Guest miki[at]goatrance[dot]com Posted July 31, 2002 Posted July 31, 2002 nice review OZ, pretty much on the spot. good album overall, but don't fall all over yourselves to get it. mebbe if u have some extra cash.... best track: DJ where are u Worst: People can fly "remix" Rating: 7/10 Quote
Guest Oz Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 Alien Project - Aztechno Dream Artist: Alien Project Title: Aztechno Dream Label: TIP World Date: 2002 Track listing: 01. 08'45" Crystal Skulls 02. 06'46" One God 03. 08'18" The Ring 04. 07'28" Silent Running 05. 08'08" Aztechno Dream 06. 08'18" Skunk 07. 07'03" People Can Fly 08. 06'38" Artificial Beings 09. 07'15" DJ Where Are You ? Review: ok this is it the third album by alien project "Aztechno Dream" finally out (with a very beautiful cover i have to say). the first four tracks realy kicks ass! great alien tracks with featurs like GMS and raja(one good) and with Orion (the ring) graet tracks to open the album with:-). now for "Aztechno Dream" i can only say that the name is good but not the track, it sounde exactly like "Silent Running" but only in backward, i realy didnt like it. "Next Life" with absolum is quite good nothing special. "Skunk" with GMS is truly a killer! like "one good", the combination with ari and GMS is working great!. when the turn of "people can fly" came i was all excited i realy expected a great rmx for one of all time classics by astral projection but i was disappionted, the rmx is realy bad, thers no magic, its a pointless track. Artificial beings again with GMS is realy kick ass again :-) the last track Dj where are you? is a great morning track with lovely melody (like most of the tracks here). ok so this is the album, i pesonally like it alot im recommending u to buy it the mony is worth it!:-) 8.5/10 Quote
mars Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 I won't speak too much about the music itself because it is EXACTLY the same as in Dance or Die which sounds like Midnight Sun which was itself inspired by the GMS style...This is so close to DoD that you can hear : the same instuments, kick, bassline, rhythmic, breaks, instruments, samples, and even the same melodies (tatatata--ta-ta) just sounds like it's a copy of DoD with the tracks in another order. Actually, i'd say Aztechno is musically better and more dancefloor oriented than DoD...but who will want to have 2 15 Euro copies of the same stuff at home ? Actually that's TIP problem, but i'm pretty confident people will buy the stuff they've been listening to *all the time* in *all the parties* during the last 6 months...pfff. Some friends told me this album should have been released before DoD, and if it had been the case, I would say DoD is a copy of Aztechno the same which one is a copy of the other ? I don't know. There is only one thing certain : it's no use for Ari Linker to compose anymore as either he has reached the extreme boundary of his creativity, or he thinks we are stupid. One friend of mine was at home when i listened to it...he laughed A LOT. He really thought this album was a joke !! So what mark shall i give this thing if i was just coming back from Antarctica and had never heard of Alien Proect before ? 6/10 only, because 2 tracks in this album sound the same as 2 other tracks in *still the same* album, and also because People can Fly remix sounds to me as an insult to the other AP (Astral Projection). Otherwise, if you are used to this style (with Astrix, AtomicPulse, Safi, Psydrop, etc), then my advice is not to buy it, or you'd be fooled by this system, and my mark is, i'm afraid, 1/10. Quote
Anoebis Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 hmm... typical Alien project style... I just wanted to say that the People Can Fly Remix is a shame, a disaster! he just cut and pasted some melodies and made the same break!! 0/10 for that one! the rest, well... i will not give it a rating, you just like it or not! Quote
Guest Shaq Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 I haven't really like the Alien Project style of music. There tracks nearly always sound the same with little variation. However, this album is ok because it has some really cool tunes. I particularly like 'Silent Running', 'Aztechno Dream' and 'Artificial Beings'. The rest are fairly weak. The style is a bit more progressive, in my opinion fused with some nice psy melodies. 6/10 Quote
Guest Flying Kundalini Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 Yes.. People Can Fly Rmx is not on the album.. which proves that the first reviews were MP3s .. tut tut.. however this album is KILLER for me, absolutely brilliant, OK some of the tracks are updates of others but so what? They KICK ASS!! IMHO this release is better than any other AP and better than any album GMS have released ever.. trk2 One Good is Genetic Eyes but better, trk3 The Ring is one of the best tunes I've heard all year, trk5 Aztechno Dreams is dancefloor stomping and trk7 Skunk is pure genius.. a taster of the forthcoming 1200Mics Album.. these are the best tracks and I give the album 8.5/10.. Boooomm Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 the only thing "killer" from this cd is the headache you'll receive from listening to it... Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted August 2, 2002 Posted August 2, 2002 A great job by one of the full-on leaders and his friends, track 1)is a fucking good track for the morning , 2)is a excellent job between Ari & Riktam this one is of my favorites,3)is a very good track who make us remember a super killer track for Alien (DNA),4)this also is great but i know that song like Astrix & Alien Project - Weve got an ice crystal in a promo i dont know why the groups make that,5)is good but sounds equal that the past song i dont like that but is good track, 6)is avery good job between Absolum & Alien you can hear the Cristoph touch, 7)is a killer track ,if you put together Raja,Bansi,Riktam & Ari some great will be succed and that is not the exeption, 8)is the weakest track for me, 9)is another great track for the morning. Favorites:1,2,6 Rating: 9.5/10 Quote
