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X-Dream / I-Zen - Aspirin / Voices

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Guest Stormbringer

X-Dream / I-Zen - Aspirin / Voices


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Artist: X-Dream / I-Zen

Title: Aspirin / Voices

Label: Kinetic

Date: 2000


Track listing:


01. Aspirin

02. Voices




From the american label KINETIC RECORDS comes this sampler from the

compilation "Tsunami". As far as I know, this is the latest X-Dream

release. "Aspirin" (8/10) is a very slow track, about 130 bpm, but it

has the most impressive bass I´ve ever heard. I don´t know how these

guys can create such a monster, but if you let the X-Dream and The

Midimiliz into the same studio you should expect something very special

because they´re the kings of dark trance! The track isn´t that exciting

really but I can´t stop listening to it, and every single time I play it

I´m scared my amp. and speakers won´t survive it. As a huge fan of

X-dream, The Delta, Midimiliz, Spirallianz, C.O.P, Organic Noise, Fools

and Tools etc I must say that this is one of the darkest tracks they

made so far. The Delta´s track "Supercell" is quite similar if you´ve

heard that one. If this is the new sound of X-dream I´ll be a bit

surprised but I won´t be disappointed. I can´t wait for some new

material! "Voices" (7/10) by I-Zen (Erez Aizen, half of Infected

Mushroom) is a clubfriendly track in the same spirit as Infected

Mushrooms music, full on melodic acidic israeli psytrance as it should

be done. It´s not as good as their best tracks but it´s good enough for

any isrelitrance dancefloor I suppose.

Guest bomshankar

This choice of tracks is weird- totally different tracks in atmosphere and

vibe- both very good.

Guest bleurgggh

Probably the worst X-dream track that i've ever heard.What possessed them to

make such a dirge i don't know.Should have been released under the 'delta

'name,so that all the monotonous minimalists would go and buy it....unless

x-dream actually had a sense of humour when they named it 'aspirin', 'cos

that's what you'll need after sitting through this one.

Guest kaminari tokyo

i need lots of aspirin after listening to this track 2/10

voices...6/10, 9/10 for the movie that the sample comes from, "stigmata"

Guest [Anonymous]

Aspririn is hands-down the turd of the Tsunami comp.

Guest Arthur

X-DREAM - apirin WOW !!!!! Is the best released track from X_DREAM !!! I

give it 10/10 the other track on that vinyl just horrible. Why would those

ppl from Kinetik put X-DREAM's MASTERPEACE next to I-ZEN -voices


(I-ZEN-voices)pure NOISY psychedelic CHEESE :) very bad concept i dont even

know why x-dream agreed to release their track like this

Guest kolbassnia[at]hotmail[dot]ru

x-dreeaaaammmmmmm once again showed us what they can do with their tallent to

change and evolve their sound completely , gotta love that x-dream's

atmosphere with a Massive bassline :)) 10/10 (for X-Dream track only) (3/10

fro i-zen's track)

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest hammerd

If u have a headache listen to X-DREAM - aspirin :)))) that track will cure u :]

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest djcpr[at]hotmail[dot]com

X-dream/Aspirin- this song is minimal yet entrancing, even though there is not

much going on you want to listen to it for just the atmosphere. I-zen/Voices-

I like it for it's club friendliness, but it still has some nice sounds used

in very popular way of these days. Still the song can get you moving at the

right time. X-dream 6/10, I-zen 6/10

  • 2 months later...
Guest binke[at]binke[dot]org

Haha i duno why people are so hyped on the X-Dream track and not the I-Zen

track. They are both really good.. *especially* the I-Zen track. For me I find

'Voices' is a track that can *keep* the dancefloor moving! I'm happy I bought

the Tsunami eps

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest [Anonymous]

WOW.....I need an aspirin. X - Dream strikes back.10/10

  • 1 month later...
Guest DJ Supernova

kind of disappointed with the new x-dream sound. it's too minimal. i just

hope this phase doesn't last too long.


would somebody please kick that infected kid to a deep hole? x-dream owns!

20/10 for aspirin (and you'll need a few of these after hearing this track)


The new X-DREAM sound really ROCKS the dancefloor!!!.

I really like the new X-DREAM sound it's a little more minimal but finally i

reached the most dark and techno trance.This is what i was looking for

years!!!!ASPIRIN RULEZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!1000000/1000000

  • 1 month later...
Guest peaceful warrior

What are you guys crazy? VOICES by I-ZEN is one of the most bad ass,

psychedelic songs ever. Not that I don't like the X-Dream song because I think

that one rocks too. So you get two killer songs on one e.p. Nothing to

complain about.

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