to see how the lads play around with their milestone track. The remix, however, does have a really enhanced and emotional melody, and the track does seem so much more than another party number, like most of the previous tracks. It does seem repetitive at times, the melody, no matter how enchanting it is, but when you're in the mood for some mind transcendence, it'll do just fine.

Aqua Line Spirit is in a close run with Trance Dance as the album's fastest track. And IMHO, that is about the biggest compliment I can give this track. It really fails to impress me everywhere but on the dance floor. It does have some really over the top melodies, which in my ears often sound overdone. Not in terms of being over produced and too layered, but rather sounding excessively high pitched. Which, I guess, makes perfect sense in some club, during some mainstream orientated party. One again, I hold absolutely no grudges with club trance, or any other form of trance music inclined towards the dance floors. And Astral Projection, if anything, always had tracks that blew people away and turned an average party to a "Love Parade"! So, why am I not impressed by this? Mainly because in those older A.P. tracks the order was: first and foremost you had an amazing goa trance track, and only then did you have a party booster. Now, it's vice versa! Seems like this track was crafted for those world wide party freaks, rather than for the core following of Astral Projection, which brought them to this superstardom! By no means is this track bad, it just doesn't function on so many levels as the older A.P. stuff. It's like I have a feeling that if this one fails on the dance floors, it's bound to fail anywhere. Ant that's not something I would appreciate about an Astral Projection track!

And the album closes with Still On Mars, which is very good, but nothing more. For those who have read my review of "Dancing galaxy", you might remember how I thought that Life On Mars was the album's least impressive track (which by the way still meant it was awesome). And this is basically a downtempo version of that one. And in my ears the original, up-tempo version sounds much better. I cannot really explain why you could like or not this one, but for me the bottom line is: if I did not truly enjoy the original, and this album ends with a downtempo remix of that same original, how enjoyable can this one be for me then? Not too much I'd say, but to stay on the bright side, this is an adequate way to end an otherwise wild and up-tempo album. Nothing to blow your mind, but to get your feet back on firm grounds, it won't fail.


Track listing :

01 Nilaya (9:25) 9

02 Another World (6:54) 8

03 Visions Of Nasca (8:57) 8

04 Searching For UFO's (10:26) 10

05 Tryptomine Dream (9:51) 8

06 Trilithon- Trance Dance (Astral Projection Remix) (9:33) 9

07 Mahadeva '99 (8:21) 9

08 Aqua Line Spirit (8:35) 8

09 Still On Mars (7:31) 7



The Verdict: A lot of people seemed to bash this album because of its lack of creativity and Astral Projection's lack of development in style. And if you add some cross over ingredients to the potion, what you get is a cocktail just waiting to incinerate your thirsty throat. The ever growing fan base of Astral Projection was I guess pretty thirsty for more after "Dancing galaxy", and to a certain point it's quite understandable why some people got initially turned off upon first listen. This is in no way a quantum leap from their previous releases, and I would just have to agree that at places, "Another world" sounds just like an outstanding party album, with the goa trance title added to it just for the sake of the name involved. But don't get misled- this still has enough of those Astral Projection elements in tact to offer you many pleasant listens, just don't sit and expect to hear another "Dancing galaxy". But get on your feet, open your room window, crack the volume up- and the whole album will all of a sudden seem much better! As for Astral Projection's lack of diversity, I guess the accusations are justified. To a certain extent. While it is true that Astral Projection have not evolved in any way since around 1996, I honestly think there was no need for them to. What I mean that I was always against artists changing their sound for the sake of sounding different. Why change if what you have and do is just fine. Doing something in life just for the heck of getting it done is pure nonsense. It's pointless to do stuff you really prefer not doing, and especially doing it just so others can see you got it done. I mean, A.P. could have changed, and released a GMS like full on album, and said: "Well, y'all critics keep your mouths shut, because we've finally changed sound!". And where would have that left us? Astral Projection were outstanding goa trance producers who during the mid nineties turned the whole scene upside down with their sound, and there was really no need for them to change. For the simple reason that their sound was so universally loved and appreciated that only a few complained! What I did want to see on this album is less of these banging tunes and some more ol' school goa trance sweets these boys are known for. Most of "Another world"'s track are neck snappin', head nodding club bangers. With occasional goa trance elements. OK, not occasional, but it seems to me most of these tracks were crafted keeping them ravers in mind, rather than the happy trance crowd... And I don't mind listening to awesome party or dance music, because after all, goa trance is dance music. What I do mind is when that same dance music loses that factor of "dimension traveling", that dreamy and mind expanding effect, to pumping bass lines and high BPM rates. So, is this essential? Yes! Yes! Each and every one of those first four Astral Projection releases should be in everybody's collection. This still is Astral Projection, the super creative duo from Israel and this album still very much holds all those elements that mad you fall in love with their music in the first place. Which obviously, some people did not like. They just thought it was boring hearing the same stuff over and over again. My opinion is, you like A.P., you're bound to like this. Maybe not as much as their unique masterpiece, "Dancing galaxy", but I'm positive some of these tracks here will amaze you. At least that's what they've done to me! My advice is: make sure you already own "Trust in trance" and "Dancing galaxy" before copping this! But do not miss out on this one, though!!!


