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V/A - Bliss Point

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Guest Ibotenic

V/A - Bliss Point


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Artist: Various

Title: Bliss Point

Label: Exogenic

Date: 1997


Track listing:


01. 08'05" Mac-E : 3/4

02. 05'45" Praktika : Aamustyge

03. 05'45" Praktika : Uuteen Maailmaan

04. 09'40" Midiliitto : Homegrown

05. 08'25" GAD : Holobar

06. 08'12" GAD : Centipede

07. 09'43" OMEN : Real Dream

08. 07'46" OMEN : Invaders In Planes

09. 07'51" KolmioKulmioSilmio : Leuan Alla




First track by Mac-E aka Mac Mavis is a slow-paced warm up for the compilation.

It has some weird percussion sounds that seem like ping-pong being played.

Positive mystical atmosphere. Praktika's "Aamustyge" has a hypnotic vibe with

a bit of drumming in the middle. The next Praktika track throws in some

rock'n'roll elements with guitars and drums, while keeping it nice and spacey.

"Homegrown" by Midiliitto goes for a straightforward mystical approach.

Plant-induced giggling can often be heard. GAD's "Holobar" starts by building

a hypnotic hologram that leads to the appearance of a mystical communicative

melody around 3'40". "Centipede" is about charming the wriggling insectoid

friend in question. Eastern musical tricks are employed in the taming of this

wild worm. The beast sometimes actually makes utterances as if it was trying

to tell us something. O*MEN's "Real Dream" is somehow melancholic yet

positive. "Invaders in Planes" is a lovely trippy piece with clear alien

communication. KolmioKulmioSilmiö aka Texas Faggott takes the compilation from

the twilight zone to full darkness with a more flexible exercise telling the

story of a baby cow who just couldn't keep his mouth shut. Look out for those

damn organs at around 4'30", for they signal the start of one of the most

stupendous bass workouts in psychedelic history. The squishy bass sounds are

achieved by directly plucking the folds of your brains' left hemisphere, I

think. If you like your psy mystical and Finnish, this compilation is for you.

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