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The Antidote - Antidotcom

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The Antidote - Antidotcom


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Artist: The Antidote

Title: Antidotcom

Label: Solstice

Date: 2001


Track listing:


01. 07'54" Geometric

02. 08'04" Altiplanos

03. 08'10" Forbidden Planet

04. 07'21" Have A Drink

05. 07'47" Narco Airlines

06. 07'42" Antidotcom

07. 08'26" Balearic

08. 09'14" Transylvania

09. 07'29" We Come In Peace




Serge / Total Eclipse and his girlfriend didn't stay idle in Ibiza: in this

hard moment for psychedelia, they prepared one of those albums that stay in

people's memories. let's go:

Geometric (1) uses the sounds that you liked in TE tracks, except that there

are less melodies. after 3 minutes there is a high rate of psychedelic sounds.

Then this psy-sequence remains and is melted with the rest of the music. At

6', there's another big rise of psychedelia! It's excellent, it's a killer,

you have to listen to it!

Altiplanos (2) has also those oldschool little twisted melodies everywhere over

a big fat rhythmic. there are a few breaks but it remains the same all along.

Yet it's still very good.

Forbidden Planet (3) has this kind of different 'breakbeat' rhythmic GMS use

all the time. Over that, there are several loops with small strange and

amazing sounds that make you think about an ambulance siren...some sounds come

over the others just before a psychedelic melody comes at 5' and makes you

happy! Nevertheless it is a repetitive psychedelic track: it's only made of

small changes all along the track while the ambulance passes!

Have a Drink (4) has an enormous bassline and seems very flat at first, but

some fat psysounds come after 3'...at 3'30 there is a break and the track

degenerates from there : a little swwet melody...you want to dance...the

rhythmic becomes more and more present...you start to move...the psysounds

come back and climb into psychedelia several times, while the tiny melody

comes back too! this track is like a fight of Good vs Evil.

Narco Airlines (5) is very linear. the bassline rolls over and over, and that's

all. There are cool breaks mixed with a few psy, but that's not that amazing.

At 5' it becomes better, with a typical TE melody.

Antidotcom (6) is based on the same model as the others : good rhythmic, small

twisted repetitive melodies coming and quitting all the time. However this

track is good and makes you move for sure!

Balearic (7) also reminds me of the golden age of TE int he begining..this is a

pleasant trip thru acid-treated sounds...at 3'30 there is only a light layer

of cool sounds above the kick...just when needed (5') there is a psychedelic

rise, just as if the cool sounds had degenerated all of a sudden...then it

becomes very light again...and at 7'+ there is a big psychedelic moment that

will make you all dance like hell ! wow! Just at the end it still manages to

get higher out of psysounds. This track is full of surprises!

Transylvania (7) is a big fast-trip into Serge's inimitable sounds. It's had to

describe but it follow the same recipe as the other tracks. there are mainly 2

layers: the rhythmic one and the melodies all ove the track. It could be a

morning song and make you smile a lot.

We Came in peace (8) is very calm with sounds that trigger your brain

sometimes...a bit like Deedrah does sometimes. This track seems to have been

put there to make you calm down and appreciate the end of the album.

Globally this album has no defect. It's really good and up-to-date as it mixes

oldschool psychedelic melodies with the modern -more agressive- mood. This

album is for sure a big hit of 2001...Yet there is one issue : it's really

hard to find..I had to order it at Saikosounds (Hong Kong)! I hope it will be

correctly distributed in the world very soon...or maybe it'll become one of

those mystic killer albums that only a happy-few have. Someone told me Atomic

would redistribute it. I Really hope for that, for you !!! 9/10

Guest Submitter

I just downloaded this album and I found nothing special about it. Its very

outdated boring sound througout the album. If ur into oldschool this stuff is

for u, but if ur a progresser thats into new evolved sounds,ideas and

atmospheres AVOID THIS ONE...... 2/10


Great album-I love it. Not only for dance but for listening at home as well.In

this time of psycore madness(that i love as well)is this a album full of

positive no cheese feelings.

Excelent 910


extremly different from old antidote tracks like 'kicking test', 'sunrise'......


one of the very best album of year 2001 (with son kite: perspectives of).The

antidote (serge souque) took his time to give us the best of his talent: a

whole album of 9 psychedelic powerful psytrance tracks.The antidote succeed in

doing what many groups fail to do these days, combining old schoold sounds

constantly moving from a speaker to the other, nice effects that damages your

brain with a hard kick, a heavy bassline and a lot of variation in each

track.In the end, each time you play this album, you just get up from your

chair and begin to dance alone in your room.The typical antidote's sounds is

innimitable and gives a lot of freshness to this major release.even if each

tack is a killer, I particularly enjoy Have a Drink and Balearic.definitly

worth buying.10/10

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Xymaths

For all those kids who downloaded this onto their Acorn computers at least take

the chance to listen to this at 650mbs of sound. This cd has to be one of the

best releases of 2001. Loic hasnt spent the last 10 years listening and making

cheese you know!!10/10-just listen to track 3 on a very accurate pair of

speakers (mirage prefered) with an Arcam amp

  • 2 weeks later...

after a few more listenings.........



Ummmm, xymaths@paradise.net.nz?the Antidote is Serge and not Loïc

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest AtomicCow

Very smooth sounds, clear acid lines, rhythms that are easy on your head but

move your feet, melodies and crystal clear production. Good stuff. Nothing

crazy but definetely refreshing. All tracks are good even though they are not

too memorable.

  • 1 month later...
Guest [Anonymous]

indcreible antidote is one of my favourites 10710 without doubt

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

Is this guy listening to any other music than trance?? Wheres the


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest freelemonade[at]hotmail[dot]com

How someone can say that this albun is bad??????????Serge is really great, some

tracks are so good.If you don't like it i thnik you should stop listening psy

trance and come back to this good old rock and roll!!!

Guest freelemonade[at]hotmail[dot]com

How can someone say that this album is bad??? This is one of the greatest psy

trance LP that was ever made. If you don't like it i think you just have to

come back to this good old rock and roll and stop raving!!!!!Where is the

energy?? Just listened to it and you will know!!!!

  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...
Guest Rx7style

"Antidotcom" is fantastic! I like that fluxuating tone used throughout the

track -- it's hypnotic, and makes it the standout of the album IMHO. A good

start, but with more experience this group can do much better.

  • 4 years later...

Just picked this one up last night. I can definetly hear the older sound here. It sounds good, and it's exactly what I was expecting for an album from 2001. B)

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