Goblim Posted August 3, 2002 Posted August 3, 2002 I saw this album first in the Mushroom magazine, and I thought "Aztechno Dream", what a cool name, and I was glad to find out that it's a killer album aswell. Best album of 2002 so far, I must say! Together with GMS, this is the best full-on you'll find these days. But I like this album even more than the latest GMS album, because it has more melody and power. First track is actually the remix by Astrix, it's not the best track on the album, but still powerful. Track 2 (done with GMS) is very good, you'll notice GMS style here. Track 3 I like VERY much, it has a strange sound that sounds so cool, but it's hard to describe. Something like a watercreature that actually is a robot :-) It also has samples from movie Lord of the Rings, cool. Track 4 is another very good track. Track 5 sounds a lot like track 4, but more minimal (=makes it worse). Track 6 is also a good track. Track 7, Skunk is the BEST track on the album. I especially like this sample here ("do it, do it"!) and it has such a mindblowing melody that I wish there more tracks like this one. I think another name for this track is 1200 Mics - Marijuana which should mean it's gonna be on the upcoming 1200 Mics album... if the other tracks on that album is as good as this track and Salvia Divinorum... phew then I cant wait for that one :-) Track 8, a remix of the old classic tune is not so good. I don't think the original track is one of Astral's best, and the remix just uses som of the melody from the original track and added another bassline and sounds... It just doesn't work out. Track 9 is one of the weaker tracks, but it's not bad. Track 10 with it's strange title is also good, but it's a bit calmer than the others. As I said I find this the best album of this year so far, and as a grade I would give it 9/10 (10 tracks, 9 good and one of them (8) which is not good). Nicey-nice! Quote
Guest [Anonymous] Posted August 4, 2002 Posted August 4, 2002 saiko pod has a very progressive track also named silent running (nothing to do with the review, but it's good to know) alien project has a very particular style following GMS steps (not at all as good). in parties ari may bore all of us for a while, but in his act there's always a highlight that may drive people to venus. same happens with this album, a very strong and melodic start, going monotonous as it evolves. but by track 4 things start to change and the cd grabs a lot of power, having it's highest point at skunk, a song made by AP and GMS. good cd, very easy going, mixing any of it's tracks... no brainer, they just sliiiiiiiiiiiide Quote
Guest disillusioned[at]yahoo[dot]com Posted August 4, 2002 Posted August 4, 2002 Its all bollox....really.... Ari has just 'REhashed' other peoples work... which is why you all think it sounds so similar...... because it is...... he just chopped it all in AUDIO.....there is no new programming going on..!!! The truth is out that Ari is not good at being an 'Original' artist..!! Doesn't mean he's not creative.... but if you are expecting 'NEW ALIEN PROJECT' you wont get it...... other peoples music 'arranged' and 'tweaked' into something else..... thats what this is...!!!! ... and as for'People can Fly'... what the fuck were you thinking dude.... If it aint broken.. dont fix it.. and there was nothing wrong with the original ..!!!! Quote
Guest VBRunner Posted August 7, 2002 Posted August 7, 2002 AFAIK Dance or Die was a collection of b-sides and unreleased tracks assembled on a disc to finish the contract with Phonokol, and not to be considered AP's second album. And Aztechno Dream is a lot better than DoD, but I must say I expected more from Ari this time. The collaborations with various artists add a few different flavours throughout the album, much like on Midnight Sun. I expected more development and originality here though. But everything doesn't have to be original. You can't expect every album to sound completely new and fresh, and there's nothing wrong with following a formula as long as people want more of it. And I really like several of the tracks here. As has been said though, not all of the tracks are powerful enough. I also don't see what the problem is with the brave People Can Fly remix (whether it's on the album or not). Obviously there's not much point in doing a remix that sounds just like the original, and I don't think they should be compared because they sound completely different. Ari's version starts off similarly to the original, but at halfway he takes a totally different route and ends up with a nice track. All in all, it's a great album although it didn't quite live up to my (way too high?) expectations. Definitely one of the top releases so far this year. A lot better than Dance or Die. But I'm counting on more development for the next one Quote