Vote: 8.5/10


His Story: OK, more or less everything that is to be known about Astral Projection up to the year of 1999 has been said and written, rewritten and retold thousands of times all over the place. Even I've repeated myself on numerous occasions. Prior to this release, A.P. were celebrities of the goa trance scene, and not even newcomers like GMS and Infected Mushroom could diminish their ever lasting presence on the scene. Too bad it was only for a moment though, for not even 6 months after "Another world" dropped, the Israeli magicians took a back seat and passed the Olympic torch to their fellow countrymen. Now, after the immense success of "Dancing galaxy", Astral Projection were the most sought after goa trance live act and had the #1 sales, without losing a single bit of dignity or credibility. A feat successfully pulled off by a chosen few. But for Astral Projection, I cannot remember one thing that seems impossible back in the day. Except maybe producing a bad track. So it was only natural that the arrival of their fourth album was THE thing to watch out for. So without further ado, let's see what are we in for here:


The Album: The album opens up with Nilaya, and we're thrown right into the A.P. soundscape: thumping bass kick, and joyful melodies from the first second. I couldn't call these melodies mind blowing or anything like that; in fact I'd say these are your pretty standard Astral Projection effects, melodies and sounds. But yeah, this is somewhat more up-tempo than "Dancing galaxy"! It'll work on the dance floors, it works for home listening, it's Astral Projection so you know it'll do just fine any time of the day. Nice way to open an album.

Next up we have Another World which is a remix of a very old track by A.P. (but I think it comes from the period when they still were SFX). I find the first half of this track to be really uninspiring, with some effects thrown over a throbbing beat, accompanied by a robotized voice saying: "another world"... But then at around 03:30 the bass kick is gone and this really uplifting melody comes in! Yeah, it's much, but much more mainstream than any other previous A.P. track, but good nonetheless. And it keeps on rising until 04:25 when the beat jumps back in and the last two and something minutes are just "keep your hands in the air" type dance track. I like this track, even though it has huge cross over potential. Nice melody, if not somewhat overly simple and just too easy to like. Yeah I know that Astral Projection somehow have this way of making us like anything they produce, but this is just a lil' too much on the clubby trance side, wouldn't you agree?

Visions Of Nasca, the album's third track has a really groovy bass line which I've just recently noticed when listening to it on my big living room speakers. Tempo wise, this one seems to use the exact same hi hats and kick of the album's opener, but it's much darker. I even like that melody at around 02:20, never minding the fact it's so far from those uplifting and dreamy melodies "Dancing galaxy" was packed with. I like certain parts of this track, but I think that overall it lacks focus and certain direction. Plainly put, it goes nowhere... For example: during that break at around 6 minutes, it just couldn't be more predictable where the track would be going from there. And that is something that sometimes wears me out when listening to "Another world", just that knowledge of where certain tracks lead you. The lack of imagination and courage to take new directions can at times seem like reliving some old classics, but just around 10 notched down.

