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Paste - Blow Out

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Guest Rx7style

Paste - Blow Out


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Artist: Paste

Title: Blow Out

Label: Interzone

Date: 2003


Track listing:


01. Code bed

02. Speedseed

03. The flathead

04. Neurotrop

05. Minimeise

06. Hihatic (Rmx)

07. Underdogs

08. Doze




Paste 2: a soft plastic mixture or composition. 3: to strike hard at [alter.

of baste]. If this is to be direct reference as to the sound of the group,

Paste, they’ve matched the terminology well with the qualities found in their

jingles. There’s nothing outstanding, yet nothing abysmal to be found on this

album. You’ll find very minimal layers of sound, with unwavering percussion,

bass lines and beats. Reverberated, flanged, and echoed sounds rhythmically

intersect the above with the precision intended to induce a hypnotic effect on

the listener. All tracks are so similar in construction that it’s hard to

find anything remarkable, even when looking in depth at a single track. This

is why my review doesn’t include anything of such depth as there was none that

I could see in this album. I’m not even sure if this will appeal to die-hard

minimal lovers… and if it does, then only a minimal, and in this case, house

aficionado could admire this album. My rating: Paste 4: the wax substance

found in my ears after finally reaching the end of this album.

Guest Tomvcarter

Dont agree with RX7 at all, i think this is a great release, very deep pumping

minimal progy tunes, maby a little too minimal at some points but it has a

great atmosphere to it. Wicked funky hats and drums with scratyy deep noises,


Guest Tomvcarter

that hypnotize you into a deep funky groove. Very hypnotic. If u like pastes

previous stuff u will love this!


File this one next to Timetech. Clever minimal progressive pumping psy-trance,

but I got nothing particularly special out of it. I was hoping for more

variety after all the singles they've released. 6.5/10.

Guest Tomvcarter

Having listened to this a few times now i have grown to love some bits, but it

is not all good. The first 4 tunes are exelent, especially track 3. After a

short intro, it kicks of with the familiar paste off-beat bass, deep and

pumping, with a wierd creepy sample looping in every so often. But after about

4 mins building with funky hi hats and drums, it kicks in with this wicked

chopped up drum loop, awsome! The last one is slightly more housy, but not

cheesy, nice paste take on it. A good album with some awsome tunes in, but

does lack vareity, but to mix for those middle of the night stomps its

perfect. "The flat Head" is my favorite. 7/10 very deep progressive grooves.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Acidhive

Yeah, it's progressive, but deep? Not in my opinion. It's pretty good though.

Marginally better than most of their single releases in my opinion. All tracks

are pretty good, though track 3 could've done without that stupid and (ever)

repeating sample. Says who? Flathead!

I mean, is this supposed to be funny? The samples in Paste tracks usually don't

add anything, so why couldn't they just leave 'em out already? Anyway, this is

still worth purchasing if you're out for some stomping progressive (and fairly

dry) stuff. I liked it. (except track 3 obviously) 7,5/10 here.

  • 3 years later...

I have listened to this album so many times its rediculous.

I absolutely love this dark minimilism, I immediately think of star studded space skies when I listen to tracks like code bed and minmiese.

One of the few proggresive psy artists that actually sound good and do it right.

Not the fluffy crap thats going on nowadays, this is dark and fun


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