Guest Xymaths Posted August 15, 2002 Posted August 15, 2002 Super well produced trance-kind of on the club side but way better-some of these tracks are real killers. Kind of reminds me of the new Logic Bomb cd-high rotation in my cd player but after 2 weeks sick to death of it. Worth buying esp if your a DJ-I still think the best track is Twins on the Sound sourcery cd though! Quote
Guest yan84[at]aquanet[dot]co[dot]il Posted August 16, 2002 Posted August 16, 2002 We all need a bit of Alien Project in our lives. After last year’s wonderful Midnight Sun album, and the recent so-so collection of singles, remixes and oddities Dance Or Die, Ari Linker’s second “properEalbum is a shot in the arm for the global psychedelic scene. Crystal Skulls kicks things off, a sped-up, full on rework of Alien Project’s contribution to Tip’s acclaimed Thirteen Crystal Skulls compilation. With a similar vibe, samples and lead lines it’s a classy way to kick off the album. The bpm is perfect, Ari’s trademark growl sneaks in and out while a killer echoed melody sits cutely on top. The breakdown is huge, and it crashes back in to a final run that will have the crowd jumping so high they bang their heads on the ceiling. One Good follows, tight with neat percussion and “properEtechno bounce, cascading into an arms-everywhere finale. The Ring is a slight departure from the traditional Alien sound, much more atmospheric with some tight pads giving an ethereal feel though with no loss of that trademark crunch. When the two styles combine, there’s a maddening rush of intensity that’s among the best I’ve ever heard, and the overall effect is a tune that reaches right into you and grabs you before chucking you about the room. Silent Running is deep and dirty, with a real growling lower section over which a sci-fright top melody twists and turns while recent single Aztechno Dream with its heavy-set, 16th-heavy bassline is another nod to the dancefloor. Likewise the rework of Astral Projection’s People Can Fly is included here, a little incongruous perhaps but that cheeky dropout followed by plenty of characteristic Alien nonsense is making for a sure-fire hit at this summer’s festivals. Artificial Beings is another departure from the Alien sound, much more subtle and heavily-delayed. The way the sounds are pitched up against each other, and the way it all hangs in nicely, is a little like Blue Planet Corp, and the movement through the tune allows Alien to make it his own. Closing tune DJ Where Are You? is nicely-set morning stuff, with emotive pads over an energetic kick that sets the album down nicely. The production throughout is superb, having a deep and organic feel in contrast to a more robust, mechanical feel. This is good shit my friends, maybe a little low on surprises but sure to keep a smile on your face all summer long. Quote
Guest MG Posted September 8, 2002 Posted September 8, 2002 Valid comparison to Logic Bombs CD in the sense of the short life of AP's new CD. TIP needs something radical to happen, maybe go to a different country and party there (Finland? Australia? who knows?) Hux Flux will be better!!! Quote
Guest Lordfugitive Posted September 9, 2002 Posted September 9, 2002 Well as I was expecting, the Alien Project style with some GMS elements, since there are rmx's here, astrix like track(s), I'll explain which, but averaged this album rocks. There are tracks for the dance floor, also and for beautiful ambient as ending. So here I say my opinion, I haven't had time to read other's reviews so if something goes as a repetition, sorry. The first track: I liked it since I liked and "The 1st revelation" on the ...13 crystal skulls compilation, so the version that comes as a remix and faster psy elements really refreshed me. Good progression in the track, and nice climax. At all nice track...9/10. The second track: Yet i don't know if its name is 'one god' or 'one good' but I'd say 'one god' since here (above) says so. I like this track, nothing special,reminds me a lot on "Genetic Eye", previous released track. That'd be all i can say...7/10 The third track: This is one of my favors on this album, so it's gonna be fired on some party by Lord Fugitive and that'd be me ...I like the effects, the samples, the speed, and also of course the psychedelia in it....9.5/10 The fourth track: Don't like it much...and have no much to say. Somehow like between calmed and very agressive track, but can't decide what it's. Great progression here too, here I don't mean that it has some progressive elements, but as it goes up to the culmination, it's good. This track gives me some remaindings on Visions, but not more than the next one, The fifth track:where you can witness the (almost) same structure as Visions by Astrix. Same percussions, same calmed parts of the track, same culmination, same effects. But it sounds different, that's all. So I'd say here, for the fourth track 7/10, for the fifth 8.5/10. The sixth track: Yeah, this is the track I like the most. Listen to it and you'll see what kind of masterpiece it is, so you'll have to experience it by yourself...9.8/10 The seventh track: It looks like anyone with sound forge and fruity loops can apply some effects to the original and create this kind of remix, which I don't like at all. I hope some next remix will be more succesful...5/10 The eighth track: I don't like the samples here and some bloody ugly FX goes in background which makes me not to like this track a lot...7/10 The nineth track: This also is going to be fired on some party by me, especially in the lazy morning when everyone goes tired. This is classical, morning/ambiental trance track. I like it, good finishing of the Aztechno Dream album...10/10 After all: Not bad album, I'll give an 8/10 for the whole album. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of better trax released as singles or on some other album by AP, which made me expect more than this album is, which, from the other hand, made me think that this album is released only for commercial purpose and for a reason that everyone knows, that'd be the wish for more album released. For the psychedelia lovers, if you hesitate wether to get it or not, i'd advice you to get it, and of course not to expect a lot of fun, just to feel the difference and get more experienced. Aleksandar, Macedonia Quote
Jalliuz Posted September 18, 2002 Posted September 18, 2002 Hell, this is good! It is so good that I would just jump up here behind my computer and dream that this is one hot summer openair party. I just can't wait for the weekend. I hope that those DJ's have this one... 10/10 these days Quote
seraph Posted October 17, 2002 Posted October 17, 2002 Very Good Album...It is done with GMS and it is very well recognizible...At some stages gets pretty psychedelic and it is mostly melodic with some really good sounds...Best on album : CRYSTAL SKULLS, SILENT RUNNING, AZTECHNO DREAM, ARTIFICIAL BEINGS...8/10 Quote
Guest Dr G Posted November 24, 2002 Posted November 24, 2002 An uneven album. There are some killer tracks that will be great at parties ("The Ring", "Silent Running", "Skunk", for instance) but too many of these tracks are pedestrian. Ari has a great sense of rhythm, and any of the tracks on this album would be easy to dance to, but few of them have much melody or are otherwise memorable. Having said that, there is not much here to touch the genius of the "genetic eyes" remix with Astrix on "Dance or Die" and "Assassinations" which is so rhythmically powerful that your feet won't stop when it is played. I wanted to like this album a lot more than I do. 6/10 Quote
Guest Dr G Posted November 25, 2002 Posted November 25, 2002 Ok, I thought that I had better listen to this album again to make sure of what I had said above, and I still think that I am right. The problem seems to be that Ari has his sights set too squarely on the dancefloor, because when he makes tracks slightly left of this centre, he shows real promise. The slower tracks "Dj where are you", "artificial beings" and "Silent running" are brilliant - they have a haunting quality. "Skunk" is fun, great to play at a party, "the ring" is suitably ominous, "people can fly", "aztechno dream" and "crystal skulls" are competent, but uninspired. "one good" is dreadful dancefloor fodder. I get the feeling that Ari rushed through the production of this album a bit, resulting in its unevenness. If he were to take more time and free himself from all expectations and pressures, he could produce something really great. 6/10 Quote
Guest Zartitou Posted December 7, 2002 Posted December 7, 2002 Very good album by one's of my favorite sound Big live on the TBE in Paris the November 30'th. I LIKE THAT but "DJ where are you??" 10/10 Quote
Guest Rx7style Posted December 8, 2002 Posted December 8, 2002 Whatever people. Hypercritical is what some people are -- this album is great and deserves attention. I enjoyed it implicitly, so I'll definitely be waiting for more! 8.5/10!!!! Quote
Tatsu Posted December 22, 2002 Posted December 22, 2002 I like this album quite a lot. It's of course in the typical Alien Project style but for me this is ok. I mean I wasn't expecting anything else... ;-) Anyway, all the tracks are nice but my absolute favourite is Skunk, the samples are very funny and the melody drives me crazy because it's so strong and pushing. I'd love to hear this track at a party... Another good one is DJ Where Are You? It's a little slower than the rest. Well, nothing much more to say, if you like full on-style give it a try. Quote
Guest JDPatch Posted December 25, 2002 Posted December 25, 2002 well it ok i suppose but there is one absolute killer on it and its by no means the best album this year , cor i think everyone spoke too soon , i mean c'mon all those tracks on 3dvision stone age records Shiva space and even the other tip stuff not to mention the process productions stuff creamcrop mash where the fk you been ? Quote
Guest Goastomp9 Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 alien project are what I'd like to call cross-over/psy trance. and what that means is if I'm gonna let someone hear psy trance for the 1st time, I'd start them out with alien project. this cd is very well produced and the sounds jump off the speakers. as far as the composition goes, i find it a bit predictable, but thats not to say its bad in any way. i saw alien project live twice and i was floored by ari's performance, it's just not that great for chilling out to, or for deep listening. these tracks were made for the dance floor, great stompers, great cover!!! my favorite tracks are 1,7, 9. peace. Quote
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