And yes, I barely finished my lame complaining, and Searching For UFOs makes me blush from embarrassment. Why? Because this track was, is and will be a classic. Plain and simple. From its opening, whistle-like melody, to its not too banging bass kick, the obligatory space age samples and tons of psychedelic sounds- this is the track you really want to hear on an Astral Projection release. And at around 03:50 the first melodic wave hits you like a UFO the track depicts in its title. At certain parts of the track, this wonderful, almost ambientesque melody floats in the background, really setting some mood, until around 07:30 when we are sooooooo kindly thrown into the second melodic climax. The last ninety seconds are very nice too. An amazing journey through some "shapes of sounds" and stuff, until the track is abruptly ended with the sample. Already done? Yup! And who would have said that it actually went on for almost ten and a half minutes?

Now, Tryptomine Dream takes the same path as Another World. But don't draw any wrong conclusions. What I mean is that this one has pretty obvious cross over potential as well, most due to its really happy and baroque melody. And to emphasize its possible appeal to average club trancers, it would be the track's BPM range which is fast to say the least. And the bass kick is, well, pounding almost all the way through (with one break), making this an uninterrupted dance floor journey for almost ten minutes. This is still pretty much your typical Astral Projection sound here, just more filtered and way less challenging. I never had any trouble with these melodies sounding too body engaging, rather than focusing on the mind, what really bothered me here is that this is below the Astral Projection level, but in such a way that I just cannot get rid of the impression it was meant to be. I have a feeling that this track is sub-standard because A.P. were clearly aiming at a certain crowd, and to achieve that goal, they even resorted to some compromises, such as not really doing the best they could! A fine track however!

It is well known that Trilithon is Astral Projection's all time greatest influence, so it's no surprise (I even wonder how come it hasn't been done before) that the album's sixth track, Trance Dance, is a remix of an old tune by that legendary figure in the world of electronic music. And this is one hell of an intense tune!!! It's the most banging and up-tempo track on the album. Good thing is the intro is about 45 seconds long because once the beat is in, I guess it's kind of hard to catch up with this one on the dance floor- it is fast and furious! It really has a speaker poking bass kick, some pretty wild effects, but it's not really until the break at around 05:45, and the royal entrance of the lead melody at 06:12 that the track seems anything other than another dace floor killer. There is no bass kick during the break, but you can sense the blast off is about to come as the melody keeps on risin' 'n' risin'. And your doubts become reality at 06:52 when the beat is back, in the company of this pretty crazy melody, and you have yourself one wicked climax! This one was clearly intended for dancing, as the title implies. And dancing only. God damn it, if I was one of those lazy party breakers, dressed all in black and chewing on my straw peeping out from a Coke bottle, I'd sent everything to hell and get the body in motion to this one!

Another remix. Ant this time it is the third(!!!) of Astral Projection's earth's core breaking classic Mahadeva. Yes, this is Mahadeva ('99 mix), and if I recollect correctly, this is the newest one since the '96 version, which appeared on some Transient Records compilation. It doesn't depart too much from the original, but it's still more than interesting. At least twice as good as the '96 mix was. Well, I think so. I stated many times that I always felt disgruntled with alternate mixes or remixes of A.P.'s classics. But I guess you could take that as a general statement and conclude that I don't favor remixes too much. And that is true. I always thought how remixes can never recapture the magic and the energy of the original. Of course there are exceptions, and the master of remixes, Man With No Name often comes to mind, but in Mahadeva's case, no matter how much I like this one, it just doesn't come close to matching the original. The original version of Mahadeva is like the national anthem of goa trance. The tune we all listen to while we "raise the flag". So this one, I guess, comes in as a nice little bonus to see how the lads play around with their milestone track. The remix, however, does have a really enhanced and emotional melody, and the track does seem so much more than another party number, like most of the previous tracks. It does seem repetitive at times, the melody, no matter how enchanting it is, but when you're in the mood for some mind transcendence, it'll do just fine.

Aqua Line Spirit is in a close run with Trance Dance as the album's fastest track. And IMHO, that is about the biggest compliment I can give this track. It really fails to impress me everywhere but on the dance floor. It does have some really over the top melodies, which in my ears often sound overdone. Not in terms of being over produced and too layered, but rather sounding excessively high pitched. Which, I guess, makes perfect sense in some club, during some mainstream orientated party. One again, I hold absolutely no grudges with club trance, or any other form of trance music inclined towards the dance floors. And Astral Projection, if anything, always had tracks that blew people away and turned an average party to a "Love Parade"! So, why am I not impressed by this? Mainly because in those older A.P. tracks the order was: first and foremost you had an amazing goa trance track, and only then did you have a party booster. Now, it's vice versa! Seems like this track was crafted for those world wide party freaks, rather than for the core following of Astral Projection, which brought them to this superstardom! By no means is this track bad, it just doesn't function on so many levels as the older A.P. stuff. It's like I have a feeling that if this one fails on the dance floors, it's bound to fail anywhere. Ant that's not something I would appreciate about an Astral Projection track!

And the album closes with Still On Mars, which is very good, but nothing more. For those who have read my review of "Dancing galaxy", you might remember how I thought that Life On Mars was the album's least impressive track (which by the way still meant it was awesome). And this is basically a downtempo version of that one. And in my ears the original, up-tempo version sounds much better. I cannot really explain why you could like or not this one, but for me the bottom line is: if I did not truly enjoy the original, and this album ends with a downtempo remix of that same original, how enjoyable can this one be for me then? Not too much I'd say, but to stay on the bright side, this is an adequate way to end an otherwise wild and up-tempo album. Nothing to blow your mind, but to get your feet back on firm grounds, it won't fail.


Track listing :

01 Nilaya (9:25) 9

02 Another World (6:54) 8

03 Visions Of Nasca (8:57) 8

04 Searching For UFO's (10:26) 10

05 Tryptomine Dream (9:51) 8

06 Trilithon- Trance Dance (Astral Projection Remix) (9:33) 9

07 Mahadeva '99 (8:21) 9

08 Aqua Line Spirit (8:35) 8

09 Still On Mars (7:31) 7

The Verdict: A lot of people seemed to bash this album because of its lack of creativity and Astral Projection's lack of development in style. And if you add some cross over ingredients to the potion, what you get is a cocktail just waiting to incinerate your thirsty throat. The ever growing fan base of Astral Projection was I guess pretty thirsty for more after "Dancing galaxy", and to a certain point it's quite understandable why some people got initially turned off upon first listen. This is in no way a quantum leap from their previous releases, and I would just have to agree that at places, "Another world" sounds just like an outstanding party album, with the goa trance title added to it just for the sake of the name involved. But don't get misled- this still has enough of those Astral Projection elements in tact to offer you many pleasant listens, just don't sit and expect to hear another "Dancing galaxy". But get on your feet, open your room window, crack the volume up- and the whole album will all of a sudden seem much better! As for Astral Projection's lack of diversity, I guess the accusations are justified. To a certain extent. While it is true that Astral Projection have not evolved in any way since around 1996, I honestly think there was no need for them to. What I mean that I was always against artists changing their sound for the sake of sounding different. Why change if what you have and do is just fine. Doing something in life just for the heck of getting it done is pure nonsense. It's pointless to do stuff you really prefer not doing, and especially doing it just so others can see you got it done. I mean, A.P. could have changed, and released a GMS like full on album, and said: "Well, y'all critics keep your mouths shut, because we've finally changed sound!". And where would have that left us? Astral Projection were outstanding goa trance producers who during the mid nineties turned the whole scene upside down with their sound, and there was really no need for them to change. For the simple reason that their sound was so universally loved and appreciated that only a few complained! What I did want to see on this album is less of these banging tunes and some more ol' school goa trance sweets these boys are known for. Most of "Another world"'s track are neck snappin', head nodding club bangers. With occasional goa trance elements. OK, not occasional, but it seems to me most of these tracks were crafted keeping them ravers in mind, rather than the happy trance crowd... And I don't mind listening to awesome party or dance music, because after all, goa trance is dance music. What I do mind is when that same dance music loses that factor of "dimension traveling", that dreamy and mind expanding effect, to pumping bass lines and high BPM rates. So, is this essential? Yes! Yes! Each and every one of those first four Astral Projection releases should be in everybody's collection. This still is Astral Projection, the super creative duo from Israel and this album still very much holds all those elements that mad you fall in love with their music in the first place. Which obviously, some people did not like. They just thought it was boring hearing the same stuff over and over again. My opinion is, you like A.P., you're bound to like this. Maybe not as much as their unique masterpiece, "Dancing galaxy", but I'm positive some of these tracks here will amaze you. At least that's what they've done to me! My advice is: make sure you already own "Trust in trance" and "Dancing galaxy" before copping this! But do not miss out on this one, though!!!


Vote: 8.5/10

Uh, this sounds like a nice semantic hommage to them, but you screwed the grade of the album, despite the praise. :P


I think that this is one of their best produced album. They developed the sound, mastered perfectly and again has Astral Projection deep melodies.


Here is my pick of the tracks :


Track listing :

01 Nilaya (9:25) 9

02 Another World (6:54) 9

03 Visions Of Nasca (8:57) 10

04 Searching For UFO's (10:26) 10

05 Tryptomine Dream (9:51) 9

06 Trance Dance (9:33) 10

07 Mahadeva '99 (8:21) 9

08 Aqua Line Spirit (8:35) 10

09 Still On Mars (7:31) 8


So, this album for sure is 9/10 in real terms but coz of enormous effort put in this album, it deserves 10/10. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

+1 rino for review

+1 seraph for support


My story about this great album.

It was 1999 when Astral Projection came to Thessaloniki, playin' live at Mylos place.

I had a broken leg but me and 2 friends couldn't miss such a party.

We went there, the place was full!

We try to go as much as closer we can get.

Astral Projection appeared on stage and the hole place turn into fog effect place!

We couldn't see anything.

Visions Of Nasca open up their live.

And all the people went crazy!Even me having the broken leg! :lol:

Damn, this is a party to remember!

Thank you Astral Projection.

  • 1 month later...

one of Astrals classic Trilogy together with Dancing galaxy and TIT 3. three of the best albums ever to be released- 10\10

Do not underestimate their amazing The Astral Files, sir, as it is at least as great as Another World. True, not all the tunes are spectacular, but when they are, as a result you have some of their finest musical pieces ever: Ionized, Zero, Maian Dream (my all time #1 A.P. track :wub: ), the end of time mix of Time Began With The Universe...
  • 9 months later...




Posted Image

01. 09'25" Nilaya

02. 06'54" Another World

03. 08'57" Visions Of Nasca

04. 10'26" Searching For UFO's

05. 09'51" Tryptomine Dream

06. 09'33" Trance Dance

07. 08'21" Mahadeva 99

08. 08'35" Aqua Line Spirit

09. 07'31" Still On Mars

A brief recap--

Trust In Trance (1996) was a groundbreaking debut with many strong, classic songs.  The Astral Files (1996) was a solid remix album of the debut. Still considered very good if not great! Who else better to remix their work than themselves? Dancing Galaxy (1997) felt more like a fresh ride from beginning to end. It came packed with a strong story and theme. The track compilaton took the listener deeper into the cosmosis the more the story progressed. Eventually the dualistic, intergalactic adventure reached sunrise bliss euphoria with Liquid Sun. Dancing Galaxy had a huge production. It's like if Hollywood backed AP making a Goa album. Dancing Galaxy is arguably their best album. That said, some felt that AP was "trying" too hard at times to show off their elaborate style rather then involving the level of heart and passion that made their first album so special. Although Kabalah and Enlightened Evolution off their first album were more spiritual, ascensional, and/or deep, Dancing Galaxy is gem. Another World (1999) would be known as the last classic old-school album by AP. As opposed to waiting a year between albums, the group released the second sequel two years later.

I always loved the cover to this album... I see more into it than just "looks pretty"

01. Nilaya begins with an infectious, rollicking melody lead. It's pretty awesome! The music is free, fluid, and exciting. For the first two acts, the song's fantastic. After the sixth or so minute however, things begin to drag. Similar variations are repeated and the song loses its luster and steam (fire, momentum) by revealing all of its goodies early on. More fresh, complimentary evolution in second half (or last third) would have appreciated. Moreover, at 9 to 10 minutes Nilaya would have been better had it ended closer to 7 and change IMO. That said, what a terrific six or so minutes that I'd easily give an A- to. This is a great dance track, and while some consider it a home run, one of the best tracks on the album (I do for the first 6 minutes), the best tracks entirety-wise IMO are yet to come, after the next one.  B+

02. Another World is not as big, melody-wise as Nilaya, so it may seem like a bit of a let-down for some. Loaded with crisp effects, attractive melodies, and rhythm, the song's darker in some ways. It doesn't overload nor go on for too long. That said, a little more could have been done with it. Being constructive, the song sounds great production-wise, but structure wise (coming from these guys), it feels just a tad light or lazy in that again, it could have showcased more, been more eventful, etc. That said, for a catchy, driving vehicle building up to the best tracks on the album, it's good, and a fresh change from the highly energetic but borderline draggy duration and finale (shortcomings) of the otherwise excellent Nilaya.  B

03. Visions Of Nasca stands out with its strange, male voice sample(?) work. Such human-esque alterations are chopped up, mixed around the beat. Other melody work presents an engaging Goa piece that's more involved, varied, and interesting IMO than the previous number. After the transition around 5:51, the beat slows down as crips soundscapes dance around it, then we move through a delectable downbeat Goa interlude. I really like moments like these despite chilling the dance floor energy, it gives the song's energy a chance to regroup, evolve, and expand into new terrain. The last third is great, building on the uptempo work that preceded it, and the touches of darkness compliment. Strong track!  A-

04. Searching For UFO's is the song you've been waiting for on this album.. The one that REMINDS you why you LOVE this group. The spirit, heart, and fire with imagination, vision, and to such unique, memorable, and engaging degree. For me (and many others), this is the best, if not one of the best tracks on the album and that AP ever released. It's not a wild Full On GOA roller coaster like many of AP's tracks. This is groovy, intelligent, and distinct, with excellent sound/melody work (!!!), ambient harmonies, and more. THIS is the track IMO to showcase AP's biggest, most distinct maturing or updated approach to superb songs since Dancing Galaxy. It's less sensationalized, more refined in that regard. Oh and the accents (around the halfway forward mark) are so catchy, solidifying the signature sounding track with enough to refresh our senses for all three acts. Superb song!  A

05. Tryptomine Dream is another strong track in AP's modernized style. The opening voice sample talks about machines being conscious. It reminds me of something out of a Terminator film, but it seems less important to the theme or message (?) of the album. There are moments when the beat falls back for more contemplative, listener-friendly transition. Such choices deepen the structuring, storytelling aspects of the music, to some degree. The song's progression is fluid and enjoyable, thanks to uplifting melody work coupled with touches of darkness, like a sunrise washing away the clouds. Although Nilaya along with Track 3+4 grabbed my attention more, this has some great feel good sound/melody work and vibes throughout. Another great track.  B+

06. Trance Dance --- The TITLE makes the song sound GENERIC > which it is NOT. For many years was favourite song on the album along with Nilaya, probably due to their stand-out, captivating sound of each track. As a whole in terms of satisfaction though, THIS along with the less aggressive Searching For UFO's are my favourite (top 2) songs on the album. The aggressive albeit infectious synths (sound/melody work), accent, and ambient is excellent. I love that industrialized sound effect (accent) released early on. The rising and falling ambient supports both the darkness and light with a dash of hope, life, and light amongst the driving (intimidating, dark) rhythm. Great development and evolution as the song progresses. Talk about a gripping, dark, edgy (tense), and enjoyable to dance and/or simply listen to number. Astral Projection does dark [Goa-Trance] music well. Oh, and the ending is strong but I wouldn't expect anything less form one of the best groups in music. These guys are wildly talented. Awesome track!  A

07. Mahadeva 99 is a great remix of a classic. No one remixes AP's songs like AP. I cannot say this remix tops the original. It doesn't in my opinion. But it brings a fresh approach to the wonderful original that inspired it. The song's most memorable characteristics, such as the man's voice and the leading melody work have been captured and reprised in an updated version of a classic. Nonetheless, I would have preferred an original song on the album, as this is the one track the album could have done without, or at least with a superb, new song in its place.  B+

08. Aqua Line Spirit is the last big dance number on the album. It doesn't seem to morph direction and/or change up as much as previous songs. It's strong in development, tasty melodies, supported sounds, and what seems to be key changes(!) during the second half of the duration. This is a beautiful, less intense track that really lets the listener fly or drift off into the bright blue sky with a smile on his or her face.  A-

09. Still On Mars is a mid-tempo number that's quite unique sounding. It has a somewhat catchy, emotive sound to it. AP simply put, has achieved far better down/mid-tempo work. Still not bad though.  B

Another World is the last classic album by Astral Projection. It concludes the epic trilogy with greatness, even if the story seems a bit uneven at times and ends with a less than stellar track. The overall album is full of spirt with the classic, beloved sound, style, and feels of AP. I have often been impressed with the amount of quality tracks throughout AP's albums. There never seems to be filler. The same goes here. The soundscapes are wonderful, at times more juicy and emotive than 1997's Dancing Galaxy. Several numbers on Another World are stunning. The others are no less than great, or very good. Having an extra year before this release seemed to be for the best. Nilaya is a beautiful track. It simply runs out of steam roughly 70% through. Searching For UFO's is one of their best tracks to date. Trance Dance is surprisingly dark, great. Still On Mars has a fresh sound in the downbeat style with novel melody work and direction. This third and final album in AP's their golden years retained the magic in an era where gold seemed to last forever, even in 1999 and the years.. for many-- decades that followed ( as I update this in 2019 ). Despite some nitpicks here and there, what an awesome release!!!!

Favorite Tracks: 3, 4, 6, 8.


I LOVE the cover. It's beautiful and appears to be inspired by the 4th or 5th dimension, e.g., vibration, higher frequency, consciousness. I love you AP and I'll see you in the expansion (as the Earth continues to awaken until we shift into a higher octave of consciousness, considering thoughts (the MIND) creates reality according to physicists, mediation, elders, and numerous enlightened individuals who have shared ancient knowledge, higher truths for thousands of years. Everything in this (3D) realm is a projection of the split projected (collective) mind that is not limited to the body, only the brain and non-etheric body is.

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Such a great album and many great tracks. A real classic for me, and above all, still a real pleasure for my ears 9 years after.


Searching For UFO's is so goood !!!!!!

  • Like 1
  • 1 year later...

The best album of the best artist




I think of it as amount of fabolous tracks more than an album


Searchin for UFO`s the most powerful of their tracks , that`s not only my opinion...

Here is the other of their tracks i like the most - Visions Of Nasca ( i can`t decide which one is my favorite),

while that version of the track Another World is the poorest in my opinion,

while that Mahadeva is the best.


About Visions of Nasca i have to say that one time after long listening i had a vision of

it.... like floating high above in the air while the clouds were revealing the blurred picture

of the field underneath me. I was folowing the long lines fast with my eyes while flying way ahead of me....

in one with the sound.

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